He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.


"Allie! Get up! You're going to be late!" I heard my mother's voice call up to me. I groaned and rolled over. I didn't want to go to school. As far as I was concerned, school was for dummies and I wasn't a dummy. I was one of the smartest kids in my old school, not that any of my friends new about it. The only thing I was good at was science. I could care less about science.

"Alexandra Demitri, get up this instant!" My father yelled walking into my room.

"I'm up!" I yelled from the floor. the moving van hadn't gotten here yet so I had to sleep on the floor. I sat up and stretched as my dad walked out of my room.

"Stupid parents." I mumbled standing up. I walked to my closet and picked out my outfit, a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white tanktop with a skull on it, a zebra printed hoodie, and blue shoes. Now for my make up. I re-painted my nails black, put on some eyeliner, mascara and dark purple eyeshadow. Allie's outfit

"Allie, Cameron's here." My mom said knocking on my door.

"Ok!" I said. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

"What about breakfast?" My dad asked like always. Like always I grabbed a nutri-grain bar before walking out the door.

"Hey Cam." I smiled as I got in his car.

"Hey. So ready for your first day at your new school?" Cameron asked as we drove.

"Nope." I smiled shaking my head. I've never been new before. I've lived in the same place since I was born.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine. You got me." He said.

"Thanks." we pulled up to the HUGE school. Seriously it had to be at least three stories tall. As I stepped out of the Cameron's car, I swear everyone stopped breathing. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me like I suspected. Most were looking at me confused, and surprised, some girls, ALL the girls, glared at me. But one particular girl caught my attention. She was glaring at me the hardest of all. She looked like she wanted to murder me.

"Um Cam? Why is everyone staring?" I asked as he walked over to me. He slid his arm around my waist.

"No one's staring." He said. As he said that a few people turned their heads.

"Hey Cameron. Whose your friend?" The girl that was glaring the hardest at me asked walking up to us.

"Tiffany, this is Allie. Her dad is the new shreriff deputy. Allie this is Tiffany, Veronica, and Merisol." Cameron said introducing us. Tiffany was the one glaring at me and definatly the sluttiest of them all. I could also tell sh was the leader of their group. Veronica was just a little bit less sluttier than Tiffany and looked like the dumbest. Marisol wasn't slutty at all. I could tell she was spanish and while the other two glared at me, Marisol just smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Marisol said. The two turned their glares to Marisol. She shrunk back and just looked at the ground.

"Nice to meet you too Marisol." I smiled at her. She sent me a shy smile.

"So Cam, we're still on for tonight. Right?" Tiffany asked rubbing Cameron's arm.

"I'll leave you guys alone." I said stepping out of Cameron's arm. I had a feeling Tiffany was Cameron's girlfriend and I don't need any drama right now.


"No it's ok. I need to get my schedual anyways. How about I meet you after first period?" I asked.

"How are you going to know where to go?" He asked.

"Marisol, can you show me around?" I asked Marisol.

"Sure." She smiled at me. Her friends didn't say anything as we walked away. We were silent as we walked through the halls.

"Hey Marisol? Can I ask you something?" I asked after a while.

"Yea." She said.

"Why do you hang out with Tiffany and Veronica?"

"Well... because... they're my friends." She shrugged.

"But why? I mean you seem nothing like them."

"We've been friends since kindergarten. They used to be really nice. But then Tiffany went away for a summer and came back hot. All the boys liked her and she loved the attention. It got to her head. And when Veronica saw all the attention Tiffany was getting she wanted to be like her. And I've been their friend when they started turning into bitches and I don't think anyone wants to be friends with me since I'm friends with them. I mean it's not I've actually said anything about their bitchiness. I just take it and don't say anything when it happens to other people." She explained.

"Why don't I be your friend. It's always good to have a friend when you move to a new place." I said.

"Oh no. Tiffany and Veronica will kill me. You were with Cameron and Tiffany is in love with Cameron. I can't do that to her. Besides we're practically sisters." She said as we got to the office.

"But Marisol-"

"Well here we are. I'll see you later." She said before turning around and walking away. I sighed and entered the office.

"Excuse me, I'm new here and I need my schedual." I told the lady at the front desk. She was talking on her phone and didn't acknowlodge me.

"Here. Let me help you." A girl said getting up from her chair she was sitting in.

"Brinkman!" She said slamming her hand on the desk. The secretary looked up startled.

"What do you want miss Shellmen?" She asked annoyed.

"New student." The girl said nodding toward me. She looked at me then looked at her computer.

"Name?" She asked.

"Allie Demitri." I said. She typed something into her computer and something printed out. She picked it up and handed it to me.

"Here you go." She sighed rolling her eyes. Rude much? I turned toward the girl.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem. So your the new sheriff deputy's daughter." She said.

"Unfortunately." I rolled my eyes.

"I know how that feels. My mom's the princible." She said.

"Really?! That's got to suck big." I said.

"Tell me about it." She said.

"I'm Allie." I said.

"Ellie." She said as the princible's door opened.

"Ellie." The princible shook her head.

"Gotta go." Ellie smiled before following her mom into the office.

"Hey Caden." Ellie said to the boy exiting her mom's office.

"Hi El." The guy said. Oh my god! He was gorgeous! WAY hotter than Cameron! And he was such a bad boy! I think I'm in heaven! He looked at me and smirked.

"I know I'm hot but you don't need to stare." He said. My cheekxs burned with the on coming blush.

"I wasn't... I mean... I... uh..."

"It's ok. You're new here aren't you?" He asked opening the office door for me. I smiled at him and exited the office.

"Yea." I said.

"Well I'm Caden."


"So where are you headed?" Caden asked. I looked at my schedual.

Advanced English- Miss Headers
Pre calculus- Mr. Deed
Advanced History - Mrs. Tweed
Art- Miss Pin
Gym- Coach Carson
Biology- Mr. Fish.

I debated if I should tell him my real class. I didn't want him to think I was a geek. But before I could lie to him he grabbed it out of my hand.

"Hey!" I protested trying to reach for it. He held it above his head smirking as i tried to get it by jumping up and down. I hate being short.

"Come on!" I begged using puppy eyes. He brought it down and looked at the schedual. I watched for a reaction. But I got none.

"You have 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 with me." He said handing it back.

"Wait what?" I asked. Did he just say that he was in the same classes?

"What's wrong?"

"You have the same classes."

"What, didn't think I was smart?" He asked looking offended.

"No! It's not liek that! I mean... it's..."

"It's ok." He said laughing. I slapped his arm.

"That wasn't funny." I pouted.

"Alright. I'm sorry. Come on let's go to class. I'll show you your locker after class." he said. I nodded my head and walked to Advanced English with him.
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