He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.


I stared out the window as we left my old neighborhood. It wasn't fair. Just because I've gotten into a couple of fights and started smoking, my parents want to move. They think my friends were bad influences on me. Which they kind of were but not as much as I was on them. My parents don't understand that I'm never going to be the perfect child they always wanted.

"Everything will work out. You can start new and make some new friends." My mom said cheerfully.

"I don't want new friends. I like my old ones." I glared at her.

"Well one thing's for sure. You aren't going to be hanging out with bad kids anymore." My father said driving.

"Who's going to stop me?" I asked.

"Allie." My mother said warningly.

"Whatever. I'll hangout with who ever I want to."

"Only if you want to go to bootcamp for the rest of your highschool years!" My father yelled. I rolled my eyes. My parents have been threatening my with bootcamp since I can remember, but they never do.

"Oh right. Like that'll ever happen." I said sarcastically.

"We're serious this time young lady. We already have a camp picked out." Wait what?

"No you don't." I said.

"Wanna bet? Give her the brochure." My dad told my mom. She handed me a brochure. 'Camp Pain.' Nice title.

"You wouldn't send me here." I said looking through it.

"Try us." My dad said. I threw it back at my mom. I couldn't believe my parents would send me there. After a while my eyes started to get heavy. I closed them and fell into a deep sleep.

Hours later I was waken by someone shaking me. I groaned and pushed their hand away. They kept shaking me.

"Leave me alone. Five more minutes." I mumbled.

"Hunny we're here." My mom said. I blinked and sat up. We were parked in a driveway of a house I never saw before.

"Come on." My mother said. I got out of the car and started grabbing my suitcases.

"Here let me help you." I heard someone say. I turned around and saw a boy about my age. He had blonde hair and green eyes. I could tell from the way he dressed that he was a prep. But damn he was fine!

"Thanks. Who are you?" I asked handing him a suitcase.

"Oh. I'm Cameron. Your dad is the new sheriff deputy right? My dad's the chief." He said smiling. That was the second reason for moving here. My dad got a new job.

"Oh. I'm Allie." I smiled back. We walked into the house and started talking. I learned that the only thing we had a lot in common. Both our parents pushed us to excel. Only difference is Cameron actually did while I refused.

"I'm not that into rules." I said.


"Yea. To me, rules are meant to be broken."

"You know, there's something different about you from most girls."

"That's because I'm not like most girls. I'm not into all that frilly, girly stuff. And I HATE anything pink." I smiled. He chuckled shaking his head.

"Allie, are you aboout done...? Whose this?" My mom asked walking into my room.

"This is Cameron. He's the police chief's son. Cameron this is my mom. Cameron was just helping me bring my stuff up here." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you ma'm." Cameron said shaking her hand.

"Well... nice to meet you too. Come downstairs and meet my husband, he's on the force too." My mom smiled warmly at him. He nodded his head and walked downstairs. My mom smiled at me.

"Shut up." I mumbled following Cameron.

"Dad. This is Cameron." I said as my dad walked in.

"Oh. You must be Rick's son. I just talked to him." My dad said shaking Cameron's hand.

"Yes sir I am." Cameron said.

"Well it's nice to know some of you kids still have manners." My dad joked.

"Well I have to be leaving. I'll see you guys later." Cameron said.

"Ok goodbye." My mom said as she and my dad walked away.

"Hey do you have a ride to school?" Cameron asked me.

"I was going to drive my mom's car. Why?"

"How about I drive you?"

"Sure. That'll be nice." I said.

"Good. I'll pick you up at eight. See ya."

"Bye." I smiled as he left. He was HOT!
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First chapter! Hope you like it! Caden come in in the next chapter. Please comment! <3VampirePrincess15<3