Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Fourteen

“God, that’s some sister you have, Rhys,” I laughed as he walked me home, his hand holding mine perfectly. The sun was setting as we strode up the dirt road.

“Oh, I know. She’s always been that… oh, what’s the word?”

“Eccentric? Excitable? Strange?”

“All of the above.”

“What changed?”

“She just stopped trusting people as much.”

“Then why did she hug me as soon as seeing me?”

“Because I trust you and for Lydia, if I trust you enough to meet her, then you’re possibly the greatest person alive. I don’t bring very many people home to meet her,” Rhys blushed and I turned my head to allow him to be embarrassed in peace. When he started talking again, I returned to watching his mouth.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, Rhys, I feel so special,” I jumped up and kissed his cheek before giggling. He blushed, again, but this time, I couldn’t look away. He was so adorable, I couldn’t control myself. If I wasn’t so awkward and self-conscious, I really would drag him to an empty field or take him into my dark bedroom. Luckily, I have some self-control.

“Okay, creeper, your staring is getting out of control,” Rhys chuckled, covering my eyes. I pushed his hand aside and grabbed his face, pressing a kiss in the corner of his mouth. I slipped out of his hold on me and ran, cackling loudly. I heard Rhys curse and his footsteps behind me as we raced to my house. He passed me, but only because I love watching him run.

“Oh, come on, actually race me, silly girl,” he called, running backwards. It made me a bit nervous. Rhys is about as graceful as I am, which as we all know, is about as graceful as a one-legged person in a 3-legged race.

“I don’t know, I’m enjoying this view.”

“I knew you would.”

“Shut up and run with me, I feel like a dork up here by myself,” Rhys pleaded, his eyes wide and his lower lip trembling. I laughed, covering my mouth and closing my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I gasped.

I saw the stick just as Rhys tripped backwards. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see Rhys smash his head on the ground. He yelped and a whimper ripped it’s way from my throat.

I snapped my eyes open and raced to Rhys’ side, kneeling before him and cradling his head in my lap.

“God, Rhys, you’re such an idiot.”

He didn’t respond.


I didn’t have a cell phone, I couldn’t leave him here to get help. Looks like I’m sitting here with him until a car drives by and pray that Rhys doesn’t have a concussion. Because, I’m a little person and I cannot carry him.

“Well, this sucks. A lot,” I mumble. It did. Seriously.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah... Total plot twist.
Will I kill Rhys!
Are you seriously thinking I killed Rhys right now? Cuz... You crazy. I love you, but you crazy.

Your Backroad Eyes