He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

Run in

After Pre calculus, Cameron walked me to History, then after that, Caden walked me to lunch with Ellie.

"Hey Allie, want to eat lunch with me?" Cameron asked running up to us.

"She can't. She's eating with us." Ellie said hooking her through mine.

"That's right." Caden smirked.

"Sorry. Hey! How about you eat lunch with us? You guys don't mind right?" I asked Caden and Ellie.

"Actually, Allie, I was going to eat with my own friends. But why don't you sit with me tomorrow?" Cameron asked before they could answer.

"You sure?" I asked feeling guilty again.

"Yea. I'm sure. See you in art." He said. I nodded my head and he turned around. He walked to a group of jocks and preps. They were all giving me wierd looks and glares (Mostly the girls). I rolled my eyes at them and made my way to the lunchroom.

"Where are you going?" Ellie asked stopping me.

"Lunch." I said pointing at the lunch doors.

"We go out for lunch. The cafetaria food sucks." Caden said.

"But I thought we weren't allowed off campus for lunch." I said.

"There are some advantages to being the principal's daughter." Ellie smirked.

"Yea for her. We have to ditch and risk getting caught. Unless you aren't up to it." Caden smirked too.

"Please! I'll do anything to get out of school." I smirked back.

"Then lets go!" Ellie said dragging me down the hall with Caden running after us. We ran to Caden's car and drove to McDonalds.

"What do you guys want?" Ellie asked.

"Chicken nuggets and a coke." I said

"Same." Caden said.

"Three chicken nuggets, two cokes, and a sprite." Ellie told the cashier.

"Well if it isn't Caden Stark." I heard a guy's voice say behind me. I turned around and saw a guy about the same height as Caden with blonde shaggy hair that hung in his blue eyes. Even though he had blone hair and blue eyes he was not a prep. I could tell just by looking at him that he has gotten in a fair amount of trouble. He was as hot as Caden, maybe even a little hotter.

"What are you doing here Daniels?" Caden glared at the guy.

"No need to be rude." The guy said placing his hand on Caden's shoulder.

"Get your hand off me before I brake it." Caden warned.

"Wouldn't want to get physical in front of your friend would you?... What's your name?" The guy asked me.

"That's not your concern Asher." Caden said stepping in front of me. God! I hate it when people do that! Like I couldn't defend myself!

"Of course it is. I need to know her name since I'm going to be seeing her more."

"Who says you'll see her again?"

"I'm sure I will." Why is boys are so cocky all the time?!

"I'm sure you won't. And if you do, it's not as if I'll talk to you." I said stepping around Caden. I don't care how hot this guy is, I hate egotistic boys.

"Allie,..." Caden started to say but was cut off by the guy.

"Allie. I like that name. I'm Asher Daniels." The guy said sticking out his hand. I just looked at it.

"I don't give a shit. Now why don't I leave before I break that pretty little face of yours?" I glared at him.

"You think I'm hot?" He smirked.

"First of all I said pretty. Second of all I was being sarcastic when I said pretty. And third of all I do NOT think your hot. So why don't you and your egotistic self leave." I said even though I did think he was hot.

"Fiesty. I like it." He said taking a step closer to me. I stood my ground and just continued to glare at him.

"Get away from her!" Caden said pushing Asher away from me. Asher turned his glare to Caden.

"I'll do what I want!" Asher said pushing Caden back. Caden looked like he was about to murder Asher.

"Caden!" Ellie yelled stepping in front of him.

"What?" Caden asked in a strained voice looking at Ellie.

"We're leaving. Let's go." She said grabbing his arm.

"No." He pushed her arm off him.

"Caden. Please. You don't want to do this." Ellie whispered.

"Yes I do." Caden said.

"Allie, help me. Get Asher out of here." Ellie said. Although I didn't want to spend one more second with the guy, I really didn't like seeing Caden like this.

"Leave Asher." I said standing in front of him. He looked down at me. At first I thought he was going to say something about not having to leave. But he just scoffed.

"Whatever. I don't need this right now." He said before walking away. I turned around and to face Ellie and Caden. Ellie was looking at me surprised and Caden was looking at me confused.

"What?" I asked.

"He never backs down." Ellie said.

"HUh?" I asked confused.

"Asher. He never backs down from a fight. Expecially with Caden." Ellie explained.

"Maybe he was tired and didn't feel like fighting." I shrugged.

"Yea. I guess so." Ellie said.

"We should go back to school." Caden said.

"Since when do you care about going to school?" Ellie asked.

"I don't." Caden said.

"Then I vote we skip the rest of the day." I said.

"Me too. My parents are gone on another business trip. We could hang out there." Ellie said.

"Cool. Let's go." I said.

Asher's pov

Something is wrong with me. Am I sick or something? Did I come down with the flu? Because the last time I checked, I never backed down from a fight with Caden. So why was this time different? I just couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. It was the perfect oppertunity to fight with Caden, the perfect oppertunity to get some anger out on someone I hate, so why didn't I?

All I know is that as soon as Allie looked at me with those green eyes something inside me wanted to listen to her and before I knew it I was walking away. And I still can't get over the fact that she resisted me! No girl can resist me! What is wrong with me?!
♠ ♠ ♠
So I started writing this chapter and as I was adding Asher into the story, I decided that I wanted to change the story a little bit. I'm going to change the description and characters too so it fits around the plot. Please don't hate me! Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3