Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

Send In The Calvary

There were 6 boys in the entrance of the kitchen just staring at her...

“Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my FUCKING house?” Apparently Micheal, the kid who lived here said. Obviously it was him as he referred to this as his house. She didn't say anything as the boys joked around nudging each other and snickering. Once again, their words and what they were whispering about was pretty obvious. It didn't take a brain surgeon to know. Micheal walked closer to her and she had to stop herself from taking a step backwards. Her hands gripped

“Her name's Lena...” She heard a voice say. A familiar voice...

She turned and saw Isaiah amongst the guys and frowned even more as both he and Micheal came towards her. She should have known. She shouldn't have talked to Isaiah, though she couldn't help herself..

The two smirked at her in their own quirky ways but were interrupted with an increasingly loud beating on the front door. The once smirking faces were replaced with frowns and confusion. Micheal did the weird pointing at his eyes with two fingers, then pointing at her with 1 afterward, thing. You know what that is right? The 'I'm watching you' thing.

Michael then left and stalked seething to the door. All of his friends were here with him, he wasn't expecting anyone. Thus the person on the other side of that door, was not someone he wasn't as friendly with if you will. Actually he didn't even get there. Micheal started to the door but didn't even make it out of the kitchen before the door creaked open quickly and then slammed shut with a huge “bang” as Isaiah came into the hallway behind Micheal.

It was Lyric... not much of a surprise there.

“Get the FUCK out of my house CASTILLO!” Michael yelled as Lyric pushed past all of the other boys and walked into the the kitchen. He ignored the grabbing and shouting as he walked right on past, ignoring them all. He had a one tract mind at the moment...

“Actually... I don't think I will.” He replied smugly once gaining sight of the person he was looking for. Isaiah came forward as a sort of challenge at those defying words. “Oh don't even start! You know damn well how it went earlier...” Lyric's smug reply made Kalina roll her eyes at the sheer sound of his cocky voice. But she was more than happy for him to be here now, to “save” her. Take that as you will, whichever way.

“My house. Get. Out!” Micheal growled lunging forward, getting in Lyric's face.

“My. Girlfriend. So shut up. I don't have to leave... but thanks so much dude.” Lyric said patting Micheal's cheek as He, Isaiah and all the other 4 boys stared in utter shock at his action. Lyric then smiled briefly at them and went towards Kalina, who was still standing behind the island and chair which contained a little strawberry-blond haired girl.

He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her stomach before leaning down. Hovering over her shoulder he began to press feather light kisses starting from the collar of her shirt and up to her ear.

“You owe me majorly...” He seductively cooed, with a bit of amusement, into her ear. Then continuing further, her face was brought up to his own and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

The motion had her so... confused. So in shock that she couldn't move or make a decision to do so either. Drawing a blank, she just let him do whatever, unmoving.

“Get out of my house! Both of you!” Micheal yelled, not knowing whether to be annoyed, jealous, or mad...or a mixture of them all, really. As he yelled, Maddy came running down the stairs then and into the kitchen. Her hair was leaving little wet puddles all over the place as her hair whipped crazily around her form.

“What are you...” Maddy was extremely excited to be back down in the kitchen, clean and free of slobber. She felt as though she had been missing things while away for the couple of minutes.
And from the looks of it, she had. “...what's going on Lena?” She asked walking over towards Kalina her sister.

“I'm telling your friend to leave.” Micheal snapped, scowling at his sister before glaring at the “couple” in front of him. He had no clue that it was essentially fake, all for show.

“She can't go she's babysitting RayRay. DUH!” Kalina laughed at Maddy's sudden snobbishness towards her older brother; she loved the attitude the younger girl had towards him.

“So... you're the ba-babysitter?” Isaiah said to mostly himself, weirdly. Like the thought just wouldnt register right.

“DUUUUUHHHHH!” Maddy and Rachel drawled out at the same time, sending them both into hysterical giggle fits.

“Fine, whatever. But keep your boyfriend out of my way Lena. And stay the fuck out of my stuff...Let's go.” Micheal demanded and the 6 of them left the kitchen. Isaiah was the last one left, as was another unknown boy, both stuck around for an extra few seconds.

“Be safe!” Isaiah laughed at his own words and the double meaning.

“Yeah, we don't want the two of you havin' set any baby rabbits loose, do we?” Kalina's face burned with a bright red flush. Lyric's laughing side was more prevalent than his angry one, he thought Kalina's reaction was priceless...that's all.

“'Specially with that ugly dude...” Isaiah added silently. And with that all the boys, save for Lyric and “RayRay” left the kitchen.

“I want a baby bunny.” Rachel mumbled happily staring at her sister who was shaking her head profusely.

“Not until you are at least 30.” Lyric stated, acting all fatherly to the kids he didn't even know they names of, causing them both to whine. Each started chanting 'bunny' in unison. “Okay stop it!” Lyric laughed putting a hand over each of their mouths, making them giggle again.

