Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Ten

“You’re really pretty, Kiernan. Why haven’t I seen you around? You are extraordinarily beautiful.” Kellen said, putting his hands on my waist as soon as we got down to the sand. The beach was crowded with couples dancing to the very slow song. Someone designed the play list for this intent exactly.

“I’m nobody at school. I don’t do any extra activities, I stick to the minimum amount of time needed to get good grades. I’m nothing special. Ordinary. I’m probably the only girl at the school that hasn’t caught someone’s attention. I don’t wear tiny skirts, I don’t flaunt my chest at everyone. I’m fairly normal. I don’t have a single friend.”

“Rhys seems to really like you.”

“Well, Rhys, I’m afraid, has an ulterior motive.”

“What’s that?”

“He’s looking to be someone’s knight in shining armor. And while, yes, the boy did save my life several times… he’s just another guy.”

“What about me?”

“I don’t think I can make the appropriate comment on you, Kellen Pollock.”

“Why is that?”

“I don’t know much about you. I mean, I know that you have the perfect family life. Your mom and sister are both blonde as can be while your dad is who you take after the most…. You’re going to college to be a pharmacist and you do enjoy tattoos.”

“What? Are you a stalker?”

“No… I just hear things because no one thinks I’m there.” I answered.

“You’re a ninja.”

“No. I’m just observant. People are a lot more interesting than anything that could be written. I have so much dirt on people from our school, I could start my own TMZ.”

“Any drama going on right now?” he asked.

“Besides Jack is feeling up the boy beside him? Nah. Oh, Scarlet is crying beside the speaker because Mark cheated on her with Nina. Nina and Jose are behind the boat shed and…. Your hand is going way too low for my taste.” I said, taking the hand that had been on my back, which had “slipped” down to my ass and placed it higher on my back.

“What? Jack’s doing it!” he whined.

“Well, I’m not the guy next to Jack so hands to yourself or I’m going inside and complaining to Rhys.” I said with a smirk.

“He’d be all gloaty.”

“Oh… yeah.” I said, a very unhappy frown passing my features before I got a brilliant idea. I stood back from Kellen, letting his hands fall from my back. He looked confused and slightly hurt. I smirked, letting the evil plan take over my expression.

“What? What’d I do? Did I screw up again? I’m real sorry, Kiernan, real sorry. Please forgive me.” he rambled.

“No, you did nothing.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“How would you like to take me home, Mr. Pollock?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Remember you guys love me and if you were to kill me, I could not finish this story and you'd forever wonder where the hell I was going with it.

You guys disappoint me, not knowing who Mat Musto is. *heavy sigh*
This is Kellen Pollock's real life counterpart: Mat Musto.

