Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

I Love You? Yeah, Right.

Kalina was spun around roughly and grabbed with a hand over her mouth. She fought and fought as the unknown person drug her to the side of a building, in an alley way and eventually around the back.

“Shhh” The voice cooed in her ear but she didn't know who it was, she was too afraid. Squirming and the muffled screams were getting her nowhere at this point in time.

The person turned her around so she could see them face-to-face, it was Lyric?

Kalina rolled her eyes and pulled her arm from his grasp. 'I should have fucking known...' She hissed in her mind, who else would it really be? She began walking away but her grabbed her waist. It seemed as if it were the only logical place to grab for because if he were to reach for her arm she would rip it again from his grasp, he didn't want to hurt her either by holding tight enough to keep a grasp on her.

“Let me go!” She hissed lowly at him as he came closer to her, their faces now only inches apart. His arms were still lazily placed and locked by his intertwined hands at her waist.

“Fine, Just. Why him?” he whispered asked as his lips brushed her own. He was trying to keep her calm and not yelling at him. He was trying to be the “good guy” instead of the whole “kidnapper” vibe he just had given himself with his previous actions. He saw her though, just walking through town, down the street with Isaiah and didn't think about how she would react.

Kalina pulled away from him and stared like a deer in headlights.

“What are you talking about?” She honestly had no clue. 'What does he mean?' She thought.

HIM! Isaiah. Why would you leave just to go around with that jackass?!” Lyric yelled

“What are you talking about? I didn't go with him anywhere, my God!” She started to walk away from him and out into the alley from where he brought her to begin with.

“He's dangerous, you should stay away from him...”

“Please, you're more dangerous than he is!” She stated, whipping around. Her hair literally went parallel to the ground for a moment there. Lyric scoffed at her accusation and brought her to him, holding her sides right under the rib cage from what he could tell. He didn't want her to think he was too incredibly touchy feely and make her uncomfortable.

“I'm not dangerous...” he whispered.

“NO. You're fucking bipolar which is even worse!”

“Look, Kalina I'm sorry alright. I just- I don't want to loose you...” He didn't want her to die that's essentially what he meant to say but just saying it like that, bluntly, it didn't seem right. This way though...

“You don't care!”She was almost seething by this point, in hysterics as well which weren't helping anyone out.

“Yes I do!”

“NO!” She didn't believe his “lies” one teeny tiny little bit.

“I already said it okay, I'm sorry! Besides, I think I love you!” He yelled, not believing he just said that out loud. It slipped. For one it was a spur of the moment thing and two he didn't mean it. Did he?

“Please. You're sorry... yeah right, that seems a little hard to belie- wait what did you say?” She asked him while he froze in fear.“But, you don't mean it, you don't even know me.” Kalina whispered.

“You don't know me either, Kalina. Hell my fucking brother and sisters don't really even know me, know me. I don't think anyone will-”Lyric started but was cut off when Isaiah came around the corner and into the darkened alleyway.

“Lena, where are you doing in here-oh. What the fuck are you doing to her Castillo?” Kalina looked between the two boys in front of her. One Isaiah and the other Lyric...or Castillo? Whatever that is supposed to mean... She watched as Lyric smirked suddenly and walked past her and towards the other boy. She noticed although Lyric looked intimidating, Isaiah didn't even flinch a muscle. Lyric was also a good bit taller and overall just looked buffer as well.

“You. Are going to leave Kalina alone, got it?” Lyric seethed.

“Make me...”

“Ohhhh. Kayyyy....” Kalina said splitting the two up and pulling Lyric with her as she walked away some from Isaiah.

“She's not yours Castillo!” Isaiah yelled

“well she sure as fuck isn't your sorry asse-”

“OH MY GOD! I'm not anyone's property!” Kalina screeched at them both. They just looked at her when she walked away from the two of them in annoyance. Both boys followed behind a few feet. Pushing, shoving, hitting and tripping one another every once in a while as they suddenly became the lost little puppy dogs following her lead to whatever she was heading towards.

Lyric didn't know why she would be with him. Likewise with Isaiah, and his not knowing why she was with Lyric. Both were jealous of each other, yet for what...they didn't understand nor know for sure.

The two of them were rivals...bitter rivals. They have been for the past couple of years. Lyric didn't really know what made the guy get on his bad side, and thus in turn actually started the hatred but one thing was for sure. Lyric was NOT letting him near Kalina, the guy was a womanizer to the full and he wasn't about to let her get used. Hell she was already unstable emotionally, he would probably just send her over the edge and push her quicker to the ground.

And the same thoughts were being made by Isaiah, add “lyric” into the above mentioned sentences and there you have it. Minus the “emotionally unstable” part, Isaiah had no clue whatsoever about that part.

“Where are we going?”Lyric asked randomly, Kalina stopped and turned.

“Well. I, only me...I am going to eat; I'm starved. I don't know were you two are going but it sure as hell isn't gonna be with me!”

“Fine! Way to be a bitch Lena!” Isaiah snapped before turning and walking towards a random car parked across the road. He then got in it and drove away. 'Wow.' She thought 'now there's 2 of them!Do I just atract fucking bipolar guys or what?!'

She rolled her eyes,breaking from her wide-eyed stare on the retreating car disappearing down the road. She still continued in walking towards the small little Diner she promised to meet Dorothy at. She always kept her promises...

“I'm sorry?” Lyric pouted, running up to her to catch up. She rolled her eyes again at the words, they were only that. Pathetic words. Nothing was going to change, sorry is never good enough. However, she gasped when (all in one motion) arms wrapped around her stomach from behind, Lyric's face was buried in the crook of her neck/ top of her shoulder and she was lifted off the ground being swung around twice before being sat back down on her feet in awe and in a daze.

“No” Kalina pouted regaining her mental faculties, as she walked again. Pulling Lyric behind her as his grip tightened some she almost had it with his childish side.

“Please, please, please, please PLEASE?!” 'Okay, last straw!' she screamed in her mind

“What are you 3 fucking years old?” She snapped turning in his arms to face him. His arms dropped to his side while his face held a funny thinking type of look.

“I wouldn't know.” His tapped his chin a few times “I've never been anywhere near a 3 year old. Well, except for Haylee and well she was kinda that angel like kid. Plus she was scared of me then too, so she avoided me and I didn't see her at all...well I did see her but not much... She would run away and hide from me when I walked into a room she was in.” He muttered remembering. It wasn't his fault, blame it all on the hormones and being a teenager. Moody was an understatement. “It was quite fun.” He added afterward for pure sarcasm. His hands reached for her waist once again out of pure habit, he couldn't control.

“Um, Ah Huh? okay”

“LENA!” A voice yelled from behind her body, in front of Lyric's view. Kalina turned away from him while Lyric looked up. Both looked at the person in shock.