“Thank you.” Kalina smiled as she thanked Lyric for coming and “saving her;” yet still, she sighed as a was door slammed and Ray Jr's crying filled the kitchen though the baby monitor. She groaned in annoyance as to whoever slammed that door. “I'll be back...” she mumbled to no one in particular. Walking away she heard some of the conversation left behind her in the kitchen.

“I'm Rachel who are you?” A softer voice,

“Lyric.” She could sense the slight irration in his voice.

“ I'm Maddy.” another voice, the louder more obnoxious one.

“Ah huh....”

“Can you braid my hair?” Rachael asked in an amazingly excited tone. Amazing for her, she actually thought it was Maddy until the other voice basically screamed.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.! ME TOO!” Yep, that one was Maddy. Kalina busted out laughing as she walked up the few stairs.

“It's NOT FUUUUNNNNNYYYYY! Kalina!” Lyric yelled, drawing out the words for effect. She laughed even harder. 'Nope, It's hilarious!' she thought to herself.


Hours later the girls were asleep on the couch, Ray was asleep in his room again (finally since he hadn't slept after being woken up until a few minutes ago) and Michael and the “goons” (one of them being Isaiah) left for somewhere a few hours ago after being locked in his room for a little while.

It was 8:30 P.M.

Kalina laid on the other couch, the one that was free of the little girls, while in Lyric's arms. Her head lay on his shoulder and her arms around his waist as he held her close to him. At first it was only for the whole “girlfriend boyfriend” relationship scheme. But then, after the “goons” left the house, neither of them felt like moving from the positions they were in. So they stayed like that watching 'WALL-E' on DVD per request of Maddy and Rachael. At first it was just a tad awkward, her remembering waking up on top of him before but only for a little bit.

Every once and a while they would look over to the girls or Kalina would fight to make Lyric let her go to check on the baby. Which is where they are currently.

“Come on Lyric, let me up!” She whisper yelled trying to pry his arms off of her lower stomach.

“No...you owe me.” He all but whined.

"How is this a payback?" He shrugged

“Well I'm “working! Now isn't the time, let me up!” She dug her nails into his skin and he let out an “ow,” temporarily letting go long enough for her to jump up. She had almost gotten off the couch successfully too. But of course he realized it and grabbed her, pulling back and making her land hard on his chest with him letting out an “umph.” She used his lack of air to stand up and sprint up the steps and quietly into Ray Jr's room. Lyric followed a few seconds later, breathing normally again.

“They're cute when they are babies...then they grow up.” Kalina looked over at Lyric standing against the doorway taking in his semi-disgusted/ semi-content face.

“Please, not all kids are bad when they grow up.” Kalina whispered as a reply to his “interesting” words.

“Nope, but some just look like hell...” Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

“They aren't all ugly...”

“I think I finally realized that...” He smiled and bent down to her ear. “You are the exception.” He whispered as his lips ghosted over her own.

"And what about Haylee?" she whispered.

"Nah..." He breathed out kissing her lips gently at first. “She was cute, sure...” He kissed her again “But not like you.” After a moment the kiss deepened into need. He brought one hand to her waist pulling her flush against him while the other went to her neck. He left her lips and went to her chin and then her neck, causing her to drop her head back... She had to bite her lips to keep them shut as a moan was begging to be let free from deep within her.

“LENA?!”Someone yelled suddenly, making them both jump and hit their foreheads together.

“Ow.” Kalina muttered rubbing her head, Lyric just blinked a few times watching her turn away and leave quickly. Lyric followed right behind her as she made her way down the steps.

“Oh, hi Lyric.”

“Hi Boss.” Lyric said plainly at the middle aged man at the bottom near the front door.

“Wait..What are you doing here? I sent you home hours ago...” Lyric nodded to Kalina.

“...You're Lena right?” She nodded.

“I'm her boyfriend... and her ride home.” Lyric added, hoping he wouldn't be suspicious or angry in any way as to why he was here. The real reason being that he was jealous of her being here around other guys. He didn't know they would be here at Micheal's house but he had this feeling, so he came. Plus he promised to save her earlier in the day. His boss nonetheless had this knowing/confused look on his face though.

“Yeah. What he said...” Kalina whispered, talking to him for the first time so far.

“Right... well you can take her home now. I'm sure you both are tired. At least I don't have to worry, she'll be safe with you... goodnight you two, and thanks so much.”


“Hey Lyr?” Kalina asked as she walked behind him somewhat, on the sidewalk.

“Yeah?” He looked back at her.

“Are um, are we walking the whole way back to your house?” She didnt want to admit it although the thought scared her.

“We don't really have another option babe...”

“I guess....” She said catching up to walk directly beside him.

“Why?” Lyric laughed at her and how she sped up to walk at his pace.

“umm...well...I'm not really....I...well...I'm...AHHH!!!!..” She screamed into the darkness and grabbed a hols of Lyric when an owl randomly hooted. He just laughed at her more. “I'm scared of the dark...” a wolf howled in the background causing her to jump, whimper, close her eyes and cling onto him even more.

“I wont let anything hurt you...” Lyric tried to convince her as they walked in the snow by the light coming from the moon.