Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

In The Freefall I Realize...I'm Better Off When I Hit The Bottom

Hannah immediately went over to Lyric and punched him in his arm repeatedly, each time she received an 'ow, dammit, fuck stop, stop it!, aahhh, ouch etc' until he grabbed her arms and held her still. She glared at him and fought against his grip as Landon, laughing his ass off came up to them and separated the twin siblings.

“I don't get you.” She said hissed, throwing her arms in the air. “How the fuck can you be so bitter, what has she ever done to you huh...you don't know her! Idiot.” She yelled loudly hoping the girl laying in her bed wouldn't hear.

“But I know damn well what the fuck she was going to do. Dammit Hannah, she's just like her! How can a person do that to themselves...” He yelled back storming to his room and slamming the door behind him as Hannah sighed and Landon hugged her.

Kalina meanwhile, laid in the foreign bed, hearing every single word that was said. She felt about an inch tall and completely and utterly disgusted with herself. She cried taking all of the accusations and words into her mind and body, until she finally flinched. A door had been slammed, and the banging sound echoed throughout the whole of the house. She was going to get out somehow...it was just a matter of determination, patience and when she actually had the chance to do so.

Kalina never slept that night. She laid awake in the warm bed instead, staring out the window up at the moon taunting her from the outside. She felt the bed sink after what had to have been hours and she waited impatiently for her opportunity. She was starting to feel fidgety.

When she could feel the girls' beside her sleeping peacefully, she slowly edged her way off so as to not move the bed any and wake either of them up. She tiptoed around the bed towards the door, opening it only enough to get through and shutting it again. The whole house was dark. A very good sign and luckily her eyes were adjusted to the darkness as well. She quickly yet silently went down the hallway leading into the deserted living room.

She saw her clothes folded on the couch. She grabbed them and quickly exchanged Hannah's clothes with her own, laying the other girls clothes onto the couch, in the place of where her own had once been moments prior. She pulled on her boots and walked into the kitchen silently opening the drawers in search of something specific. When she found them she grabbed the objects and her jacket, as she continued on. Walking to the front door as quickly as possible. She unlocked it, cringing and freezing instantly when the lock clicked too loud for her liking. Eventually she was convinced no one heard and she opened up the door slightly, slipped through and closed it quickly behind her being careful so it didn't make any noise.

She was instantly met with the screaming cold temperatures, sending shivers though her entire body. Head to toes, down her spine and arms. She put on her jacket and walked through the snow trying to be quiet but she realized it wasn't going to work because of the snow smashing, crunching loudly underneath her two feet. She walked more quickly in the direction of where she thought the cliff was. She made a plan... She was going to finish it...Or as a plan B at least say goodbye properly and get the keys before going back to the car and going God only knows where. She had exactly $26.18. So wherever that would take her, is where she would be going because she knew damn well she couldn't stay here. But she opted for option A, at least for the time being.

As the sun started coming up in the horizon, she finally found the clearing. She went over and grabbed the keys out of Dylan's pockets quickly and pocketed them in her own, she was trying not to look at any of them too long. Yeah they were covered in snow and ice, you couldn't see much but the thoughts were still in her mind of their looks...the newest ones that included bullet holes and blood, lots of blood.

She also took the necklace off of Urijah's neck before laying down a moment. She was allowing a few tears to leak out of her eyes, but only a few. It was too cold to cry, even though inside her heart was breaking and burning like crazy. As she laid, she fingered the gun and bullets in her hands. The knife laid on her stomach unmoving and just there.


Lyric couldn't sleep, he kept waking up and thought he was hearing things when he knew it was probably only his mind playing tricks on him. But something still didn't feel quite right. When the sun started to show again he decided just to get up out of bed and get a shower, hoping it would help somehow.

He walked into the living room and kitchen to make coffee when he noticed that the clothes on the couch were Hannah's, not the girls that had been there before. He put the coffee can on the table, with a slight metallic clanging sound, and quickly walked down the hallway and towards his sisters' room. He cracked the door open enough to look in, not even noticing the squeak. Only two bodies were sleeping in the bed... not three. He let the door where it was, then sprinted back to the kitchen and looked over at the front door, finding it had been left unlocked.

He internally groaned before grabbing his coat off the rack and putting on his boots. He walked outside hoping to see her tracks to see where she had gone. Sure enough there they were directly in front of him, deep in the high accumulation of snow. He shook his head in annoyance mostly, as he took off after the girl he so clearly despised. At the same time his thoughts were spent wondering why he was going after her in the first place.

He saw that she was heading back towards where Landon and he originally found her. His heart dropped to his stomach and then made a rising lift into his throat. Lyric had suddenly gotten scared, wondering why she would go there instead of back home. At least he figured that would be where she would go, if she were to have gone anywhere...disappeared anywhere. He reached the clearing quickly after running a majority of the way. In the distance, he saw something black in with the white snow. He knew it was her, she was laying in the snow. 'Why? Why would she be laying in the snow?'

He pushed his tired body faster thinking the worst. 'Could she be-' As he got closer he saw she was still alive, he heard her talking quietly to herself. But then he also saw something else, in her hands was the gun...the fucking gun that had killed her “friends” and that she had tried to use on herself. 'How did she even fucking find it?' he thought as he watched her twirl it around in the air between her fingers. He kept inching closer.

'And she talks?!?!' he screamed internally to himself as she talked more, to herself not noticing she wasn't alone anymore.