Status: Hiatus

Fighting The Storm

The picture and the book.

Crystal Diamond Maine sat in her bed, trying to sleep. She couldn't sleep with the banging sounds coming from her mothers room. It annoyed her so much, but she couldn't complain, or she'd get hurt, or even worse be forced to join her mother in her sex rampage with a unknown man. Her mothers forced her to do that more then once.

Crystal threw the covers off of her body, deciding she'd go reside in her basement where she spent most of the time practicing her drumming skills and her singing. She used to be in a band with her best friend.... But he died in a drive by shooting, leaving her alone and then the band she was in broke up. She only kept in touch with the lead guitarist cause he's like a older brother to her, seeing as he's almost graduating school.

She sighed and walked down the hallway towards the stairs, past her mothers half open room door. She ignored the sounds and hurried down stairs, almost tripping on her pj bottoms.

She got into the basement and moved towards the couch, collapsing on top of it. She felt something jab into her stomach as she jumped slightly at the pain in her stomach and fell off the couch. She sat up quickly and checked what she sat on. It was a large brown wooden box. She groaned and grabbed it, slowly checking it if it had an evidence of being her mothers. There was no name, so she decided she'd open the box.

On the roof of the box was a picture of a man holding a child wrapped in a pink blanket. Her mother sitting in the hospital bed, smiling at the man holding the child. She ripped the picture off the roof of the box and looked behind it for a name.

"James Owen Sullivan and Crystal Diamond Maine"

Her voice cracked as she spoke, the picture dropped from her fingers, into the box on a little black book. She looked at the book, not wanting to look at the picture. She flipped through the pages, there was only numbers of many people, including the man in the picture, James Owen Sullivan.

Did Crystal really discover who her father was? Was he still alive, she knew there were many possibility's. She was just really shocked that she would even find his name, her mother never spoke of the man, she ever mentioned anything about her father other then the fact she 'looks like him'.

Tears built up in Crystals eyes and she hid the book and the picture under her shirt as she made her way back to her room to stash the new found information.

She snuck past her mothers silent room and into her own, shoving the book and picture in her dresser.
♠ ♠ ♠
mmm, What a crappy start. >.<

Comments and suscriptions are really welcomed.