You Make Me Sick!

You make me sick

Walking fast, and can't breathe. Punk's running behind me as I stomp away. I can't believe he did this to me! Straight Edge bastard!!!

"Demi, wait!" He screamed out.

"No!" I said picking up my pace.

He somehow ended up catching me anyway and grabbed my by my waist. I had stopped and let the tears build up in my eyes.

"Baby, I'm sorry I--"

"You're not sorry!! You're sorry you got caught!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Dems calm down, please she--"

"She jumped on you?" I finished for him. "You said that the last time and I should've left you when you lied then! Fool my once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!! And damn it Punk! I'm sick and tired of being the fool!!!"

He looked like he wanted to say something, but all I saw was his face dropping with every word. I should've stopped there, but I think he needed to know how I really felt after a year and half of being together.

"By the way, your beard is disgusting! Shave it off! I seen something rolling around in it a few days ago! That's why I faked it!" I spat.

Punk was dumbfounded and I kept going regardless.
"That's right! You sicken me! You make my stomach curl! And you made the milk go bad that you drunk from the carton! Punk I hate you!! Odia tu, eres un culo! Y besa mi culo!!" (I hate you, you are an ass. And kiss my ass)

I spat in his face, and walk away feeling like a 3000 pound boulder was lifted off my shoulders. I was able to breathe better and the tears dried. I'm finally done with the piece of shit that has made my life hell for the past 6 months.
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Comment, and when it comes to my stories, can you guys not repeort them.
Just tell me what's wrong with it.