Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

Like Shooting Stars

Fast forward 1 year

Many things can change over the course of a single year. For Kalina and Lyric this was no different. They both had gone through hell and back just to get to where they are at the present time.

Kalina stood, upon a light dusting of snow in an abandoned cemetery. A baby, named Saige, laid peacefully in her arms, all snuggled up in soft warm blankets.

The coldness of the bitter, stale wind ate at Kalina's exposed face, while blowing her blonde curls all around her head. Whipping the locks this way and that, and all around.

She stood in front of the worn out looking tombstone of her mother and father...

She finally found out what happened. Someone had came forth and told the police; all in time.

When she was a baby there was an accident.

Her mother and father were killed in a car crash.

Someone rescued her, actually it was the person who crashed into Kalina's parents' car in the first place.

The woman ran after finding the two of them dead in the vehicle...but the woman also took the baby, or Kalina, with her.

Eventually, the woman dropped the baby, Kalina, off alongside the highway in a bundle of blankets and other random objects because the police had found the woman and were cashing her. She made the choice to do so as the police began gaining on her a little while later.

“You did love me...” Kalina whispered as she dropped to her knees in front of the snow covered tombstone. All it read was:

Mr. And Mrs. Eric and Mellisa Taylor.
Beloved husband and wife.

There was no mention of mother, father, sister, brother, daughter or son... just husband and wife.

The truth was finally, after all these 17+ years, let out.

No one knew about her, no one in their lives knew at all that Mellisa had even been pregnant let alone had a baby girl. But strangely, Kalina was okay with that.

The strangest part of this all was that the “Taylor's” were from, and buried in the very town Kalina ran to with her friends to fulfill their part of a pact, the pact.

The small little town in the middle of nowhere, where everything came together in her life for the better.

Through it all, she had Saige though, and that's all that matters to her.

Kalina slowly walked through the quickly thickening snow; trudging her way to the cabin, 2.5 miles into the woody surrounding area. She had a hunch that there wasn't going to be a welcoming committee or anything like, waiting for her upon returning. Though telling him, to showing him...was her main purpose. It just wasn't right for Kalina not to allow him to know about Saige. He should have known much sooner actually.

Kalina looked down at the baby sleeping peacefully in her arms and smiled slightly, before kissing her gently on the baby's small, fragile forehead.

After a while of walking,the cabin came into view. With that simple sight Kalina's heart raced and she felt like she was about to throw up. It was s view she knew was about to come into view anyways, but she just wasn't prepared enough... not like she originally thought she was anyways.

Her mind started spinning as the final few steps were taken towards the porch. After walking silently up the two steps and onto the porch, she knocked as best as she could (while holding a baby that is) and waited. Impatiently.

Shuffling was heard from inside and peoples whispers as well, before a loud 'slapping' noise and someone whisper/yelling: “HANNAH.”

“Who is it?” Landon asked, she could tell the voice now, easily.

“I don't know” She hissed, whispered right back in his face. Kalina could just imagine the looks Hannah was giving her brother at this very moment.

“How the hell am I supposed to know?”

“You should, so who is it Landon?!”

They both whisper/yelled to each other back and forth but Kalina answered all of their questions with just the mention of her name.

Then the gasping, running feet and then the slamming open of the door happened afterward. Instantly, Kalina was attacked by Hannah's body, the older girl only stopped as her hands just barely got around Kalina's shoulders entirely.

Hannah, stopped, looked down at the bundled up, Saige then at Kalina, then back down. With doing that one final time, she backed up wide eyed in realization. She squealed and jumped up and down grabbing Kalina's coat covered lowered back and ushered the two into the house.

“Oh my God, Oh my God!” Hannah exclaimed loudly jumping up and down again in excitement.

“What are y-?” Landon asked coming out from being hidden in the hallway with Haylee in his arms. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the sight in front of him and started babbling nonsense words.“Kalina... but... ah... are... you... that... no... baby?” He even had that whole confused thing going on.

“I'm an auntie!?” Haylee yelled suddenly after Hannah whispered something to her. Kalina smiled some,

“I can explain....Is Lyric here?” They suddenly all went quiet and looked sadly to the floor. “What? What happened?!” She practically yelled, suddenly terrified.

“Lena. There, um is something you should know...”
♠ ♠ ♠
There are only about 1 chapter, and then an epiloge.