He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

Abuse and Lies.

When I got up the next day, I did my normal routine. My dad wasn't up so I figured he was still asleep. I knew he was going to have a hangover so I went downstairs and made some coffee. I also made him an egg and some bacon. I set it on a plate and set the plate, the coffee, and some advil, on a tray. I brought the food up to my dad's room. I knocked and waited until he said I could come in.

"Here. I made you breakfast and brought you some advil." I said setting the tray on his bed.

"Whatever." He grunted.

"Alright then. I'm going to go to school. Asher should be here any minute." I said ignoring the rudeness in his voice. He just lost his wife, I'm not going to fight with him today. Before I got off the bed, he grabbed my arm.

"Go back downstairs and get me one of my beers in the fridge." He said gruffly.

"A beer? But dad it isn't even noon. Besides you got drunk last and have a hangover. You don't need a beer." I said. His grip on my arm tightened.

"Dad. You're hurting me." I said trying to pry his fingers off me. He just squeezed it tighter.

"I said, get me a beer." He glared at me.

"Alright. I'll get you a beer." I said afraid. I've never been afraid of my dad but he wasn't even acting like my dad. I walked downstairs and got a beer. I went back upstairs and gave him his beer right as I heard Asher's car pull into the driveway.

"I have to go. Asher's here." I said.

"Soyou leave your dad for your boyfriend?" He spat glaring at me.

"He's taking me to school." I said. Why was he acting like this?

"Whatever. Go have a good time with your boyfriend while you can. No doubt he's cheating on you." He mumbled.

"He's not cheating on me." I said. I could hear Asher knock on the door.

"The only way he wouldn't be cheating on you is if you were fucking him. Then again I wouldn't put it past you." He said.

"For your information I've never had sex before and I don't intend to until I find the right guy." I glared at him.

"That's what all the whores say." He rolled his eyes. Whore?

"I'm not a fucking whore!" I yelled at him.

"Don't use that tone with me." He glared at me.

"Don't call me a whore!"

"I'll call you whatever I damn well please!"

"Fuck you. I'm leaving." I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand. I turned around glaring at him only to get slapped so hard my face turned to the side. I yanked my arm away and ran downstairs. I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door.

"Finally. I've been knocking- Hey. What's wrong?" Asher asked as i rushed past him to his car.

"Nothing. Just drive." I said as we got in the car. We started driving to school in silence.

"Why is your face red?" He asked looking at me.

"It's not." I mumbled covering my face with my hair.

"Just because you say your face isn't red, doesn't mean it isn't." He said.

"Just drive." I sighed. Tears were forming in my eyes as I thought about what my dad did. I can't believe he slapped me twice in less than ten hours!

"Allie, what's wrong?" Asher asked softly.

"Nothing." I whispered. I kept looking at the floor of the car as he drove until we stopped. I looked up then looked at Asher.

"The beach? Why are we here? Why aren't we at school?" I asked him.

"I want to know what's wrong." He said.

"For the last time, nothing is wrong." I lied crossing my arms. As soon as I did, Asher's hand grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little scared. But then I remembered it was Asher and not my dad. Asher wouldn't hurt me.

"What's this?" He asked examining the bruise on my arm.

"That? Oh it's nothing. I just hit it on my side table when I woke up this morning." I lied quickly.

"Side table? Allie, did your dad do this?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"He didn't mean to. He didn't know he was grabbing me that hard." I whispered.

"Why did he grab you at all?"

"Because I wouldn't get him a beer. It doesn't matter. It's nothing big." I sighed pulling my arm away from him.

"Nothing big? Allie, he hurt you. And I'm pretty sure this isn't all he's done." He said lifting my arm gently up.

"This is it. He didn't do anything else." I lied again.

"So that handprint of your face is from you smacking yourself?" He asked.

"I cussed at him and he got mad. It was a one time thing." These lies were just coming out of my mouth.

"Allie you have to go to the police." He said.

"It was a one time thing, I swear. He was drunk yesterday and had a hangover. He was just irritable. It won't happen again." I shook my head.

"Fine. But if it happens again, promise me, you'll tell me and go to the police." He said.

"I promise." I said crossing my fingers behind my back.
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