Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Five

“RHYS!” I screeched as he chased me home. I booked it through the forest and leaped over the hedge into Mr. Jankowski’s yard. I ducked behind a large stone statue and caught my breath. Rhys went sprinting past me and he gracefully jumped over the opposite hedge. I sighed and started to follow, chuckling. Until Jankowski stepped out onto his back deck, shotgun in hand. I froze like a deer caught in his headlights. I couldn’t move as he lifted the gun up to eyelevel. I whimpered.

“Get off my property, little girl.” he growled. I couldn’t move. He cocked the gun and aimed it at me. My feet were frozen in place, my legs had turned to stone and I was facing down the barrel of a double barrel shotgun.

“Hey! GET. OFF. MY. PROPERTY!” he bellowed. I stumbled back but didn’t move off his land.

“Kiernan!” Rhys grabbed me around the waist, throwing us to the ground just at the gun fired. The bullet caused grass mere inches from where we lay to explode. I shrieked and buried myself into him. He hushed me.

“Young man, take your broad and get off my land before I shoot you both and feed you to my dogs.”

Rhys easily lifted me up into his arms and took me back into the forest. He set me down and turned me slowly, running his hands over my body.

“Stop touching me like that!” I pushed his hands off my stomach.

“Why? You know I’m not going to hurt you. I want to make sure you didn’t get hit.”

“I’m fine.”

“Why did you just stand there? You could’ve been killed if I hadn’t realized you weren’t in front of me. Did you really want that? If he hadn’t started screaming before he shot, you could’ve been wounded or worse. Is that something you want, really?” Rhys asked.

“I was scared, okay? I couldn’t move.”

He sighed and hugged me.

“It’s alright to be scared. Fear is the proper response.” he whispered in my ear. I held onto him and he let me.

“God, that was so scary.” I finally broke down. Tears strolled down my cheeks. He held me close, as if when we let go, we’d never see each other. It was a desperate sort of embrace. I didn’t know how to let go, it was like the moment in front of Jankowski. I didn’t know how to move my legs then, I didn’t know how to let go of Rhys.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe now.” he rubbed circles in my back with his thumbs.

“Why are you always so nice to me?” I asked, stepping back from him. He grabbed my hand and I sighed. He didn’t seem to notice. He tugged me deeper in the forest.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Don’t you trust me? After I saved your life? You don’t trust me?”

“I don’t trust anyone.”


“No one’s proved that they can be trusted. Remember the day we met?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well, the reason I was sitting in the hall like that was because Kiesha slammed me into the wall. My life is hell because she fucking hates me. Everyone’s seen her do it. No one’s done anything about it.”

“Jesus, seriously?”

“Yeah.” I answered sadly as we walked slow, swinging our conjoined hands like children.

“You know, I’ll never hurt you.”

“That’s what you say now.”

“Why don’t you get by now that I only want the best for you?”

“Because I’ve only know you for a month. How do I know all those things you’ve said aren’t complete bullshit and you’re just trying to get into my good graces?”

“Do you really think that little of me?”

“It’s nothing personal.”

“No, I’m pretty sure it is. You’re basically telling me that I’m a lying sack of shit who doesn’t deserve to be trusted. Am I right?”

I stopped and pulled my hand from his. I turned and stalked off. I couldn’t deal with that. I heard his grumbles and footsteps as he followed along behind. I was walking deeper and deeper into the woods, hoping that I’d come out on someone’s property or even the back road. No such luck.

We must’ve been walking for half an hour before I yawned. We’d stayed in the field for hours, just talking.

“Favorite color?” I asked, nudging him with my elbow as I lay down. He scooched a little away so we weren’t pressed up against each other.

“Green. Yours?”

“Orange. Ever broken a bone?”

“When I was 7, I was swinging and I decided it’d be okay to jump off. I didn’t quite land on my feet. I actually fell on my face and snapped my wrist and fractured my thumb. Even to this day, my thumb bends weird.” he explained, showing me. I wrinkled my nose and pushed his hand away from my face.

“Ever had a boyfriend?”

“Depends on what you define as boyfriend.” I answered.

“Well, would you consider him a boyfriend?”


“What was he then?” he asked.

“That was years ago. He was just a guy I liked a lot.”

“Did he kiss you?”

“Hey, it’s my turn to ask you a question.” I said.

“Fine.” he pouted.

“Are you a virgin, Mr. Rhys?”


“Seriously? I figured there was at least one girl that’s gotten you into bed with the aid of some certain alcoholic beverages.”

“I’m not a man whore, Kiernan.”

“I didn’t say you were.”

“It was implied.”

I smiled, “Maybe just a little.”

“Alright, my turn. Did he kiss you?”

“Once or twice.”

“Follow up?”

“I’ll allow it, depending on whether I want to answer it or not.”

“Was he your first kiss?”

“Yes and my only.”



“I might have to change that.”

Rhys pulled me out of the memory by grabbing my hand and dragging me behind a large oak tree. Someone ran past, shouting. I grabbed onto him.

“Stay still. We’re still on the psycho’s land.” he hissed at me.

I nodded. I really did not feel like getting shot, honestly. He wrapped me in his arms and yes, I was definitely loving it. Why was it that the one lawn that I cross belonged to a psycho redneck with a gun? I hate psycho rednecks.

“How are we still on Jankowski’s property? We’ve been walking for close to half an hour.” I hissed. He shrugged and peered around the tree.

“We’re good. Come on. Let’s get going.” he kept his grip on my hand and we started racing towards the light ahead. It was dark and you could tell it was an artificial light. I just prayed we weren’t heading back towards the psycho’s house.

“Hey, Kiernan. Stop shaking. We’re fine. I’m gonna get us out of this.” he said. I hadn’t even realized.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. Just breath.”

“You are awful calm for someone who just got shot at.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“Rhys… have you been through this before?”

“Yes. I don’t wanna talk about it. Let’s just… let’s just get you home.” he sighed and I let him. I wouldn’t wanna talk about it either if I were Rhys.

The rest of our run was silent, until we reached the highway and my heart slowed down. I finally let myself breath, let myself relax. Rhys smiled when I let his hand go and we slowed our pace to a walk. He checked his watch and cursed.

“It’s already 11? That’s impossible! Mom’s gonna kill me. I’m sorry to ditch you, Kiernan but Mom wanted me home two hours ago. Lydia’s probably a nervous wreck. I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? I’ll call you before I come over this time. I want to see you again.” he kissed my cheek and raced off. I smiled. He was such a sweetheart. He worried about his sister more than he did about getting in trouble. I started towards home, knowing that no trouble would meet me there, since my entire family left me. How pathetic is that statement?
♠ ♠ ♠
alright, I love this chapter... I don't know why but I do and I had to post it. I finished chapter six and am now working on chapter seven so I can post chapter six :)
I don't think I got as many comments as I was looking for but last time was merely for Hana and this time is for me.
So this chapter:
