Status: Hiatus

Fighting The Storm

New home, new life, new family

Jimmy, her father had long taken her home, the ride was silent and awkward as she sat in the front seat, scratching her arms. Leana, his girl friend had told her multiple times to stop, but she didn't listen to her. Jimmy had interfeared with their small whispering argument and told Crystal to stop scratching, and that she should learn to listen, and Leana just laughed at him in his face, for some odd reason, she felt at home here unlike at her mothers house, a small smile snuck onto her lips and she sat back into the seat, waiting patiently, and silently for the rest of the ride.

They had gotten to Jimmys house, to Crystals suprise, it was giant. She stared at it for a couple seconds until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped forward and turned around, putting her hand on her heart. "D-Don't do that, ever again please" She muttered to Jimmy, who stared at her shocked for her reaction. "You don't need to be so skiddish little kitten, your safe with me! I'm super Jimmy!" He said, grinning like a child that just got his first present during Christmas time.

She smiled at him, nodding her head. She knew she had to get used to being around this man, he was just a ball of energy, and he had his outbursts more then once during the car ride to the house. She ran her fingers up the side of her face, through her hair. "You can go inside you know?" Someone said from beside her, the voice didn't belong to Jimmy, but another man, one that she saw was in the car with her. He had a body builder body, and tattoos galore. She shrugged and watched him shoot her a friendly smile then walk up to the steps and into the open door.

She slowly walked towards the door, only to be ran over, by the man about the same height as her that she realized had the nickname short shit, everyone was teasing him in the car at first, cause he tripped and had problems getting into the SUV. She fell face first into the ground, with him on top of her back. Crystal let out a loud cry, and the man got right off of her. Jimmy was out of the house moments later, kneeling down at Crystal who was hunched over, holding her stomach in pain.

"What the fuck short shit! Why'd you crush my daughter!" Jimmy yelled, enraged at the small man. Crystal sat up, and rubbed her stomach, sighing. "It's fine, please stop yelling" She whimpered, he looked at her, looked at the man, glared and nodded. "Come inside, Leana's makin' spaghettiee!" Jimmy regained his energy and he grabbed her hand, pulled her up, and dragged her inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry. This is short, it sucks and such, I'm thinking of redoing this chapter. What do you guys think? does it need to be redone? D:

LOL! I have another shout out, to my cat who broke his paw. We had to give him away, so he could be rescued, because we can't afford his 800$ surgery.... D:....
ILU LIGHTNING! Be safe somewhere else in this world for me kay?
