He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

You promised

"Stop." I said putting my hand on James' chest.

"You know you want me to." He mumbled still leaning in.

"No I don't. Now get off me." I said pushing his chest but getting no where. His eyes were once again cold as he glared at me.

"No." He said coldly before leaning towards me again. I leaned away from him, falling on the sand so I was now lying down with him hovering over me. His eyes held an evil glint as he smirked evilly at me.

"Get away." I said still trying to push him away. It only made him lean more towards me.

"I think I like it here." He said just before kissing me. The kiss was ruff and unpleasurable. His lips were opposite of Asher's whose were soft and warm, James' were hard and cold. I felt his slimy tongue slide across my bottom lip. I kept my mouth shut refusing to give him entrance. His hand slid to my butt giving it a squeeze. I gasped giving him the perfect oppertunity to push his tongue through my mouth. I was trying to push him off when suddenly, he was flung off me. I gasped for air and looked up. Asher was standing beside me, glaring at James.

"Asher-" I stopped talking when I saw his cold glare turn towards me, not softening even the tinest bit.

"I can't believe you." He whispered.

"Asher please let me explain." I said.

"Explain? I don't want to hear the excuses you have for cheating on me."

"I wasn't cheating. Asher, he kissed me. I was trying to push him away. Please believe me." I said. His eyes soften as he realized I was telling the truth. He opened his mouth to say something but was tackled. I looked in surprise as James and Asher started rolling around in the sand, fighting. James got a couple punches in but Asher flipped him over and started punching him.

"Never... kiss... her... again!" Asher yelled in between punches.

"Asher!" I yelled as I saw James was close to unconsiousness. I pulled Asher off James and pulled him away to his car. We both got in and he started driving away. It was a silent drive but I could feel the tension in the air. After a while Asher pulled into the abandoned park where he first kissed me, for real.

"Are you hurt?" He asked turning to me.

"No. I'm fine." I said.

"Are you sure? He do anything other than kiss you right? I mean he didn't try anything?"


"No he didn't try anything or no you aren't fine?"

"He didn't try anything but I'm sure I'm fine."

"I am so sorry." He whispered taking my hands in his face.

"For what? You didn't do anything."

"I should have followed you. I didn't think you'd leave school until I saw you weren't in class. If I would have followed you none of this would have happened."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is." I just shook my head before kissing him. Have I mentioned I loved the feel of his lips on mine? The kiss got more heated.

"I love you." Asher mumbled as I pulled away, stopping it before it got too far.

"I love you too." I smiled at him. I looked around and realized it was almost dark. Oh no. How long have we been making out for?!

"What time is it?" I asked suddenly.

"Almost eight. Why?" He asked.

"I have to go home." I said. He nodded his head and drove to my house. I gave him a quick peck before running inside the house, not noticing that he didn't leave when I got inside. I didn't see my dad in the front room.

Maybe he's asleep I thought as I made my way to the stairs.

"Where have you been?!" I heard the angry slurr from my dad as he walked out of the kitchen. Or maybe not. I turned around slowly facing my dad.

"I thought you were asleep." I mumbled.

"So you thought you could just walk in here without me knowing?" He slurred swaying a little bit.

"I'm sorry I-" I was cut off by him slapping me. Again.

"I'm going to ask you again. Where. Have. You. Been?" He asked still slurring.


"With that manwhore?"

"Asher isn't a manwhore."

"I don't care. When I come home from a long day at work, i expect my daughter to be here with dinner ready."

"I'm not your wife. I don't have to make you dinner." As soon as I said that, I regreted it. Before I knew it, his fist came flying towards my cheek before making contact with it. I fell backwards holding my cheek.

"Don't talk about your mother around me. She was a slut just like you. That's the only reason I kept her around."

"That's not true! Mom wasn't a slut!" I yelled earning myself a kick in the ribs. He glared at me before going up the stairs leaving me crying on the steps. After a minute, I got out my phone and dialed the familiar number.

"A-Asher?" My voice cracked.

"What's wrong?! Did he hurt you?!" He yelled into the phone.

"Ye-yea. Can y-you com-come and get m-me?"

"I'm still outside. I haven't left." He said. I got up and slowly walked my way ouside, so I wouldn't hurt my side anymore than it already is. Asher was still in the driveway like he said. When he saw me, he quickly rushed over to me and helped me inside his car.

"What happened?" He asked as we started driving away.

"He slapped me for being late and not having dinner ready for when he got home. Then I said I wasn't his wife and didn't have to make dinner for him, and he punched me. Then he called my mom a slut and when I said she wasn't, he kicked me." I explained wiping the tears away.

"I'm taking you to a doctor." He said.

"No! Don't! I'm fine!" I yelled.

"You promised me you'd tell if he did it again."

"And I will! Tomorrow morning I'll go to the police station! Right now I just want to rest."

"Fine. You can sleep over at my house."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short. I hope you guys liked it. You guys told me to keep Allie with Asher so I am. Thanks for the comments. Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3