Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

You Can Be Yourself Again, This Is Who We Are...

“Lyric!” Landon yelled as pretty much bolted from off his bed and he stalked over to the bed the twins were setting on. Landon towered over them both making himself look intimidating. “Where is she?” Lyric shrugged and laid back ignoring Landon's furious voice.

“Don't know...Don't care...” Hannah hit him in the arm while Landon grabbed his shirt and pulled him up onto his feet.

“You do know where she is and I know damn fucking well that you do care! So where the hell is she?!”

“Fine! God.” Lyric pulled himself out of Landon's grip forcefully then glared at his older brother “She tried sneaking out, again, and so I made her come with me up to the hill, to talk alright? Just drop it.”

“So you took her all the way up there, when she was trying to run... Just to end up leaving her there?!” Landon exclaimed hitting Lyric in the back of the head...HARD! “What the hell is a matter with you!” Lyric rolled his eyes and crossed his arms against his chest, waiting for the argument to continue further.

“Why would you even take her there in the first place?” Hannah screeched. Now the interrogation began. Haylee even joined them after running into the room and to Hannah because she couldnt sleep with the “bad sounds.” SO at the moment, Lyric was slouched, setting in the bed with his hands running back and forth through his hair. Landon stood directly in front of his body while Hannah (who was holding Haylee) was stood off to the side and further back somewhat. The elder of the three were still hammering questions at him.

“I already told you, to talk Hannah!”

“She fu- she doesn't talk Lyric!” His sister said catching herself before swearing in front of Haylee.

“No! Not to you she doesn't!” The room grew quiet. “She talks to me alright, she can talk...” He whispered in a sad tone of voice.

“I think you are going insane...She hasn't talked to any of us, and yet she talks to you” Landon countered, thinking Lyric was imagining things and essentially going crazy.

“Yeah.” He replied sarcastic and smugly.

“I think you are just imagining that that girl was talking to you.”

“Her name is Kalina! And I am not imagining her talking to me, dammit!” Landon and Hannah sighed “You know what? With the exception of Haylee, you both can just go to hell!” Lyric leaned forward and covered his youngest baby sister's ears and looked up at them. “Go fuck yourselves.” He said plainly, letting his hands drop and storming once again out of the house to go who knows where.


There came a long, wavy brown haired boy towards them. Kalina looked down at the ground as he came over, eying her up and down a split second, while giving his “grandma” a huge hug. 'creep' Kalina thought vaguely; 'But my God is he cute. Well no one could compare to- shit, why am I thinking THAT!!!' she mentally screamed at herself as Dorothy snapped her from her thoughts.

“Lena, this is my grandson Isaiah. Isaiah this is Lena.”

“Hey...” He said smoothly in a foreign (by that it means she never heard his voice before) sounding voice. Kalina just bit back a laugh and smiled some.

“So. I um need to go back and talk to Dean Walters. Show her around maybe, bring her by the Diner in 'bout a half hour?” Dorothy said before scurrying off after Isaiah had nodded and spoken in agreement.

“Yeah, sure!”He said eagerly...great.

“Sooo...” He said looking at her as they walked down the sidewalk. Kalina looked at him for the first time, truly taking in his appearance. It then clicked in her mind causing her to gasp loudly. Both of them stopped, her frozen and him looking and talking to her in concern.

He looked like the twin of Urijah. Identical beyond definition, the exact same!

He was tall but not much taller than Kalina, maybe 5 foot 10 or 11 at the most. He had dark brown eyes that looked almost black, looked like a snowboarder... Everything about him down to the nose and fingers were the same. Although there wasn't that spark (or whatever it was) that there was with Urijah it... was creeping her out how he looked so much like him.

“I've never seen you around, where are you from?” He asked hoping to get her back to planet Earth some how.

“Chicago.” Suburbs, outskirts, he doesn't need to know the specifics...

“Really? Where at in Chicago?” 'It worked' he thought to himself, feeling accomplished all the while.

“Why?” She asked annoyed yet curious why it mattered so much to him...

“My brother, he...”

“Urijah?” She asked with hope clearly evident in her voice, throwing it out there hoping it wouldn't crash and burn in the process.

“Wait, how do you...” He trailed off again

Urijah once mentioned he had a twin, though he never talked about “the twin” after that one time so long ago. She had forgotten all about that brief conversation until now. His parents split up when they were 5. He stayed with his dad in Chicago...'so I guess Isaiah went with his mom...here? Is he the long lost and forgotten twin brother she heard of? Could it be? It's just too good to be true.' Questions circled her mind.

“I'm friends with him...or was.” Se finished solemnly, sadness setting in even though she still didn't accept that her best friend was gone, forever.

“Yeah, so you know then?” Kalina nodded.

“I'm sorry.” He spoke, not sure of what to say to her. “I didn't know him, well not really. Not like I'm assuming you had.” There was a weird, awkward silence between them until Kalina asked him if he really did live here. She still couldn't get over the irony in the whole situation. She loosed her best friend just for his twin brother who is identical in looks to him, shows up in her life...here of all the fucking places they could have gone. Hell, Urijah hadn't even picked the place either, so he had no clue whatsoever, really. What are the chances in this...'Is it a dream, a nightmare I'll wake up from?' She even thought at one point in time.

This is where things got more complicated than they already were.

Suddenly Kalina wasn't only bound to the pact...which she still was wary about, not knowing what to do. But now her only friends are dead, her best friend had a twin...who just so happened to live in the town she was at until she could get money basically to leave...She ran away from the family in the woods and didn't know where that was gonna go. Plus no one knew her except for that she was “the stranger” in the tiny town. She was completely out of her element and was shoved all at once head first into a remarkably sticky situation.


She was suddenly ripped from her thoughts as a hand clamped onto her left upper arm and spun her around roughly. This scared the crap out of her and made her scream bloody murder in her mind, of course it all came out muffled out loud, while fighting against the person who had a hold of her body.