Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

December Underground

December 14th 2005
The 5 friends all sat up in Dylan's old tree house in a circle. A huge bag full of markers, pens, pencils and other odd and end items laid in the middle, while each teenager had his or her own notebook sitting on their laps or neither them in one way or another. That was the day the “rules” and “contract” was created and thought about.

Kalina sat cross legged with one of Urijah's sketchbooks that he had lent her, in front of her; a rainbow colored pencil in her hand.

“If we are gonna do this, we are at least doing it right...” Kisanna said looking at them all, one by one in the eyes.

“Okay so here's the deal, we each can add things but each of us has to write whatever it is that the others say...no and's, if's or but's. It doesn't have to be the same word for word, but it needs to be close enough to have the same general ideas and meaning...” Kalina chewed on her bottom lip and the silver stud that was at the right hand corner while Dylan went on. “One, the title the page..we need some kind of name? Any suggestions?”

“Ahhh the Pact?” Urijah said in a duh tone.

“That's sooooo boring though.” Michelle groaned.

“Then you fucking come up with something better!” Urijah snapped back at her.

“How about we just just don't put a title for now...” Kalina suggested originally with the hopes of calming Urijah down, they agreed. She didn't like it went they started arguing like this...

“Okay so...” Kisanna began, hoping to break up the tension much like Kalina had before. “Hum. I promise that I will go through with the pact made on December 12th 2005 which will end my life three years from now. That okay?”

“Wait. Why 3 years?” Dylan asked.

“Because then Lina will be 16...” Kisanna said.
“Whats so great about 16 though?” Kalina asked in a soft sounding voice.

“You're 13, you have to at least make it to 16 babe.” Kisanna said as Kalina scowled at her “It's only fair, we all had to...” She continued mumbling her explanation. A very pathetic excuse for an explanation.

“Fine three years...” Kalina mumbled to herself, giving in. She wasn't about to complain about it. No one would likely listen anyways... She was the youngest of them all as it was.

“On December 12th 2008...”

“Why my birthday?!” Kalina almost yelled, getting extremely annoyed that this whole thing seemed to be revolving entirely around her.

“Because I picked that day...deal with it.” Kisanna said snobbishly. Kalina rolled her eyes. Kisanna had always been the snobby type, the “queen” of the group.

The rest of the thoughts that were written in were all sporadic; random thoughts in almost note or reminders form. Like what you would do at school possibly. Notes on key points, bulleted items.

“Unless you've found this (you shouldn't know where we are,) evidently we were unsuccessful at finding a remote location...” Dylan said

“Anyone who doesn't go through with it can burn in fucking hell!” Michelle said making Kalina nervous. She was all hyped up on something, a mixture of energy drink, cigarettes and crack. No one knew she did drugs at this point in time, they just thought she always acted like a stereotypical “blond,” hyper, crazy one out of them. Urijah, for the first time had spoken. He was the one to object to the suggestion.

“I'm not putting that. I mean come on! It makes it seem like were doing something terribly wrong either way!” He whispered the next few words to himself. No one heard except for Kalina. “We either don't do it, or we do. Either way we'll die... Everyone dies at some point in time.”

“Write it.” Dylan said; reminding him of what was said earlier about writing anything without any sort of arguing.

At the end they each had to sign everyone elses's copy as a contract and then the original writer had to put their thumb print by their name, per Michele's request...

In the end Kalina's looked like this... written in her scratchy 13 year old handwriting.

“: Dated: December 14, 2008
I promise that I will go through with the pact made on December 12th 2005 which will end my life three years from now on December 12th 2008. This pact unites us as one, best friends until the end. Let nothing come between us until that end. We shall never loose thought on this promise. It has been made, written with this letter, and sealed forever. (Pathetic, huh? Well that's what she thought as well. So cliché and in a way sounded unreal and entirely planned, too formal...and it was.)

If you found this you evidently found us somehow, though it wasn't the part of the plan. I guess it wasn't thought out well enough and this place wasn't remote enough.

I made this pact with all intentions of actually doing the deed and if I shall not “Anyone who doesn't go through with it can burn in fucking hell!” according to Michelle...

We all know the consequences and with this comes the steps and rules that must be followed and obeyed at all times:

That we shouldn't ever forget or pact and actually DO as we promised today.
Make an additional copy to bury in Dylan's backyard under the huge pine tree back behind the tree house.
Make our notes by December 15th 2005, with 3 copies in which need to be approved by each and every single one of us before it can be kept as “good enough to work.” One kept with us, one buried with this pact, one at our chosen place when the time comes.
We will not tell anyone...ever no matter what we are asked we are sworn to secrecy.
All of our prized possessions will be buried upon the spot we choose.
No turning back...it will be done...no backing out.

Most importantly:“No one is permitted to do the act before said day. And it MUST be done on that day or else you will live with the guilt for the rest of your miserable existence.” (Not my words...)

This letter is written with the intentions of never being found. But I guess if you did I've done wrong. I am to remember all of these and write any additional information as it is thought up in the coming three years.

Kalina Rae Markov

Kalina left Dylan's house that night regretting her decision. But she knew that now she had no choice. She was bound to the contract she just made. There wasn't any turning back now, she was in to deep. Way in over her head.


Kalina whimpered again as Lyric turned and tried to touch her, he reached out to her again...

She didn't need to explain that letter or her suicide letter...She just didn't...nor could she. She couldn't bear to try and explain that disgusting writing she had. The one time she actually didn't think about it made it crash down on her 10 times harder and with even more emphasis.

'I have to do it,' she thought maybe she thought Lyric could help her...but that false sense of hope disappeared as he stormed off, huffing and puffing in fury. All the while, leaving her setting alone, in the snow, on the hill overlooking the sunrise in the valley. To her it was no longer beautiful...

As was the same with life...