He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

Showing me around.

"Ah Caden. You finally join us." The teacher said. She was a young woman probably in her early thirties.

"I was in the principal's office again." Caden said.

"When aren't you? Whose this?" The teacher asked looking at me.

"Allie Dimitri. I'm new here." I said.

"Oh right. You're the new student. I'm Miss Headers. Well how about you tell us about yourself? Uh Caden you can go sit now." She said. Caden nodded his head and sat down in the back.

"Well umm I moved here from Ohio. I've gotten expelled from my old school for fighting too much. Umm I guess that's it." I shrugged.

"Ok then. Go sit beside Caden." She smiled at me. I nodded and sat in the back beside Caden. Miss Headers turned back to the board and started talking about ancient roman literature. I just got done learning about this at my old school.

"You don't seem the fighting type." I heard Caden whisper close to my ear making my spine shiver.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I smiled at him. He looked at me for a while before smiling.

"You want to hangout during gym?" He asked.

"You mean skip gym?" I asked.

"Yea. But it's ok if you don't. You don't seem like the type to skip class." He smirked.

"For your information I have skipped gym since I was in the first grade." I smirked back.

"It's a date then." He said before turning back to the front of the class. At that moment the classroom door opened again. Everyone turned their heads to see who it was, except for me. I don't care who it was. I don't know that many people here and it most likely wasn't someone I knew.

"Sorry I was late. I was supposed to show a new student to her class but she didn't show up." My head shot up as I heard the familiar voice. Cameron was standing in the front of the class. As if he heard me, he turned his head and saw me. He smiled at me as all heads turned to look at me.

"Very well. Take your seat." Miss Headers sighed. Cameron walked to the back of the class and sat in the seat next to mine. As miss Headers turned around again Cameron leaned towards me.

"I thought you were going to meet me at the office." He said still smiling.

"Sorry. I met Caden and he showed me the way since he has the same class." I said. Cameron looked beside me. I looked over and saw Caden glaring at Cameron.

"Stark." Cameron said in a forced tone.

"Wilkins." Caden said with the same tone.

"Dimitri." I said. They both stared at me.

"What? You guys got to say a name. I felt left out." I pouted.

"Ahem!" I looked in front of me and saw miss Headers.

"Miss Demitri, do you have something you want to say?" She asked me.

"Yea. I said I'm tired and this class isn't helping. It's very boring." I said faking a yawn. There were a few chuckles around the classroom. Miss Headers glared at me.

"Miss Demitri I will NOT accept that behavior in my classroom." I could tell she was trying to keep her voice calm.

"Ok." I smiled.

"Good." She turned around and I started gathering all my stuff.

"What are you doing?" Cameron asked grabbing my arm as I was about to get up.

"I'm leaving." I shrugged. I pulled my arm away and stood up.

"Miss Demitri sit down!" Miss Headers yelled at me.

"You said you don't accept my behavior in your classroom so I'm leaving." I said. I took my stuff and walked out. I had about five minutes before the bell rang. Caden said he would help me find my locker but I didn't want to wait outside the classroom for five minutes.

"Hey Allie!" I heard my name called. I turned around and saw Ellie walking towards me.

"Hey Ellie." I said.

"What'cha doing?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just got kicked out of class." I shrugged.

"Ahh me too. I talked back to the teacher and he sent me out." She shrugged.

"I punched my teacher in the nose." I said.

"Really?" She asked surprised.

"Nah. I just talked back too." I smiled. She shook her head smiling.

"So what class you got next?" She asked.

"Uhh math." I mumbled. It wasn't technically a lie. I just didn't tell her what math class.

"Cool me too. Want me show you?" She asked.

"Actually Caden said he would show me around school since we have most of our classes together." I said.

"Ahhh. Falling for Caden Stark. Can't blame ya. He is hot." She said.

"I just met him." I said.

"Trust me, it's not going to take much time for you to like him."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as the bell rang. The door opened and kids came running out of the classroom. Caden and Cameron were the last two to come out. They were glaring at each other.

"Come on Allie. I'll show you where your next class is." Cameron said looking at me.

"Actually Caden said he would show me where it is." I said feeling guilty. I mean I did ditch him at the office and made him late. But Caden asked first to show me around.

"Oh. Ok. I'll umm talk to you later." He said turning away.

"Hey Cameron!" I yelled before he got too far.

"Yea?" He asked turning around.

"Why don't you walk me after my next class?" I asked.

"Sure. what is it?"

"I have pre calculus this period and after I have advanced history." I said.

"Great. I'll see you then." he said before walking away again. I turned around and was met with two completely different faces on Caden and Ellie. Ellie looked horrified like i made a deal with the devil and Caden sort of looked hurt? Nah can't be.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with him." Ellie said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"He's not good for you." Caden mumbled before walking away.

"What just happened?" I asked Ellie. She just shrugged. I ran up to Caden.

"Hey Caden. I thought you were going to show me around." I said.

"Huh? Oh yea. What locker do you have?" He asked.

"109." I said. His faced brightened with a smile.

"Cool. I right by that locker." He said.

"Great. Lead the way." I said.
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