Outside Appearances Are Just for Show

So Throw Your Diamonds In The Sky

Kalina managed to make Lyric let her walk on her own after a little while, so at the moment the two walked through the almost knee-deep snow, going Lyric only knows where. Kalina walked a few steps behind him in his tracks, with the blanket still wrapped tightly around her body. They both were quiet in the darkness, only hearing their crunching and swishing foot steps; barely seeing their breath directly in front of them.

Lyric stopped and looked back at her. He noticed she was looking at the ground instead of where she was going and it showed further as she ended up running into him, not seeing him until she was falling backward into the knee deep snow drifts. Lyric quickly grabbed her waist in order to keep her upright and chuckled at her. She scowled and rolled her eyes. He then started walking again with Kalina staring at his back with a glare.

“Can I ask something personal?” She asked quietly once she had been able to catch up to him somewhat, trying to run in the tracks. But with the snow being so deep, she couldn't and kept stumbling. He stopped and allowed her to catch up the distance before starting to walk again, only now at her pace. Since he was so tall he didn't realize walking through 2+ foot of snow was actually hard.

“I guess, if you want...” he mumbled.

She gulped and sighed some wondering if her question would be too personal. She didn't want to seem nosy or rude for asking so she decided to just leave it.

“never mind.”

“No seriously, you can ask me anything... I may not answer but...” He trailed off

“Why do your brother, sisters and you live out here in the middle of nowhere?” She asked expecting him not to answer.

“It's complicated, a very long story... “ He said looking back at her over his shoulder a brief moment. “...but I'll try and make it short...”

“My mother had Landon when she was young with a guy named Sebastian Vasquez... He left her alone until Hannah's and my dad came and helped raise him. When she got pregnant with us he left too just like the other guy. My dad just disappeared and left her alone, again, to raise 3 kids under the age of 4...” He stopped and looked at her.

“She gave us up to my grandparents for a while right after we were born... They died a few years later, although we were older so she came back and took us, we were like 7 and 10...

“Then she left us again, just upped and left us all alone while we were at school one day. Landon's dad came back with his girlfriend a few days after we'd been alone. They adopted us and everything was alright until Teresa, his girlfriend got pregnant with Haylee... Then he left Teresa pregnant and with all of us.

“She died when Haylee was born and so we took care of and raised Haylee ourselves. We were still teenagers though, we were kids... Landon was 16, Hannah and I were 14. We had no one and we didn't want to go to foster care so we moved here, near to this town.

“My grandparents owned this place, it was a hunting shack or whatever, we just stayed here... worked... tried to eventually finish school and slowly fixed up the place over the years...

“We just stayed here... It's simple and peaceful... We don't need to hide anymore but I don't want to leave because... this is our home...” He whispered the last part allowing a tear to come down his face, he turned away quickly so that she wouldn't see; she had. Even she had some tears in her eyes realizing they were exactly like her... screwed up in one way or another. The only difference was that they deal with it much better, they had no choice but to deal...just like her.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her the remaining distance to a wooden bench swing. The swing hung from a huge Maple tree which over looked a valley full of sparkling snow. He sat down crooked on the swing so that he could easily lift his legs up onto the bench and lay down yet he didn't. Instead he pulled Kalina's body onto his so that she sat on his lap in the same position he was in.

“Um...so not to be ah rude but why did you bring me here?” Lyric buried his head in her shoulder, laughing slightly.

“I already told you it was a surprise...” He spoke, although his voice was muffled in her hair

A few minutes later Kalina sat in awe as the purple and yellow colored sunrise came over the mountains, making the snow sparkle and glisten in a thousand different colors. It was beautiful...

They sat on the bench on silence. Kalina did however eventually move around with the blanket so that it was able to be wrapped around the two of them instead of just her. Lyric wrapped his arms around her stomach from behind her and took a deep breath in. The smell of vanilla and cherries from her soft blond hair filled his nose crazily. He had been waiting for the right opportunity. He'd had enough, and so he asked...

“Now's my turn to ask a question.” He mumbled into her ear, sending shivers down he spine in fear. Fear of the question he would ask... Would it be something she could bare to tell him? Or not?