Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Six

The next day, Rhys called, just as he said he would. I was in the middle of making myself lunch when he did. I’d just gotten up and hadn’t even showered yet. I was wearing a tank top and a pair of boxer briefs when I answered.

“Well, I’m grounded.” Rhys said. I laughed.

“Serves you right for staying out all night.” I heard someone, a girl say.

“Who was that?” I asked, spreading butter on the bread.

“Lydia.” Rhys said.

“She sounds cute.”

“Are you hitting on my sister through me?”

“Yes. I’m going to steal your sister away from you, wisk her away to Las Vegas, have a shotgun wedding and hide her in the Carribean so you may never see her again. I am madly, desperately in love with her, I confess.” I said, flicking the burner on and setting a sauté pan on the eye and dropped one piece of bread, butter side down into the bottom. I proceeded to put the four slices of brick cheese on top and then another piece of buttered bread, butter side up.

“I don’t wanna be your brother-in-law though!” Rhys whined. I chuckled and hopped onto the counter while my grilled cheese cooked.

“What do you want to be then?”

“Well, isn’t that just the silliest question?” he asked.

“How am I supposed to know? I don’t read minds.” I answered.

“Seriously?” He asked, “After I told you that I want to change that that boyfriend was your only kiss.”

“He wasn’t my boyfriend. And who says I want you to change it?” I asked.

“You do, every time we’re close to one another.” He responded.

“I never told you that I wanted that.”

“Maybe in not so many words but it was certainly implied.”


“You obviously don’t ever see yourself.” he answered.

“Alright, smart ass, give me an example.”

“When we were in the clearing yesterday, you looked like you wanted to hold my hand whenever I put my hand near yours.”

“You don’t have any proof that that’s what I wanted.”

“Fine. When you were talking about that guy, you seemed like you didn’t want to tell me, in fear that I’d be jealous.” he said.

“Still no proof about what I wanted.”

“You’re awful difficult in the afternoon.”

“Am I any less difficult at any other time of the day?”

“Point taken. So… I can’t assume you like me back, I need physical proof?”


“Fine. I have to take Lydia somewhere so I’ll stop by in an hour.”

“How is that physical proof?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” and he hung up.

That boy knew how to keep me on my toes, that’s for sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
alright, it's short and I only got two comments but I'm kinda in love with this story so screw comments.
I'm gonna keep updating whether you comment or not
(but I'd prefer it if you did)
:[D <- handlebar mustache Max wants to battle you! (haha! pokeman reference!!!)
