Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

You Need To Feel Just To Know That You're Alive

Lyric twisted the small girl over and held her arms down as Landon grabbed the gun from her frozen hand. She shivered at the touch and laid there crying as Lyric sat with his legs on each side of her knelt in the snow. They took in her blond hair under a beanie hat, splayed all around her head, covered in snow and the watery icy blue eyes that leaked tears steadily.

She didn't try to fight she just laid there waiting, waiting for something to happen. She didn't want to die, not now after all of this...but she felt like she had to. She wasn't expecting for someone to stop her, she hoped it would be quick and painless.

One pull of the loaded gun's trigger.

Instead, she looked up to see two boys. Two surprisingly gorgeous boys staring at her. One closer, on top of her and the other off to her right some. The one on top had black hair...or it could be brown and the water just made it look darker, same with the other. Though he also had amazing emerald green eyes where the other standing one had paler auburn-ish brown.

They all stayed still, not moving, not talking, just staring at one another before the one on top of her, holding her down asked her


Kalina still laid there, shrugging slightly but completely quiet. She wasn't about to tell these boys what she was doing or why...She was pretty sure they could figure it out themselves and right now she hated herself for not going through with it. She didn't keep the promise. Urijah, her best friend in the world was dead and on top of that so were Michelle, Kisanna, and Dylan. She wasn't really as close with them like Urijah but still they were her only friends in the world, the only people who gave a fuck about her and now they were all dead in the snow where she should be too.

Lyric let go of her wrists and she moved slightly as he brushed the tears from her cheeks making her wonder why? Why did these strangers even care? Kalina knew that they shouldn't.

“Tell us.” Lyric demanded leaning towards her face.

“I don't know.” She whispered while the tears dried in her eyes suddenly.

“Ly...” His brother warned trying to pull him up but he lashed out and slapped his hand away.

“Talk dammit!” He yelled punching the ground next to the blond hair, possibly on top of some too.

“Lyric! Let her alone!” Landon yelled at his younger brother, ripping him by his hood and collar off of the scared girl who was now soaked with melted snow. Landon let go of his brother and bent down offering the girl his hand, the one without the gun in it. He had already emptied it of bullets but she didn't know that he thought.

Kalina reluctantly took the boys hand and he easily pulled her to her feet. For the first time she fully noticed how tall the two were. She was so short compared to them despite being around 5 foot 7 or 8 so use your imagination, she figured they were at least 6 foot 2 most likely more and it scared her...she wasn't used to strangers being very nice with her and that was another reason why.

“I'm Landon.” He said softly looking into her eyes. “That's my little brother Lyric, he wont hurt you he's just...I don't know, don't mind him...What's your name?” He whispered so only she could hear but with that being said Kalina looked over to her friends. She didn't know why she did but of course the tears formed once more and as the boys turned to see where she was looking they gasped, suddenly seeing the other kids...all dead. They didn't know what they just got themselves into. She collapsed onto the ground once again on her knees. Lyric went over to check the bodies while Landon shoved the gun in his belt and picked Kalina's small frame up into his arms before starting to walk back to their house. She was shaking madly with sobs and out of the cold, he was wondering which one more though.

Lyric looked at the 2 boys and girls laying near one another being slowly covered with snow. All four of them were cold and blood was everywhere. 'Why didn't I see this before?' he mumbled gaging at the sight of the furthest boy away from him...he didn't know what to think at the moment, he knew what this was... he just didn't know why a girl like her would try it or would want to. She was beautiful, almost like a barbie but instead of having a preppy look hers was more simple. But she still had the platinum blond hair, blue eyes, thin body... everything to him screamed popular so why would she try to kill herself? He turned suddenly realizing he was standing alone and he took off running towards the house, knowing that's where his brother would be headed. He caught up rather quickly.

The boys walked back side by side, Landon holding the girl close to his chest making Lyric semi jealous in a way. Lyric wished for a brief moment that he was holding her but then snapped out of it remembering what she tried to do and instead growled in utter disgust.

Kalina held onto Landon's neck and shirt tightly but not enough to strangle him. She didn't know where he was taking her but the look on Lyric's face told her that she wasn't wanted...just like back at the foster home. 'Would anyone want me?' she asked herself as she felt warmth rush through her soaked clothes, though she was completely out of it.
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Short chapter, all of the chapters are shorter in length though.... Thank you to my few readers and subscribers, hope you like.