He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

Broken noses and tears.

(1 Month Later)

Ellie and I opened our lockers which were right beside each others.

"Caden's having a party tonight. You coming?" Ellie asked.

"Hell yea!" I yelled. I loved parties. There wasn't one party that I didn't go to back at my old home.

"Great! Hey! How abotu you come over after school and so we can get ready at my house and after you can spend the night." She suggested.

"Sounds good." I smiled. At that time Cameron walked up to us.

"Hey Allie." He said smiling.

"Hey Cam. What's up?" I asked smiling back.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me tonight." My smile slowly left my face.

"Sorry Cam. I'm going to a party at Caden's house." I said.

"You're going to a party at Caden's house?" He asked like he couldn't believe it.

"Well yea. Why?" I asked.

"It's just that Caden's parties tend to end up bad with someone bringing alcohol." He said. I heard Ellie stiffle a giggle.

"That's the whole point of a party." I said.

"Yea. It's not a supervised kiddie party." Ellie said rolling her eyes. I shot her a look. She may not be friends with Cameron but I was. She quickly shut her mouth.

"Sorry Cam. But I'm free tomorrow. We can go to the movies then." I said.

"Ok. How about I pick you up at seven."

"Cam, we live next door." I smiled.

"Right. Well I'll see you tomorrow then." He said before turning away.

"He thinks you like him. You need to tell him you don't." Ellie said once he was away.

"I know. If I don't tell him soon, he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend. And I don't think I have the guts to tell him no." I sighed. As if my day couldn't get worse, Tiffany, Veronica, and Marisol walked up to us. Marisol was biting her lip and Tiffany and Veronica glared at me.

"Here come the sluts." Ellie mumbled. I was about to tell her that Marisol wasn't a slut but they got to me before I could say anything.

"Hi Marisol." I smiled at her.

"Don't talk to her Mar." Tiffany said still glaring at me.

"She can talk to whoever she wants. It's called freedom of speech. We learned about in history. But then again I don't expect your dumb slutty ass to know that." I glared at her.

"I got a B- in history."

"Actually, the teacher was just grading you on how you are in bed." Ellie smirked. I laughed.

"For your information, I'm a A++ in bed." Tiffany turned her glare to Ellie.

"Tell Mr. Jones that." Ellie glared back.

"Fuck you."

"Great comeback. How long did it take you to think it up?" Tiffany opened her mouth to say something but I interrupted her.

"What do you want Tiffany?" I asked annoyed.

"Just came to warn you about staying away from my boyfriend."

"And mine too." Veronica said.

"I didn't know sluts had boyfriends. I thought they just had fuck buddies." I smirked.

"You know what we mean. Stay away from Cameron and Caden." Tiffany said.

"Caden doesn't want nothing to do with you!" Ellie yelled at Veronica.

"Yea he does! He's like totally in love with me! He can't leave me alone. He told me himself!" Veronica yelled back.

"That's funny because Caden told me that he was in love with Ellie." I said. I knew how Ellie felt about Caden and I had made up my mind to get them together. Ellie looked at me with a 'he did?' look.

"Caden doesn't want a girl like you. He hates emos. He told me so."

"Caden is emo to." I rolled my eyes.

"Yea but he's hot. And she's... not."

"She does kind of look like a dog." Tiffany smirked.

"And she smells too. Like a skunk." Veronica smirked too.

"That's enough. You can make fun of me all you want. But you leave Ellie alone. One more word and I won't hesistate to break your fake nose." I glared at them.

"What are you, her lesbo girlfriend?" Tiffany asked. Marisol looked like she wanted to say something but she just looked at the ground.

"I'm not a lesbian, and she's my friend." I glared at them.

"Whatever. Just stay away from Cameron." She glared back.

"And Caden!" Veronica said. They turned around but Tiffany stopped and turned back around. She looked Ellie up and down before saying one fatal word.

"Slut." That was all it took. Before I knew what was happening, I drew my hand back and punched her face.

"My nose!" She yelled covering it as it started to bleed. Marisol couldn't stop laughing.

"Mar!" Veronica yelled.

"She said she would do it." Marisol said inbetween gasps of breath.

"Argh! Take me to the nurse!" Tiffany yelled stomping her foot. Veronica put her arm around Tiffany and started walking to the nurse's office.

"Marisol!" Veronica yelled as they realized she wasn't following them. Marisol looked at me. I just smiled at her.

"I'm not coming." She said.

"Marisol if you don't come, we are not friends with you anymore!" Tiffany yelled.

