Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

I'm Not Coming Home Tonight.

Kalina watched as Lyric's body slowly but surely disappeared down the hill.

She grabbed the papers out of the bag and began ripping them all into tiny shreds, then she did the same with the ones she still had in her own pockets, letting the small pieces rest on her lap. The once printer sized pieces were now just a tad bit bigger than confetti. It would be virtually impossible to put back together and be able to read nonetheless. And that was how she liked it. She didn't want anyone to ever find it and read them ever again, she wanted to forget about the words contained within those letters. She wanted to start over and do this all, her way. Not the “3” who made it all up, with only a small amount of help from her best friend, Urijah. She had no part in the “planning;” after all she was just the “kid.”

It was then that she realized he didn't even see hers...Lyric didn't. He only had found one each of the others her friends had made. Whose in particular she didn't know, especially now that they were in shreds, but still. He may not have seen the other four, he definitely didn't see hers.

Lyric didn't really see what she thought he'd seen...so why the hell was he so mad?

She stood up, allowing for the shreds to fall all around her body, blending in with the pure white snow. She threw the blanket back onto the bench, not caring if it was half on half off and in the snow, just laying there limply. Walking, Kalina went of away from the house, not really knowing where the destination was in mind. She just walked a rather short distance in the knee deep snow before taking off running when the snow seemed to get shallower and shallower; the drift going to her sides. It was almost like a valley all around, a hollowed part of the forest. A trail maybe?

She ran, jogged and walked for what must have been hours. Although she was still stuck in the middle of nowhere with trees and snow all around her...and worst of all no civilization for at least a few miles. And that was determined only from the spot they picked days ago, that wasn't counting where she was now... Or where she started.

She was lost.

It seemed a barren land, as far as she could see...there wasn't anything. Anywhere.

But the walking continued. She tried to find a specific direction that she thought the road was in. She spun around quite a few times until she was dizzy and when she stopped... that's the direction her tracks led.


Lyric meanwhile, stormed away from Kalina, leaving her there alone. He didn't care anymore. She was just as pathetic in his eyes as that first time he saw her in the snow with the gun basically to her head. He didn't care what the hell she did now...he just gave up. On everything that dealt with her. He was erasing her from his memory as he followed the tracks in the snow back to the house.

Landon was right, she was going to do it anyways, so why even help? Why get close? And why waste the time in vain?

'I'm not going to be able to do anything too get her not to kill herself, she's so fucking sure of it.' He thought to himself out loud, speaking in a soft mumbling tone. If you were to hear him, it would be as if he was trying to convince himself of something, that the words he said were true...even when they may not be in reality.

He stalked into the house slamming the door behind him and going straight to his room, falling onto the bed face first on his stomach; half of his body was hanging off the side.

“Where were you?” Landon asked setting up in his own bed, curious as to what got him in such a bad mood. He no longer was able to sleep anyways, he was wide awake with the stomping, groaning and slamming of the door...to his room as well as Lyric's.

“No where!” Lyric snapped loudly.

“What the fuck has you in a bad mood...it's only” Landon looked lazily to his right at the clock that glowed there “... 6:35” There was a pause as it sunk in “...6:35! You have to be shitting me!?” Landon exclaimed groaning and turning in bed. “It's too early for your shit Lyr!”

“What is wrong with you!” The boys heard a shriek after the door had been whipped open, it was Hannah of course. She virtually ran over to Lyric and immediately hit him in the back with a huge slapping sound echoing through the room. She didn't even need to ask who it was making the noise, it was already a given it was him, as always. Lyric turned to look up at his angry twin sister.

“Huh?!?!” She yelled hitting him again and again as he fervently was trying to block her hands and arms from his chest and anywhere else she managed to try and hit in the process.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She yelled at him

“I should ask you that!You're the one-” He yelled back a she smacked his head. “Ahhh stop hitting me dammit!” He said finally capturing her arms. He would never hit or hurt her in any way though this was the only way to get her to stop hurting him. She hit HARD.

