Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

Somehow I'm Still Here To Explain

Lyric slammed the door as Landon and the girl (Kalina) walked in the house...'their house, not hers' Lyric didn't like that fact she was now in their lives, 'I should have just let her do it!' he thought bitterly as his younger sisters rushed into the kitchen/ living room taking in the scene.

“What happened to her?!” Hannah asked laying a sleeping Haylee on the couch. After she quickly came over to her eldest brother in order to see the girl shaking in his arms.

“We can discuss it later. Now, we need to get her warmed up and into dry clothes.” She nodded as both she and Landon went towards and into the bathroom, turning the bath water on to warm. Landon put Kalina into the tub while the bath was plugged up and the water slowly started to fill up around her cold body.

Lyric stood with his arms over his chest in the doorway. All the while he had been unemotionally staring at the limp figure in front of him, in the tub, still crying but not responding to anything anyone was saying to her. He was just about to get sick of this whole situation. Hannah shoved him backwards somewhat, telling him to 'get out of the way' as she rushed into her and Haylee's shared room so she could grab some clean pajamas and underwear. The girl was smaller than her but it would do, 'better to be too big than too small' she thought. She shoved Lyric again, pulling on his shoulder from behind, making him growl and glare at Hannah's back as she knelt down in front of Kalina at the side of the old cast iron tub. He knew she didn't notice his glare one bit, it was all in vain... but he really didn't care much as of now.

“I got it from here.” Hannah said bluntly, unzipping Kalina's coat and ushering the boys out with a “shoo” of her hands. Landon closed the door behind the himself and Lyric, and went to the living room. After setting in the rather beat up old couch, Landon had reached over to pick up Haylee into his arms and lay her sown in his lap. Running his hand through is wet hair, he sighed.

Lyric however, went into his own room (shared with Landon) and crashed down on his bed. He bounced upwards a tad but then just laid still, staring at the ceiling while pondering things in his mind.

Kalina snapped out of her daze to find herself surrounded by warmth, she was in warm bath water. There was also a girl beside her, outside of the tub kneeling down and watching her slightly, concerned. Kalina wasn't really afraid of the person per say. At the moment she was more worried about the fact that she had no clothes on and the water surrounding her that was being stained a tinted, pink color. She thought of it as gross and gagged inside her mind. Kalina was never one to let anyone see her changing shirts or pants with just her bra and underwear on underneath... and now this. Yet, she figured it could be worse... a boy could have undressed her and be in here with her, instead of the girl who was sat next to her on the bathroom's floor.

“What is your name?” Kalina just sat there looking at the other girl, contemplating whether she should tell or not. “Can you talk?” Kalina finally ended up just shaking her head slowly to the left and right, 'no.' She definitely could talk though, in all honesty. At the time, now, she is speechless so she figured she wasn't lying really. She didn't feel like talking to anyone right now, she just wanted to be left alone... with a gun. “Oh,” There was a second or so pause “...well that explains a lot...my name's Hannah. I'm assuming you've met my brothers.” Kalina nodded slightly and looked down once more at the pink water. In that moment, memories uncontrollably slipped into her mind.

'So they're brothers, and sisters. They definitely look the part except for their eyes and heights...and well I guess gender obviously. Hannah has long almost straight darkish brown hair that gets lighter as it thins towards the bottom. It has a slight wave to it, which makes it beautiful. 'Hell, she fucking beautiful despite the hair' Kalina told herself suddenly feeling overwhelmingly self conscious in front of Hannah. She also had a thin body, with curves slightly where they needed to be and the same emerald green eyes that one of the boys had, she didn't remember which off the top of her head but she could recognize those eyes anywhere. The only difference was that the green was more of a lime green and somewhat paler, cloudier if you will.

Hannah stood up and got a towel holding it in one hand as she held out the other for the girl, whose name they still don't know, to take. Pulling her up out of the tub and circling the huge towel around her body directly afterward.

“Here are some clothes, you probably want to get dressed yourself but I'll be right outside, knock if you need me okay?” Kalina nodded and so Hannah left. Though it wasn't easy for her to do so, all Hannah wanted to do was tell her 'everything is going to be alright' and that 'she was there for the smaller, most likely younger girl,' to hug her. Sighing heavily, Hannah went into the hallway, which unsurprisingly was very close to the living room her eldest brother was setting in at that moment. She walked the short distance and collapsed on one of the cushioned reclining chairs.

“She tried to kill herself...” Landon said and trailed off after a long time of deadened silence. Hannah froze and looked up at her brother.

“But why would she...” Hannah began

“..commit suicide?” Lyric finished for her,his voice was angry and venomous. After they had heard his voice, he stepped into the room, walked further into the living room and right into the conversation. He stood behind the couch as Landon turned and gave him a prolonged glare. Hannah nodded anyways, agreeing with his finishing words...that was exactly what she was about to ask, not quite like that but still.

“She-” Landon began only to be cut off by Lyric

“Her and a whole bunch of other kids decided they wanted to have some kind of massacre or whatever. There are 4 up on the hill that are dead, she just so happened to be the last one left...” Hannah gasped and closed her eyes remembering the gunshots. She hasn't heard many in her life only one actually. The one bullet that took her and Lyric's mother's life but it never really affected her like this was now. “I should have let her do it...” Lyric mumbled to the older siblings, both just stared at him wondering why he would say something like that, how he could.

Well, it was simple really. Lyric held suicide as cowardly he had no sympathy for those trying because of his mother who had done the same 11 years prior. He hated ones who thought life as nothing more than a game, and who thought killing themselves would be cool or fun or even just a way out of their so called “terrible lives”... no one gets out that easily, anybody can tell you that.

Everyone's glance left each other when the blond haired girl opened the bathroom door and came out. Kalina looked sad, each of the three could see it. They got way to far in over their heads. This...this was the more mellow side of Kalina. He broken, depressed, numb and shocked version. She wasn't a quitter though, and she kept every promise thus far in her life. There was no way that she was about to give up on her part of the pact, just because she hit a snag in the road. She was determined to find a way out of this house, these people's lives and eventually out of this world.

Hannah quickly stood up and went to the girl at seeing her standing there. Kalina was a tad bit taller than her, maybe by an inch or two, but Hannah grabbed her shoulders and began leading her further down the hall eventually to the girl's bedroom. Hannah, being the girl she was, looked over their bodies and glared at her twin brother in the process for what he had said. Kalina had heard shw he said and Hannah knew it just by the tears that were falling from the girls eyes.

Hannah had always known Lyric took it the hardest out of them, their mothers suicide, but she never knew why. They weren't close with their mother, didn't care much for her just as she hadn't with them but once she took her own life, Lyric changed. He was 8 so was she, and Landon was 10 at the time. They were so young, so why did it affect him and not say Landon who was old enough to truly understand? No one knew.

After all that happened, Lyric became hateful towards people that weren't his brother or now sister(s). Hannah thought he gotten over it, fuck he was 19 he should be over it, but now with this girl everything is starting over from scratch. 'It's funny what one small teenage girl can do to a family' she thought to herself as she walked into her purple room, and put Kalina into the king-sized purple bed that she usually shared with only five year old, Haylee. She then proceeded to walk to the door, turn out the lights and left her in the moon lit filled room.

Leaving Kalina all alone...

Mistake number 1 maybe?
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