Sequel: Hey Dreamer
Status: Complete.

To Go From There

Chapter Eight

He laughed at me while I was attempting to jump over a large puddle. I slipped and fell. I splashed water and mud everywhere. It was all his fault anyway. He’s the one who wanted to go running through the dirt road behind our local Great American. It’s always muddy, whether it rained or not. It’s ridiculous, really. I don’t understand it.

“Bastard! Don’t just laugh. Help me up!” I said. He tried to stop but failed. I pouted and finally, he sobered enough to come over. I took the hand he held out and he started to pull me up. Except his foot was directly on a pocket of mud and he slipped. We slammed back down to the ground and I groaned. He landed right on top of me. I pushed him off and stood up by myself. I didn’t bother with the mud that now covered all of my back, my legs and my hair. I looked at Rhys.

“What the fuck? You did that on purpose!” he snapped, picking himself up.He looked adorable with mud on his face and arms. I chewed on my lip and giggled. There was a splatter of mud on his cheek, right below his eye.

“I swear, I didn’t.” I said with an innocent smile.

He huffed and I held out my hand. He took it and I pulled him past the mud and into the safety of Adam Street. He let me go and I tried to hide my disappointment.

“I need a shower, c’mon. Let’s go back to my house.” I said. He followed me up the street and to the left. We jogged up the hill and turned onto my street. We neared my house and he stopped, grabbing my hand. I stopped and looked at him.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Someone’s there.” he said, pointing at the house.

“What? You’re kidding, right?”

I ruffled my hair and squeezed his hand tighter in my grip. I walked slowly towards the house, heart beating fast as we walked closer. The front door was wide open and the fan in the foyer was on. I hadn’t left them like that. I looked at Rhys who pulled me closer. I didn’t mind. I was honestly scared out of my mind. We took the steps one at a time and slowly walked across the wooden porch. We stopped at the door and Rhys peered in.

“Is that…. Lady Gaga playing?” Rhys asked. I sighed and let his hand go.

“Genesee!!” I yelled.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?” she screamed back. I shook my head.

“It’s just Gen.” I stated. Rhys rested his head on my shoulder and I laughed softly, running my hands through his hair.

“Jesus, that actually scared me.”

“I noticed. Are you alright?” I asked.


“Kiernan, what do you wan- Rhys?” Genesee came around the corner and stared at us. I had my hands in his hair, he was leaned down and we both looked a little rumpled. I can only imagine what she thinks we were doing.

“Hey Gen.” Rhys smiled at her. I unlaced my fingers from his hair and he raised his head. I coughed awkwardly and maneuvered past her. I strode across the room, checked the message machine. I knew Mom wouldn’t call. It’d only been an hour since Rhys and I left. Of course she hadn’t called. She hasn’t called all summer.

“So Rhys, I was just gonna go down to Mitchell’s lake house for his party. Interested?” Gen asked, touching his arm with a flirtatious smile.

“Nah, I was gonna spend the day with Kiernan. Thanks for asking though.” he said, slipping past her and walking over to me. I looked up at him and he winked. She huffed and flipped her blonde hair.

You could tell just by looking at us that Gen and I were not blood related. She was leggy, big blonde with big brown eyes, a curvy waist, a tongue and nose piercing and the attitude of a spoiled 10-year-old. She got everything she wanted and never said thank you. I was a scrawny brunette with brown eyes and a tiny waist. The most interesting thing about me is the freckle on the right side of my nose. I wasn’t breathtaking, like Gen and I certainly didn’t turn heads when I walked down the hall. I was just me.

“So now that Gen is back… I suppose that means I can’t just show up anymore, huh?”

“You’re not allowed to just show up anyway. Remember? You’re grounded.”

“That’s true.” he said with a smile.

I shook my head and held out my hand. I tugged him upstairs and into our storage closet, where I rummaged through a trunk of my dad’s clothes. I handed him a fresh shirt and shorts.

“There’s a bathroom on the first floor. You can take a shower if you want. Don’t worry about the water going cold or anything, our water heater is industrial strength.” I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I looked at him, that cute little mud splatter catching my attention. I reached up and rubbed it away. I knew it was pointless because he was just going to shower but I had to. He caught my hand and pulled me in close. I took a deep breath and he leaned down towards me. I stood on my tippy-toes, preparing myself.

“Kiernan! Rhys!” I heard Gen yell. I groaned and fell against the wall.

“Dammit.” Rhys cursed before leaning against the railing, “What?”

“Get ready! You’re coming to the party with me.”

I looked at him. “I’ve never been to a party in my life.”

“Then stick by me and you’ll be fine. I don’t know what I’m gonna do about my mom and Lydia.”

“You could tell them that you’re taking me out on a date.” I said with a mischievous smile.

“When did you become so evil?”

“It’s in my blood. Now call your mom and ask her if it’s okay if we go out.” I said, heading towards the second floor bathroom. I glanced over my shoulder and winked at him.

Oh, he’s such a bad influence on me.
♠ ♠ ♠
HA! I'm sorry... that's the second time they've almost kissed... remember you love me.