“Will both of you shut the fuck up! I'M trying to sleep here!” Landon yelled and glared over at them with tired eyes. They both shut up for a few minutes but they still stood and sat in the same positions. Lyric still held her wrists and she was still bent down some over him and the bed from when she was hitting him.

“Where is she Lyric?” Hannah asked breaking the silence and frozen state they both were in. Landon had snored about a second before she asked, which is why she finally asked...she thought Landon had been sleeping. Lyric let go of her so she could set down beside him, however he froze up once again at the mention of Kalina. It was impossible to forget her with someone always bringing it up as he now figured would be the case.

“What are you fucking talkin' about?” Landon demanded, setting up in his bed all of a sudden looking at the two across the room on setting Lyric's.

Landon was suddenly wide awake and angry all at once...

The sun had been up for a while now and was actually starting to set already, well sorta. Kalina was still walking. It was getting warmer and warmer and the sun seemed to be moving so time was definitely flying by. It had to have been afternoon sometime. And at the thought she was about to give up and retrace her steps when she saw a clearing ahead and a strip of greyish black. She ran full out, to the place she had fixed in mind: The road.

Kalina smiled and sighed walking rather quickly down the road to her right hoping it was the way she wanted to go. She finally found it and that was fine enough for her. 'Hopefully it goes into town' she thought. She didn't want to get even more lost than she already had been before.

Walking on the road was quickly getting old, that is until she heard something behind her and looked over her shoulder. Kalina stopped and turned to face the object, a truck, came and stopped up right beside her. There was a little old woman in the drivers seat and a beagle beside her in the middle laying down asleep.

“You need a ride sweetheart?” The old lady asked in a voice that makes you want to go 'aww this little old lady is so fucking cute!' Kalina nodded and opened the door, getting in the remaining spot in the cabin of the truck. The old lady drove very, very slow. Yet it was partly because of the bad roads, she could tell from the slipping and sliding all over the place. Kalina never said a word about it though, she was just happy to finally be in a warm place, not walking anymore and being able to relax as much as was possible. If some guy stopped she probably would be in a different state of mind right now. She was glad it was this lady too and not some creepy woman as well.

“What's your name sweetheart?” She asked never taking her eyes off the road. Kalina loved that the most about her.


“That's a beautiful name. Well Lena, I'm Dorothy. It's a pleasure to meet you dear... Tell me what is a pretty girl like yourself doing out here in the middle of no where.” Dorothy glanced over briefly at Kalina before turning her eyes back to the road.

“Um...” Kalina said thinking of an excuse that would be believable however at the same time technically not lying. She wouldn't be able to lie to Dorothy, she was just too sweet. “I was out here with friends...I got lost.”

“Oh Dear lord, are you alright?” The lady asked pulling over, stopping, putting the truck in park and looking at her concerned. “You aren't hurt are you?” The concern Dorthy had towards her was a foreign feeling...It was...nice.

“Oh, no! I'm fine... I just found the road and started walking. I appreciate you picking me up Dorothy.”

“No need to thank me sweetheart. You're lucky I came 'round. Only me, my husband and old man Richards lives this far out and its a good 15 minutes into town in a car. It just so happens that today is my shopin' day. Every other Tuesday is.” Dorothy hugged Kalina, and smiled hugely.

The rest of the way into the tiny town, they made small talk every once in a while, but both liked the quiet. Just being in each others company if only for about a half hour, was enough for them both. Dorothy parked and then went into what looked like the grocery store. The store turned out to be more like a small little old fashioned shop but it apparently “had everything” according to Dorothy.

“Well come on dear!” Kalina smiled a genuine smile as she went inside with Dorothy per her request. It was much bigger than she originally thought.“I'll just pick up what I need, then we will go into the Diner for lunch. How does that sound sweetheart? You must be starv-”

“Oh hey! Grandma!” A boy voice yelled causing both to turn their bodies and heads towards the sudden sound.