Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Nineteen

“Where are you going?” I asked, jogging after Kellen. He was walking very rapidly in the opposite direction of where we’d planned. Either he was lost, or he had changed his mind. I finally caught up a few minutes later and planted myself in front of him, crossing my arms and staring up defiantly.

“You’re in my way,” he grumbled.

“Well, only if you’re planning on running away. Because the store is behind you. That way leads towards the city and the highway. That’s not where we’re going.”

“Maybe that’s not where you’re going, Kiernan. But what if I wanted to go that way?”

I stared up at him, not saying a word. Something was off about Kellen that day. It had been there since I’d bumped into him at the park that morning. I was on my lunch break while the pipsqueaks were napping. I was sitting on the bench by the water fountain, eating my packed lunch. He apparently had to get out of his house and just wanted to wander through town. He decided to pick me up after work and we’d hang out. I really wanted to go up to Rhys’ again but I decided I’d just humor the boy. That troubling worry that maybe Kellen wasn’t a good guy was buried in the pit of my stomach, taking up a permanent residence there. I didn’t want to anger him, so I went along with anything he said that afternoon. We walked around town for a few hours before stating we needed food. We headed back to the store but here we are, Kellen walking away from the store.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

He stared at me, his expression blank and emotionless. I stepped back, my gaze faltering.

“No. I just… I need to get home,” Kellen answered, stepped around me and walked on. I didn’t follow this time. I turned and watched as his back grew smaller and smaller in the sunshine. I chewed on my lip before turning and walking back the way I came. I was going home. I needed to be home alone again, this time by choice.

Unfortunately, Genesee had other plans for our home. I swear, that girl cannot stay in one place for very long. I have no idea what she’s gonna do when she gets to college in August. Anyway, when I did get back to the house, there were 5 cars in the driveway. One of them, thankfully, belonged to my Rhys. I smiled and walked inside.

“There she is!” Gen smiled, pulling me into a hug. She smelled like beer and whiskey.

“It’s only 6 o’clock, Gen. How are you trashed already?”

“I’m not that drunk, Kiernan.”

“You sure? You sure smell like it.”

She laughed, a little too loudly, before pushing off and stumbling to another person. I headed upstairs to change when I found Rhys. He was sitting on the steps, listening to music on Rondo. He must’ve been in my room already. I ruffled his hair and he looked up, his brown eyes wide and alert. The alarm softened when he recognized me. He removed the earbuds and smiled.

“Hey, you’re home!” he grinned.

“I am indeed. What’s going on here?” I asked, gesturing wildly.

“End of summer celebration, I suppose.”

I chuckled.

“There’s still over a week left ’til she leaves for college,” I said, sitting in front of him. He pulled my hair behind my shoulders and began playing with it. We stayed like that, for quite a while. Until I heard Genesee cackle and shout “YES! THAT’S PERFECT!”

I groaned and found my step-sister standing in the middle of our two-part living room. The pool room lay empty but the living room with our couches in a circle was crowded with teenagers.

“HEY! Gather round!” Gen called, walking into the living room section. I got up, pulling Rhys with me. I followed Gen’s voice into the circle and sat Rhys down. I lounged by myself in the rocking chair by the tv. Mom loved this rocking chair, said it helped put it at ease. When I sat in the chair, closed my eyes and gently rocked back in forth, it’s like I can feel her there with me.

“Alright, we’re gonna play truth or dare!” Gen giggled. I shook my head and chuckled under my breath. I closed my eyes and began rocking back and forth. Gen dared Brenda, a chubby self-conscious girl with light brown hair to give herself a hickey. Brenda asked Mack, a bulky guy with wide blue eyes and light brown hair, if he was a virgin. He was. Mack dared Bethany, a tall awkward girl with red hair, to pick something out of the garbage and eat it. She chose a bag of chips off the top. Then Bethany dared Lucas to lick Mack’s cheek. He did. Lucas then turned to Anna and asked her if she’d ever messed around with a girl, and if so, how far. All the way, was her answer. It was Anna that turned to Rhys with a smirk.

“Kiss the prettiest girl in the room,” she said, the evil chuckle evident in her normally sugary voice. Rhys shrugged, stood up and walked over to me. He pulled me gently up off the chair and tugged me close. I stared up at him and he smiled.

“I’ve been dying to do this since I met you, Kiernan,” he whispered and his lips met mine. Those cliché romance novels describe it perfectly, fireworks and big ones at that. I grabbed onto the sleeves of his shirt for support. He may not have been my first kiss, but he sure as hell was the best.

He released me and stared into my eyes, in an 80’s chick flick way.

“Wow,” was all I could manage
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope I spaced this correctly. I'm not 100% but eh, whatever. I'm far too tired to care at this moment.
Finally, there's a really Kiernan/Rhys kiss, eh?
Hope you liked it.

Your Backroad Eyes