He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

She's gone.

My dad and I rushed to the hospital. I told Asher to stay at the school and tell Caden, Cameron, Ellie, and Marisol what happened. When we got to the hospital, we ran to the front desk.

"May I help you?" The woman asked.

"My wife was in a car accident. They said she would be here." My dad said hurriedly.

"Calm down sir."

"Don't tell him to calm down! You'd be freaking out too!" I yelled already frustrated with this woman.

"Ma'm please stop yelling. It upsets the patients' family." She said pointing to the waiting room.

"I don't give a fuck! Tell me the condition of my mom!" I glared at her.

"Ma'm if you don't calm down, I'll have to ask you to leave."

"I will not leave until I know if my mom is alright!"

"I will have security down here if you don't be quiet." She glared back at me.

"For god sake woman! Just tell us the damn condition of Elizabeth Demitri!" My father shouted. The woman huffed and turned to her computer. She typed somethings in and after a while turned back to us.

"She's in surgery right now."

"For what?" I asked quickly.

"I don't know. They don't tell us what for." She rolled her eyes. This woman was getting on my last nerve. Just as we were about to turn around to sit in the waiting area a doctor came out of a pair of double doors.

"Has Elizabeth Demitri's family come yet?" He asked the woman.

"That's us." My dad said. The doctor looked at us with sorrow in his eyes. I felt my eyes started to sting. I didn't need him to say it.

"I'm sorry. She didn't make it. Her chest was punctured with a large piece of glass, probably from the windshield. It went further in then we expected. It went through her heart causing her to bleed to death. Not only that but she had a fractured skull most likely from it hitting the steering wheel. She would of had brain damage and she would have had to been in a wheelchair because we had to amputate her leg since it was smashed between the door and seat. At least she's not in anymore pain. Again, I am so sorry." The doctor explained before leaving.

"Allie!" I heard multiple voices call. I turned around and saw all my friends running up to us.

"Allie?" Marisol asked shaking her head like she knew what happened. She could probably tell from my eyes. They could all probably tell from my eyes.

"S-she dddd- she's gone." I couldn't bring myself to say the word.

"Oh Allie." Ellie said. We all just stood there not knowing what to do. Asher was the first to move. He took a step closer to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me. I hugged him back trying miserably to stop the tears from falling. One by one they each came up until everyone was hugging me at the same time.


After we left the hospital, my dad drove back to the house. I stayed with my friends thugh as Asher drove us to Ellie's place. I had finally gotten the tears to stop. I hated crying in front of people. But I didn't want to be alone. I deal with grief a different way than most people. I have to keep myself busy. I have to be doing something. Which is what I'm doing right now.

We arrived at Ellie's place and walked inside down to the gameroom. When we got to the gameroom, everyone just stood around like at the hospital. But like I said, I have to be doing something.

"Let's play a game." I said faking a smile. Everyone just looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" Marisol asked.

"A game. Let's play something. Like... Dance Dance Revolution!" I yelled going over to the game.

"Who else is playing?" I asked hoping someone would challange me. They all just looked at each other.

"Allie? Are you feeling ok?" Asher asked looking at me funny.

"Yea of course. Why wouldn't i be?" I asked.

"Well because your mom just died." Ellie said. It felt like she threw a ton of bricks at me. But I didn't show that i was sad.

"So?" I shrugged.

"So?! You're mom died and all you can say is so?! Do you not care or something?!" Cameron yelled surprised.

"Of course I care!" I yelled back angry. How dare he say that?! I needed to calm down. I took a couple deep breaths and put my fake smile back on.

"Of course I care Cam. But it's a fact of life that everyone dies at some point. There's enough time in the world to grieve but you never know when you'll die next. So I say make the best of each day you got. Besides my mom wouldn't want me to grieve too much." I said more calmly.

"I guess that makes sense." Caden said. Everyone nodded.

"So who's going to challange me?" I asked again.no one put their hand up. After a moment of silence, Ellie slowly raised her hand.

"Great! Let's go!" I yelled thankful that someone wanted to play. I set the game for 2 player and waited while it loaded.


After spending the day at Ellie's, where I finally got everyone to have a good time, thankfully. Asher drove me home around nine.

"Allie. I'm really sorry about today." He said as we pulled into my driveway.

"Me too. Asher can I tell you something?" I asked feeling like I could trust him.


"I'm sad. I'm sad, and I'm upset, and I'm scared. And I know I said that everyone dies and to not waste time grieving because you don't know when you'll die next, but right now all I want to do is cry. I try to keep myself occupied with everything around me, but I can't. It hurts but I can't let anyone see me like this. I'm a hypocrite, because as soon as I get to my room, I'll be the one grieving and crying." I said in a rush. He just pulled me closer to him.

"No one expects you to not grieve. It's your mom. She was close to you. And nobody expects a strong front from you. Everyone grieves differently and you keep yourself busy when you grieve. It's ok to be sad and upset and scared. It's ok." He said holding me in his arms.

"I guess you're right." I sighed.

"I know I am." He smiled. He quickly pecked my lips before letting me go so I could get out of the car. I used to feel better when he kissed me, but not this time. Nothing can make me feel better, not even Asher's lips on mine. I heard his car leave as soon as I was inside.

"Where were you?" I heard my dad slur as I headed towards the stairs. I looked in the frontroom and saw him sitting in a chair with a beer can in his hand.

"Ellie's." I said before turning around to go upstiars.

"Don't walk away from me!" He yelled.

"What?" I asked looking at him again. He got up and stumbled over to where I was.

"Don't use that tone with me. Your mother just died and you go out with your friends." He glared.

"Dad, you're drunk. Come on, I'll help you to your room." I grabbed his arm to help him but he just pulled it away accidentally smacking my face.

"Don't touch me." He slurred again.

"Dad, you need to go to bed."

"Don't tell me what to do! I'm the dad not you!" He said. He smacked me again, but this time on purpose. I lifted my hand and touched my stinging cheek where he slapped me.

"Go to bed. I don't want to see your face tonight." He slurred again before walking away. I just stood there stunned. He slapped me. Why would he slap me? He's just drunk. He doesn't know what he's doing. I turned back around and headed up the stairs to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another turn in the story. I know I haven't put it in the story, but I'm just going to have James and his friends in jail for now atleast unless I want to add them back into the story. Hope you like it.
