Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Twenty-One

There’s always at least 5 awkward moments in a day for me. My first awkward moment of the day was the ride to work the next day with Marianne. I was in a weird mood. I was cranky, since I hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep. I was worried and deep in my own head. I was also strangely giddy, because I was kissing Rhys now. And I liked kissing Rhys. But then there was the Kellen situation, which had my heart wrenching in my chest. So obviously, I snapped at her for asking me how my weekend was. I didn’t mean to, it just came out and well, this is why I never really spoke to people before Rhys. My mouth moves faster than my mind does. Meaning, I have no filter at points. Cue the awkward moment.

The next was actually during work when Kellen came in during naptime. Marianne looked pissed, but so was I. I took him into the other room and he looked nervous.

“What do you want?” I hissed. He looked a little taken aback by that, but recovered fairly quickly.

“Excuse me for wanting to apologize for the other night.”

I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t want your apology, Kellen,” I stated simply.

I turned to leave, thinking about how I wanted to put as much distance between us as possible. After my talk with Rhys, I was having doubts about the boy behind me. I didn’t want to turn my back to him. I started to walk out when Kellen caught my hand.

I yanked my hand away.

“I don’t think you should come see me anymore,” I stated, thankfully steeling my voice. He looked a little surprised. My voice was normally one of two things; quiet and shy or quiet and emotional. It’s never been cold. I’ve never been cold towards anyone.

“What d’ya mean?” he asked.

“I don’t want to see you again,” I snapped finally. I walked out after that. I couldn’t face him any longer. I walked into the classroom and smiled at the sight of my little tikes. I loved my class. They were all sweethearts. Sure, they were bad when they got cranky, but honestly, after they got a nap or lunch, they were alright. They were learning how to share, and they were smart. We mostly just watched them, but I was helping them with writing and coloring, and even reading. They’re good kids, and I enjoy my job. I’m going to be very sad when school comes around and I can’t spend time with the kids.

I thought that was the last time I’d see him, or hoped. But when Marianne dropped me off at home, I groaned.

“Who is that?” she asked, pointing to the waiting figure on my front porch steps. He was tapping his foot, leaning back on his hands.

“The biggest mistake of my life so far.”

She hummed and unlocked the doors for me. I thanked her and got out, preparing myself for what was about to happen. I really hoped that Gen was home, but by the looks of it, since her car was gone, I didn’t think she was. I shut the car door and strolled as confidently as I could manage across the lawn to stand before Kellen.

“I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you ever again,” I tried to say as evenly as possible, but my voice shook. I was alone, I realized, with Kellen. I wanted to sprint after Marianne and beg her to stay, or take me home with her.

“I know, I know. I couldn’t leave it like that. What happened? Did Rhys do something? Or, your, uhm, that girl?”

“Genesee! Oh my god, why was I friends with you? What was going through my head!”

A flash of anger passed through his eyes before he stood and towered over me. Kellen is taller than me to begin with, which isn’t hard to do, but when you put him on a step a foot higher than me, that makes him a giant compared to me.

“What the hell did I do?”

“What really happened with the kid you put in a coma?” I asked bluntly. What had happened to me over these past two or three months? What happened to that meek, shy little girl I was?

Rhys happened.

True. He pulled me out of my shell. He didn’t do anything wrong.

“Excuse me?”

“His name was Charlie. He was the sweetest kid in our grade. I heard about that. He was the only person who used to talk to me before Rhys came along. Do you know who you hurt, Kellen? Or did you just start swinging because he was in your way?”

He growled at me. I pushed past him and stalked across the porch. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door, letting myself in. I slammed the door and tossed the key ring onto the side table by the phone. I walked upstairs to my room, peeling off my work clothes which consisted of a blue scoop-neck blouse and a pair of grey with white pin striped pants. I kicked off my TOMS and opened the bathroom door. I stepped inside and locked the door behind me. I took a quick shower, allowing myself to relax for the moment. I needed it. Too much stress.

When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my frame and headed to my bedroom. I pushed my door open with my foot, brushing my hands through my hair and humming gently to myself. I kept my eyes down, moving around my bedroom automatically. I grabbed a tan and grey tank top that had adjustable straps, a fitted empire waist and was a designer knock off. A pair of flare jeans, plus my undergarments finished the outfit. I looked up and let out a loud shriek. I fell backwards onto my bed, moving as quickly as I could to make sure I was covered.

Kellen was standing, like a creeper, in my doorway from the garage. I pressed myself into the headboard of my bed, pulling the bedspread up over my pretty much naked body to shield myself from his eyes. He walked towards me, his eyes narrowed. He crawled onto the bed and I kicked at him instinctively. He caught my leg and dragged me down towards him. I thrashed out at him, hoping my limbs would catch something and knock the wind out of him. No such luck. He was over me quickly and I whimpered loudly. I went to hit him when he caught my hand and shoved it back against the bed. I tried everything, but I couldn’t figure out how to get away.

“No,” I whined, moving my body every which way to get him off. He growled and raised his hand. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited. But before he could make contact with my face, his weight was gone from my waist and there was a loud thunk. My eyes popped open and I found Rhys grabbing Kellen by the back of his shirt. He leaned in dangerously close to the black haired boy and hissed a threat in his ear. I pulled myself into a ball, scrambling for my towel and blankets. Rhys took Kellen to the stairs, snarled one last time in his ear and let him go. Kellen was gone within seconds. Rhys slammed and locked the door, before walking lightly over to me. I looked at him, wondering just how scared I looked. He knelt beside the bed.

“Well, that was lucky,” I squeaked out when he didn’t say anything at first.

“I came to pick you up. I wanted to take you out for a proper date. Mom cleared it and everything,” he smiled weakly.

“Are you still grounded?” I asked, voice shaking.

“No. I just wanted for Mom to be okay with me leaving Miss Lydia home alone,” he said, leaning towards me. He rested his forehead against mine. “How are you?”


“I know.”

We sat there for a few minutes before he looked at me and my bare shoulders.

“Kiernan,” he said slowly.

“Yes, Rhys?”

“Do you have any clothes on right now?” he asked.

I giggled, “no.”

“Excuse me,” he stood up and left the room. I jumped up and put on the clothes I’d set out. My hands shook uncontrollably. When finally dressed and decent, I allowed Rhys back in my room. He immediately swept me into his arms for a hug. I gripped his shoulders and tucked myself into him. There was something magical and perfect about hugging Rhys Abbott.

“So about this date,” I said quietly, untucking myself from him just a bit.


“Where are we going?”

He smiled.

“Well, we’ll just have to see, won’t we?”
♠ ♠ ♠
So..... It's Christmas.
And I'm updating because I have NO idea when Hana's present will actually going to get ordered. So this is to make up for it. :/
Merry Christmas, Hanakaye. I love you. <3

Your Backroad Eyes