Status: Hiatus

Fighting The Storm

The Call

Crystal flinched as her mother stormed into her room, it's been about three hours since she found the picture and the book, she didn't know what she would do. But she already had her bags secretly packed and she was ready to leave at any given moment.

"What the hell are you doing Crystal?!" Her mother screamed. "W...What?" Crystal asked, her mind going blank as her mother made her way towards Crystal, anger shown in her eyes. "Why the hell are you sneaking out of your room in the middle of the night last night!?" She yelled, grabbing Crystal by the wrist, dragging her to her feet from where she sat on her bed. Crystal flinched as her mother raised her hand once she knew she wasn't going to get an answer out of the silenced girl.

She slapped Crystal as hard as she could, causing Crystal to lose balance and fall to the ground. "Stupid bitch! Don't just stand there and look at me like I'm stupid!" She yelled, kicking and slapping Crystal as hard as she could, leaving deep scratches in her arm with her perfectly manicured nails. Her heels would leave bruises on Crystal's stomach and arms for weeks.

She curled up into a ball, feeling the shots slow down, her mother was getting tired, no wonder, she was a bad smoker, and Crystal knew it. She heard her mothers heels tap away down the hall. She was to focused on the pain to realize her mother had left her. She sat up slowly and pulled a duffel bag out from under her bed. She would escape through her window, her mother wouldn't be leaving the house any time soon.

She leaned over on two hands and pushed herself up off the ground. She ignored the pain and bent over to grab her duffel bag. She pulled her cellphone out and checked the time. It was perhaps, seven in the morning, her mother defiantly would not be going out.

She pulled her0 back pack out and slid it smoothly onto her back, this contained, her i-pod, laptop, money, make-up, c-d's and all that other stuff. As her duffel bag, carried most of the clothes that she liked and owned. She limped over to the window, this was the perfect escape route for her, there was vines going down from her window to the ground, so she wouldn't kill herself trying to jump out the window.

She slowly began to open the window, hearing voices coming up the stairs. She pushed the screen out and threw her duffel bag out the window. She began to quickly climb out the window. She climbed down the vines, then jumped the rest of her way. She flinched, feeling her ankle crack. Cringing in pain, she quickly, limped away as fast as she could.

Once she knew she was in the safe zone, where the beaver bus lines were, she would be able to take a one way trip to Huntington Beach California, where said in the little black book, her father James Sullivan, lived.

She paid for her ticket, and sat in the very back of the bus, she put her duffel bag on the seat beside her and glanced out the window, pulling her back-pack of her back so she could grab her i-pod and the little black book. She needed to call James Owen Sullivan. It would take quite a few days to get to Huntington Beach from where she lived all the way in New Jersey.

More people started to crowed onto the bus, soon, most of the seats were full, and the bus started to move. She'd have a fancy time sitting on a bus with people she didn't know, espically since they scared her with their constant glancing in the back, in her direction.

She pulled her cellphone out, glazing through the little black book until she saw James Owen Sullivan, with the phone number beside it.

She dialed the number, her stomach fluttering with nervous butterflies, and a lump forming in her throat that didn't seem to want to go down.

"Hello?" A voice asked.
"Who is this?" It asked a couple seconds after saying, hello.
Crystal felt a sob errupt from her throat and she swallowed the large lump in her throat, "look! If your not going to talk, I have some things I need to-" .
She cut him off before he could continue on with his rambling, "James Owen Sullivan?" Her quiet shaky voice asked.
"Indeed it is" Another sob erupted from her throat.
"Why are you crying?! Who the fuck are you!" James Demanded angerily on the other line. She shut her cell phone quickly, to scared to go on with the conversation.

She knew he was alive, that's all she needed to know...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohmygod. I finally got an Idea to this story for chapter two. I won't update if I don't have an Idea... It's been how long since i've been trying to write an Idea for this!!!
Well, I have it out now.. Comments pl0x?