Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There


Dear Genesee,

Before you left for college, you told me that I was your sister, whether we were blood or not. I was thinking about it. You’re right. We are sisters. But you’re also my best friend. We were close as children, pretending we were princesses and thieves. You and I were both there when your dad left, when Mom got cancer, when she finally decided to get treated. I always thought it was just Mom and I going through this alone… but I was wrong. You lived with us. You weren’t just a visitor. Mom was your mother as well. She was sick, you were effected as much as I was. I’m sorry I didn’t see that before.

We’re more alike than I used to admit. You’re a fighter, Gen. I guess, so am I. Our mother’s dead and our father’s left us. We’ve both had our share of heart break and deceit.
I just wanted to let you know, I love you. Come home soon. I need you, since Rhys is gone and you left me with no one. Kellen’s been shipped off to some juvenile detention center and I’ve never had friends. It didn’t use to bother me. I was a loner, a wallflower. Then you and Rhys happened. Maybe this year will be different. I’ve changed. After everything that’s happened, from the moment I met Rhys ‘til the moment I picked up this pencil, everything’s different.

I think that’s good.

I’m living with my father, who moved into our house. I’m in school now, in my senior year! I missed some homework and useless crap for the first couple of days. Did I tell you that I drove to Rhys’ house in Seattle? That’s where he moved here from. It seems that you’re closer to Rhys than I am at this moment, since you’re on the same coast. Anyway, we worked everything out. We’re gonna go to the same college, and hope that nothing has changed. I love him, Gen. I really do. I can’t imagine being with anyone but Rhys Abbott. Have you ever felt that way? It’s scary and exhilarating.

And to think, everything can change starting with a collision into a wall.

I love you, Genesee. I hope California is treating you well.


Kiernan F. Dunkin
♠ ♠ ♠
And this, folks, is the end. :(
I can't believe it.
My baby's all grown up.

Thanks to all my subscribers, readers and most of all, my commenters. You guys were amazing. You made this all worth it.
Love you.

Your Backroad Eyes