Status: Ready to go :3

Persephone in a Sense

Chapter 3

"Isn't it suppose to stay warm all summer?" I asked, zipping up my hoodie, though it was only about six.

"Yea, but summer's almost over." Andy pointed out.

"Thanks for reminding me. We really need to get my car out of the shop." I groaned, letting my head rest against the window of the bus, and then quickly added; "I know riding the bus is good for the environment, I just don't like how other people on are on it--" I lowered my voice, "and staring at my bags like they want to jump me."

He rolled his eyes. "You got a card from CVS, some gum, and tic tacs. I doubt the criminals of Glenview are lining up to rob you."

Having no witty comment to that, I deadpanned; "the tic tacs are yours."

"Oh yea, cool. Give them to me."

I sighed, reaching into the bag to grab the acid green tic tacs. "There. Have your damn mints." I slammed the plastic box into his hand with a sweet smile. He snatched the package away glaring at me over his glasses. I stuffed the bag in the rest of it's contents haphazardly into my pocket and glanced around.

Maybe I was over-exaggerating a bit with the 'people are going to jump me' accusation. Mostly there was exasperated men trying to get to work, and the occasional teenager, who like us, had no car. I scanned the small crowd, seeing if anyone didn't fall into the two categories.

There was an old lady, who took up half the bus with grocery bags, a man with a beer belly, anxiously waiting by the door to get off and then him. There was no eyeing cautiously, or even a jerky double take, just immediate eye contact. The same brown eyes from Walmart.

His eyes lit up when he realized I was looking back, and smiled. I shifted uncomfortably, half-way torn between telling Andy, or forgetting it all happened. "Uh...h-hey. Andy?"

"What? I'm not giving you a tic tac if that's what your asking. You have gum, you shouldn't-"

"No, no. I hate tic tacs, but do you see that guy? The one with the brown hoodie?"

"How can you hate tic tacs?! They're the best! Or do you just hate mint, because that's totally different, and no, I don't see the guy."

I sighed impatiently. "The guy sitting in sit 22!"

"I see an empty bus seat..."

"No! He's sitting right there! Jesus, Andy! I know you wear glasses, but he's right there!" I pointed directly at him, ignoring the smug look on his face.

Andy slapped my arm down. "No one's there, idiot."

I stared at the man, who was now grinning at me, and then turned my head away. Maybe it was a mistake. Glenview was a small town, just because I saw this freak twice doesn't mean anything. So I did ignore it, mentally ticking down the minutes until our stop.

Finally, Andy nudged me and pulled on the wire over our heads to make the bus stop. I stood up, and followed Andy out as a loud swoosh sounded out. Hopping quickly off the bus, the man became lost in thoughts of Joe's party, and what he would do to me if he found out I didn't get him the Lego Star Wars set.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, plus it's so short.
I had a plan to make it longer, but it would have caused holes in the plots, which I didn't want to risk.
But in the summer I'm sure to get more chapters out sooner.
If my computer gets fixed for the virus it has. *cough*Victoria*cough*