Eating me away.


Months went by, and everything was the same as it always was, I'd wake up, make a breakfast, that I'd dump into the toilet, or throw up before I left. Then I'd run a straightening iron through my hair, then I'd use concealer and foundation, to hide the bags under my eyes and the bruises on my face and arms. Then I'd leave.

When I'd get to school, I'd go straight to the bathroom and throw up, again. This was my morning ritual, my routine and it never changed. No one noticed, and no one cared. It was easier that way. One day, my whole world was knocked on it's ass. My best friend, decided he could do so much better, without me. He left without a word, and then my life took a downward spiral.

Not only did I stop eating, but I also started doing a dance, with something called self mutilation. Burning, and cutting my flesh.