Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

I'm Formally Asking You To Go Away!

Hannah groaned as the sun's light shined relentlessly into the room. She couldn't sleep anymore and it annoyed her. She looked at the clock, that was placed conveniently to her right on the small nightstand, and it said 10 am. She briefly put her head lazily back on the pillow but then her eyes went wide in realization. Hannah harshly ripped the covers off of her body. She had overslept by hours. She ran to her dresser to get a fresh pair of clothes to change into and only then did she notice, no one else was in the room...'Where is Haylee and the other girl?' She wondered as she quickly pulled on the clothes and then a pair of shoes that happened to be laying the closest to her; walking out of the room afterward.

Everything was dead silent except for the slight crackle of the fire blazing in the fireplace. Hannah walked into the living room only to stop instantly and almost trip over her own two feet. Smiling some, she took in the sight before her in both amusement and a slight bit of confusion. If only they knew, how would they react when waking up... She saw her twin brother, Lyric and the still unnamed girl sleeping on the couch, his arms were wrapped around her body tightly, seemingly to never let go. Her head lay limp and on his chest as the rest of her body was relaxed and laid flush against his underneath her slightly. 'Strange' Hannah thought, 'I do believe that he hated her guts last night... Or was it all for show? Huh...'she thought evilly wondering what the truth was in this whole situation. A show or for real, the hating that is. Because this all sort of contradicts his actions earlier...

She looked over towards the fire and the ground; Haylee was sitting there, dead silent, on the floor beside the two on the couch just playing with her two dolls, doing their hair actually. Haylee suddenly looked up and waved, smiling hugely as she continued to play.

'Haylee always was a quiet girl' Hannah thought as she waved her hand in a motion that said “come here.” Haylee got up silently and ran to her sister, hugging her leg and looking up at her face.

“How long have you been up?” Hannah whispered as she knelt down. Haylee shrugged “I tried waking you and Landy and Lyric up but you wouldn't!” she exclaimed in a mad tone. She was getting increasingly loud and so Hannah “shushed” her to get her to calm down and avoid waking up Lyric specifically.

“Oh, I'm sorry sweetie” she whispered, kissing Haylee's forehead before standing up, grabbing her tiny hand and leading the two of them down the hall and towards the boy's room. Hannah knocked lightly and opened the door to find Landon still sleeping of course, he had no sun in his window...'lucky him' she groaned in her mind.

Hannah let go of Haylee's hand as she walked over to the bed and ripped the covers off of the older boy, causing him to groan this time in annoyance and flip over so he was now on his back.

“what?” he snapped. Anyone could tell he looked and sounded tired, he had black bags under his eyes and overall looked like he hadn't slept in days.

“It's 10.” Hannah said simply, that was all it took.

“So why do I care- oh shit!” Landon jumped up much like Hannah did before in her own room a few minutes prior, and rushed around the room. Haylee giggled watching him trip over clothes and other random things left haphazardly on the floor.

Both of the girls left the room as he moved around quickly behind their backs, and stood outside the now closed door, talking about what was going to be for breakfast. Which amounted to what Haylee wanted Hannah to make for her...


Kalina woke up slightly when the sound of feet walking around her came closer. She was only half conscious, the other part of her was fighting to be let sleep longer.

She blinked open and shut her eyes once while arguing with her inward self. She shifted and moved some afterward. Now she was pretty wide awake. She wasn't fully awake but enough to comprehend and register things into her mind and understand.

The pillow under her wasn't a pillow.

She looked up and saw Lyric's face leaned towards her own. She was laying on his shoulder and the top part of his chest, well more like his neck really, with her arm laying numbly on his stomach in an awkward way. It was just kinked and twisted weirdly underneath her weight, hence the numbness...lack of blood flow.

He meanwhile had both of his arms tightly around her, keeping her close to him. 'Oh. Fuck!' She mentally slapped herself. He was sleeping soundlessly, but despite it all she whimpered to try and get up out of his grip. She figured he would have woken up; though when he didn't she just gave up and relaxed back into him and buried her head in the crook underneath his jaw and ear, on his shoulder.

Landon walked out of his room to see his sisters there. Just standing around. They never do such a thing, never have before...ever. He looked at them both questioningly, one then the other, analyzing them both but getting nowhere. Giving them an annoyed look he shook his head and took a step forward and away from them.

“You have to see this...” Hannah said quietly as Landon rolled his eyes and walked into the living room and kitchen ignoring her and leaving her behind. As he got to the end of the hallway, he stopped. Freezing in his tracks, feeling instantly jealous and enraged...towards his little brother. Sure he tends to get mad a lot at Lyric, because Lyric just naturally does shit to make him mad... But seeing him with her on the couch- Especially when he supposedly hated her, drove him completely over the edge, back up again and once more down, over that edge.

Landon glared at Lyric's peaceful, sleeping face. He stomped his boots with loud 'clunks,' over to the side of the couch before grabbing his younger brothers hood and collar tightly within his hands. With one harsh tug Landon was pulling up hard on said materials. Lyric instantly woke up at the lack of oxygen and dropped his grip on Kalina. She was left in shock, on the couch while Lyric was pulled up and off the couch until he crashed to the floor. Landon further pulled to get him to his feet.

'Such a great way to wake up' Lyric thought as he glared at his brother. His knees and neck hurt now.

“What the fucks your problem?” Lyric demanded menacingly, but Landon was used to that tone of voice coming from him. They all tended to get that all the time, except for Haylee that is she was the baby and Lyric wasn't going to try that with her. Landon wasn't scared of him, plain and simple.

“Go get changed. We're late.” Landon harshly replied. 'Two could play that game' he thought as he spoke.

“So?” Lyric asked not truly caring about what had been said, he could careless about being “late.” He was rubbing his eyes as Landon paced, stomping around in the process. Landon clearly was getting upset and angry with Lyric's sarcasm and attitude.

“We have things to do Lyric, go get changed and get your ass outside. NOW!” Landon yelled, bursting.

“Fine. Fine! I'm going!” Lyric yelled right back in his face, walking down the hallway to his room.

"I'll be waiting..."

Kalina was awake before this all happened, but no one knew that. She just sat upright on the couch and took it all in as it occurred directly in front of her. She blinked and flinched some whenever Landon started yelling... She thought he was the calm, gentle one and Lyric was the rough and blow-up in rage type one... 'Guess that really isn't true' she told herself. 'It was almost like they switched roles all of a sudden.' She was shocked as Landon continued his pacing in front of her even after Lyric had left the room and slammed a door down the hallway some...

“Stay away from him...and leave him alone...” Landon said plainly, stopping and looking Kalina in the eyes. She shrunk back at his tone of voice, the venom was extremely present, dripping from his voice.

Landon then quickly turned away from her and stalked out of the house leaving her even more speechless then she was at first. She was in utter awe.