Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Nine

I got dressed, after raiding Gen’s closet, in a short jean skirt and a dark blue tunic that dipped way low on my chest. It was my intention to show that much skin. I was going to tease Rhys, since he was constantly being a tease towards me. I tugged the shirt down and smiled, brushing my hair and leaving it to dry. I haven’t been this dressed up for a guy in my life, it felt odd. I put on mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. I wrapped a belt around my skinny waist before putting a pair of jean-colored Converse All Star high tops. I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized myself. I smiled and left the bathroom, finding Gen and Rhys waiting in the living room. Rhys looked up first and his mouth opened slightly. Gen looked next and grinned.

“Damn, Kiernan, for being pretty ordinary, you look hot!” Gen said.

“Thanks, Gen. I don’t know if I should be offended or if that was a compliment.”



Rhys got up and walked towards me. He put his hands on my hips and just stared down at me. I tucked myself into his arms, turned towards Gen and smiled.

“So… what about this party?”

She smiled.

“Come along, young one. Rhys and I must be sure to take that halo from your head.”
Genesee winked at Rhys and waltzed towards the front door. I looked up at Rhys and he kissed my forehead. I blushed and he grabbed my hand. I was lead outside and into Gen’s car… Gen’s car? I didn’t realize Gen had a car.

Rhys and I sat in back while Gen drove. I played with Rhys’ fingers, which I liked to do a lot. He kissed my cheek and whispered gently in my ear, “It’ll be alright, Kiernan. I’ll be at your side all night. I won’t let you out of my sight. You’re too important to me. No high school boy is gonna steal you from me.”

I smiled and looked up at him again.

“When are you going to man up and fucking kiss me?” I asked quietly. He leaned down and brushed his lips to mine. He moved back in to really kiss me when Gen slammed on the brakes, sending Rhys’ forehead straight against mine.

“Shit!” I barked.

“Sorry.” Gen responded.

“That fucking hurt.” I mumbled.

Rhys kissed the sore spot and muttered apologies into my hair. I hugged my arms around him. We sat like that for awhile as Gen muttered obscenities at driver’s and finally, we pulled up outside of a lake and yes, a house that was overflowed with teenagers with red plastic cups.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph..” I stuttered as Rhys and Gen got out. They were used to this kind of scene. Me? I’d seen it once in real life and that was just a superficial glimpse. I’d stayed in my room all night. This? This was nothing like the party at my house.

“Kay, I promise you will be attached to my hip the entire time. Alright?” he asked. I nodded but I knew something would come alone and screw that up.

Or someone.

This turned out to be completely true.

About a half hour into the party, Rhys took me into a slightly less crowded room. I was led to a couch where Rhys sat me on his lap.

“Rhys! There you are. I didn’t think I’d see you again ‘til fall semester…. Hello, who is this?” a dark-haired teenage boy spoke. I looked up. He had messy black hair and extremely distinctive green eyes. One side of his nose was pierced with a silver hoop. He had fair sized gauges and I’m pretty sure there was a tattoo peaking out from his shirt collar.

“Kellen, this is Kiernan. Kiernan, this is Kellen, my obnoxious best friend.” Rhys introduced.

“Hi. No wonder I haven’t seen Rhys in awhile, a beautiful girl has caught his attention.” Kellen said. I blushed and hid behind my hair. It was successfully dry and worked perfectly as a curtain.

“Kiernan’s a bit… shy.” Rhys said to Kellen. I turned my head and glared at him. He grinned and kissed my cheek. I pushed him away, crossing my arms over my chest. I made an unhappy noise and looked up at Kellen, who was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“I know Rhys has probably called dibs on you but… may I have this dance?” he held out his hand. I looked over my shoulder and smirked, turning towards Kellen.

“Yeah, I need a change of pace.” I took his hand.

I probably shouldn’t’ve.

But I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Someone tell me who Kellen (now in the characters) is portrayed by and I will dedicate a chapter to you.
Remember you love me in these next couple of chapters.
Hana (<3) told me that they might be making a movie of The Perks of Being A Wallflower and that story inspired this one...
Plus, I've neglected the rest of my stories.

Kiernan's outfit
