Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Thirteen

“Kellen, get back here.” I laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to me. He was running through my house the next day, bouncing off the walls and he claims he’s fine.


“What drugs are you on?” I asked, staring at him. He was literally shaking.

“Monster. And Red Bull. And Amp. And Monster.” He grinned.

“You’re not serious!”

“Why? Is there something wrong with that?”

“You could die or something!” I exclaimed. He chuckled, leaning down and kissing me. I gripped his shirt sleeves and kissed back slowly. He let me go and smiled.

“You sound like you’re worried, Miss Kiernan.” he said with a gloating smirk. I laughed and released the bunched cotton. I smoothed it out and looked up. I studied the lines on Kellen’s face. He looked tired and strung out at the same time that he looked wired and contagious. The nose ring shoved through the hole in his nostril was skewed and his hair was on the crazy end of the spectrum. I reached up and fixed both before turning and sauntering away. I didn’t look back at him as I took the stairs.

I heard Kellen follow as I walked along the hallway that overlooks the stairs. I turned into my room over the garage and left the door open. I gathered a set of clothes for the day and turned towards the door. I chuckled, Kellen smirking back at me.

“Kell… you’re taking up my entire doorway.” I laughed.

“Well, doesn’t that cause a problem for you?”

I studied the doorway and Kellen’s presence. There was a space just big enough for me to slip through but small enough for Kellen not to notice it’s there. I chewed on my lip and walked towards Kellen. I stood on my toes and pressed my lips against his. I felt his guard fall by the distraction. I tugged on a longer piece of his hair and smiled into the kiss. His hands went for my hips, I stepped to the side, breaking our kiss and slipping through the hole. I dashed for the bathroom and slammed the door shut, sliding the lock home. I heard him curse while I giggled uncontrollably.

But in my subconscious, I could feel the nagging thought about the rumors.


I followed Rhys up a hill and I stopped when we came to a small house. It looked so cute, like a little cottage. I turned and looked out over the town. We were just out of town, closer than my house was. Rhys’ hand found mine and I turned back to face him. The house was two story with black shutters and a cobbled exterior. There was a chimney and the wooden door had long black hinges that stretched halfway across the width of the door. There were only three steps up to the door and there were lacy curtains protecting the windows from the inside. I saw the one closest to the door flutter and a dark-haired girl peered out at us. Rhys chuckled and waved at her. She gasped and vanished from sight.

“Come on, there’s someone who I want you to meet.” Rhys smiled at me and together we walked across the stone path from the driveway, up to the front door. He turned the knob and pushed the door open, peeking inside.

“Lydia!” Rhys called, tugging me inside. A blur of blue and brown attacked Rhys, knocking him into the wall. His hand slipped from mine while I laughed, pressing my hand to my mouth quickly.

“Rhys! You’re home!” a teenage girl squealed with joy. I stood back and watched as Rhys peeled the girl I assumed to be Lydia off of him. He held her at an arm’s length.

“Hi Lydia.”

“Hi Rhys.”

“Behave for 3 seconds, alright?”


He released her shoulders and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me towards them.

“Kiernan, this is my little sister, Lydia. Lydia, this is my friend, Kiernan.” he introduced. She was a very small girl, same size as me. Her dark brown hair was long and straight, flowing to about her chest. She had wide brown eyes and a quirky smile. She was wearing a light blue v-neck t-shirt and Capri jeans. Standing beside Rhys, I could see the resemblance. You could tell that they were siblings.

“I’ve heard so much about you!” Lydia said shyly, a smile adorning her perfect porcelain face. Her lips were a pale shade of red against her pale skin.

“I’ve heard so much about you too.” I said.

Lydia smiled wider and Rhys nodded. She hugged me, her thin arms wrapped around my waist. I hugged her back and she rested her head against my shoulder. She sighed and I felt her sniff me.

“You smell good.” she giggled, “No wonder my brother likes you so much.”

“Lydia!” Rhys barked. I looked over my shoulder at him.

“What? I already know you like me, Rhys. Chill.”

He glared and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Come on, I have some girl talk for you, since Rhys won’t indulge me. Do you mind?” she asked.

“No, I don’t mind.”

“Good. Bye Rhys.”

She dragged me upstairs into her bedroom. I studied the room as she flicked on the light and plopped on the bed. Her walls were light yellow, and were decorated with pictures and posters and drawings. I touched a drawing of Rhys sleeping. I knew that peaceful face, I’d know it anywhere. It was my Rhys.

“You know, you’re all he thinks about.” Lydia’s soft voice reached my ears. I looked at the drawing and smiled.

“He’s all I think about.”

“Then why are you with Kellen? That’s guy isn’t a good guy, hun.” Lydia said. I turned to face her. I sat on her desk, which was spotless of any stray papers or pencils. The same went for her entire room. She was very neat and clean. I liked that about her.

“I’m not with Kellen. I’m just… hanging out with him?”

“Rhys said you were kissing him. In my book, that’s with.”

“Rhys knows I was kissing him?” I slipped off the desk, slamming to the ground.

“Yes. He said he saw you and Kellen on your porch the other day. He’s not going to tell you this but I’m his sister, you’re the girl he wants… I have to guarantee his happiness. He’s completely devastated, Kiernan. He wanted to be your everything, because you are to him. He hates his best friend because he’s kissed you like Rhys wants to. He has everything that my poor unfortunate brother wants…” Lydia stopped, peering over her bed frame at me.

“What’s that?” I asked, pulling myself up off the ground and sitting across from her.

“You, silly girl. How can you not see that? You!”

“Alright, I gotta tell you something and you have to promise not to tell Rhys. Promise, Lydia.”

“Of course! I promise!”

“I’m not dating Kellen. I’m barely even interested in the boy. It’s more that… I’m insecure about certain things. Kellen’s helping out. It’s a strictly friendly agreement.”

“What certain things?”

“Don’t laugh but besides Rhys and Kellen, I’ve only kissed on boy… when I was little.”

“Oh, I know what you’re saying. Trust me, Kiernan, the way he talks about you, I can guarantee you that your kissing is satisfactory, or better to him.”

I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face.

“You and Rhys are perfect for each other. I’m just here to make you both realize it. And I hope you do, before anyone gets hurt.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt like Lydia needed to be part of the plot. I love her. The girl I formed Lydia after is one of my friends, Eileen.
Awww, my baby's 13!