"I don't care." Marisol shrugged.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tiffany started jumping up and down mad. Everyone was staring at her. Veronica pulled her away.

"Wow. Why'd you do that?" Ellie asked Marisol.

"I know why." I smiled at Marisol.

"So we're friends now?" Ellie asked confused.

"I guess." Marisol said.

"Cool. I always knew you were different from them." Ellie smiled at her.


"So?" Marisol asked coming out of the bathroom. She had just finished getting ready for the party. Ellie and I helped picked the outfit out. It was a white shirt with black straps and a chain hanging from the straps, a white skirt with black leggings, white and black stripped shoes, a white studded belt, white and black sunglasses, and a pink headband. Her hair was let down and wavy. Marisol's outfit.

"I love it!" Ellie yelled.

"Yea, even the pink headband looks good with it." I smiled.

"And she hates pink." Ellie said.

"What do you think of it?" I asked Marisol.

"It's perfect." She smiled.

"Alright, now that we're ready, let's go." I said. Ellie was wearing a purple and black skirt, a purple one sleeve shirt, a purple and black converse, a purple belt, purple and black sunglasses, and a gray hat. She had cut her hair and put purple streaks in it. Ellie's outfit.

I was wearing a red 3/4 sleeves shirt with a black shirt under it, a red skirt with black leggings, red and black converse, a red and black studded belt, red and black glasses, and a black hat. I had added a red streak to my hair. Allie's outfit

We walked out of Ellie's house and walked to her car. We drove to Caden's house listening to some of Ellie's CDs. After about five minutes we pulled onto Caden's street. i say street because there were so many cars that we couldn't park at his house.

"Wow." I said.

"Yea. Caden's parties are pretty popular." Marisol said.

"You've been to them before?" I asked. I didn't think Caden invited Tiffany, Veronica, and Marisol to his parties.

"Veronica dragged me to one before. Tiffany was out of town and Veronica wanted me to crash it with her." She shrugged.

"Hope they aren't here tonight." Ellie said.

"Don't worry El. Caden likes you, not some slut like Veronica." I said.

"Yea. Veronica is actually jealous of you. I mean it's not like Caden hangs out with her like he does with you. And he never invites her to his parties." Marisol said.

"Thanks guys." She smiled as we got to Caden's front door. You could hear the music blaring from inside and kids were outside drunk already. We were just about to knock when the door opened revealing two people kissing. I didn't need brains to figure out who it was. I looked over at Ellie and she looked like her heart just got broken, which it did. Before I could say anything she ran away.

"I'll go get her." Marisol said before running after her. I pulled Veronica off of Caden.

"What the hell?!" She yelled glaring at me. But I wasn't looking at her. I was glaring at Caden.

"Allie." Caden said with wide eyes.

"I can't believe you." I said.

"I'm sorry... where's Ellie?" He asked as a look of panic crossed his face.

"She ran back to the car when she saw you kissing this bimbo. Why were you kissing this bimbo?" I asked angrily.

"Because he likes me. I told you he did." Veronica smirked.

"I wasn't kissing her!" He yelled.

"I saw you! How could you do this to Ellie?! She likes you! And you invite this bimbo to your party and kiss her right in front of Ellie!" I yelled.

"I didn't- wait. She likes me?" He asked.

"Of course she does! You can't tell me that you didn't know she liked you! I can tell just by the way she looks at you!"

"I didn't know she liked me." He mumbled.

"Whatever. It still doesn't give you the right to kiss every bimbo you see."

"But I didn't kiss Veronica! She was kissing me. I was opening the door to make her leave but she kissed me!" He yelled frustrated.

"Right." I rolled my eyes. I turned around to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"I'm telling the truth. I don't even like Veronica. I like Ellie. I always had but I figured she didn't like me. I wouldn't kiss Veronica anyways. I know Ellie hates her." He said looking sincere.

"Prove it." I said.


"Tell Ellie you like her.... And let me punch Veronica." I smirked. Veronica's eyes got wide as Caden stepped away from her.

"Babe. What are you doing?" She asked Caden.

"I'm not your babe." Caden rolled his eyes.

"I'll give you the count of three to go before I punch you." I told her. She took off before I even started counting.

"Well that was easy." I smiled to myself.

"Yea but Ellie probably hates me now." Caden sighed.

"Don't worry about that. Just tell her that you like her. She can't stay mad at you forever." I said before walking back to the car.
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Long chapter! Don't you think Ellie and Caden would make a good couple? I do. Hope you liked it! Comment/subscribe! <3VampirePrincess15<3