He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

Fake boyfriend.

The whole ride home was filled with silence. No crying. No yelling. Just silence. I was starting to get worried. maybe I had everything wrong. Maybe she really didn't like Caden. I pulled into Ellie's driveway. I didn't trust Ellie to drive just in case she got a sudden urge to commit suicide.

We walked inside her house and up to her room. Still it was silent. All the way to her room, she didn't talk or do anything but walk. As soon as she was in her room though, it got very loud.

At first it was just a quiet sobbing, so low that I could barely hear it. But then it got louder and louder. Ellie started yelling and cursing Caden and Veronica. She picked up a book and hurled it across the room. Then another. Then another. She kept picking things up and throwing them. Then her hand grabbed a picture of her and Caden when they were little. I thought she was going to throw it like the rest, but she just put it back on her bedside table and fell on her bed. Marisol and I sat down beside her. I wrapped her in my arms and let her cry it out. After about an hour things finally quieted down.

"Why her? Why not me? I've always been here. Why can't he see that I like him?" She whispered.

"He's a guy." Marisol said.

"But he didn't need to kiss her. I thought he liked me. I thought he was just starting to see that I liked him and he was liking me back."

"He does like you." I told her.

"He's got a weird way of showing it. Kissing every slut he sees. That sure does tell me he loves me." She rolled her eyes.

"Ellie, he didn't kiss her. He was just opening the door to make her leave and she kissed him."

"How do you know?"

"He told me."

"He could be lying so you would kick his ass."

"He could of. But he was going to let me punch Veronica for kissing him. If he really liked her, do you think he would let me do that?"

"No. I guess not. But that still doesn't prove anything."

"He told me that he likes you. He always had. He just didn't think you would return the feelings." I said. She looked up at me.

"Really?" She asked smiling a little.

"Really." I nodded my head.

"Thanks Allie. You too Marisol." She gave us a small hug.

"Should I call him?" She asked. I handed her her phone. She smiled and dialed Caden's number. She walked out of the room into the hallway.

"I'm tired." I said.

"Me too. This is one drama filled night." Marisol said.

"Tell me about it." I said laying on Ellie's bed. Before I knew it I was sleeping.

(Next day)

"Wake up!" I heard Ellie scream in my ear.

"What?! What?! I'm awake!" I yelled sitting up alert. I heard Marisol and Ellie laughing.

"Fuck you guys." I glared at them throwing a pillow at them.

"Miss grumpy pants isn't in a good mood." Marisol said.

"Soon I'm going to be miss Kick your ass, if you don't tell me why you woke me up."

"Your phone has gotten like a thousand text messages. It's annoying." Ellie said. I groaned and grabbed my phone. There were ten new messages. 9 were from Cameron and 1 was from Caden. I decided to open Caden's first.

Caden: Thanks for talking to El. ;) That winky eye could only mean one thing.

"Ellie has a boyfriend!" I yelled. Ellie looked at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know?! We just started going out yesterday!" She yelled.

"Caden sent me a text." I bragged waving it in her face.

"Aww!" Marisol smiled. A sudden idea popped in my head.

"Hey Ellie. Why don't you and Caden come to the movies with me and Cam? Then he won't think it's a date." I said.

"You're going on a date with Cam?" Marisol asked. She sounded a little sad.

"It's not a date. I don't like him like that. We're friends but I think he wants to be more." I told her.

"Oh." The sadness was gone from her voice. I wonder.

"Do you like Cam?" I asked her. Her cheeks started going red.

"Kind of." She whispered.

"Great! Come with us!"

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yea!" I nodded.

"Ok." She smiled. While Ellie texted Caden about going to the movies, I read the text messages from Cam. They were mostly asking if I was alright because some kids had saw me yelling at Caden at the party last night. I told him I was alright and that a couple friends were coming with us to the movies. I don't think he was happy about that but he agreed.

An hour later we were standing in line at the movie theater to get our tickets. Of course Cameron and Caden were arguing over what movie we should see. Cameron wanted to see Iron Man 2 and Caden wanted to see Kick-Ass. He looked at me and smirked.

"I've already seen Iron Man 2!" Caden sighed.

"well I haven't!" Cameron said.

"Stop arguing!" I yelled frustrated.

"Really. It's just a movie." Marisol said.

"We're going to see Kick- Ass." Caden said completely ignoring us.

"Iron man 2." Cameron glared. I let them argue until we got up to the ticket booth.

"5 tickets for Remember me. (I don't think this movie is still in theaters but for this story it is.)" I said handing the guy the money. He took it and gave me five tickets in return. As we left I heard a familiar voice ask the ticket booth guy for a ticket to the same movie. I turned around and saw Asher.

"Uh oh." Ellie said. I guess she saw him too.

"Hey! Why aren't we in line?" Caden asked seeing that we weren't in line anymore.

"We already got the tickets." Ellie said.

"Ha! We are going to see Kick- Ass!" Caden bragged.

"No we aren't." I said.

"Ha! We're seeing Iron Man!" Cameron gloated back.

"Nope." Ellie shook her head.

"What are we seeing then?" Caden asked as him and Cameron exchanged confused glances.

"Remember me." I smirked knowing they wouldn't like it. As I predicted the both groaned.

"Come on! Do we have to?" Cameron asked.

"Yea. I'd rather watch Iron Man 2 than that." Caden sighed.

"Too bad. You couldn't decide so we did." Marisol said. The grumbled but didn't say anything else about it.

"Uh Allie, can I talk to you?" Cameron asked as we made our way to the consession stand.

"Umm sure." I said knowing what he was going to ask me. We walked away from the group over to the wall.

"What's up?" I asked hoping I would be wrong.

"I wanted to come here with just you because there was something I wanted to ask you." He paused trying to find the right words. I looked at any other place besides Cameron's face. Then my eyes landed on him. I knew my escape but did I really want to? Before I could think any further I started talking.

"Can you hold that thought?" I asked him.

"Uh yea." He nodded his head. I smiled and walked towards my doom.

"Asher, I need a favor." I said walking up to him. He turned around and gave me a confused look.

"A favor?" He asked.

"Yes. I know I don't know you that well but right now you are my only choice. See that guy standing by the wall over there?" I asked. He looked behind me and nodded his head.

"He wants me to be his girlfriend."


"But I don't."

"So tell him no."

"I can't. He's a friend and I don't want to hurt him."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Pretend to be my boyfriend."

"You want me to be your fake boyfriend because you can't say no to him?"

"Exactly. And if he knows I have a boyfriend he won't ask me." He thought about this for a minute.

"What do I get in return?" He asked.

"Anything." I said with out thinking, which was a bad idea. He started to smirk.

"Anything?" He asked.

"With in reason." He slowly nodded his head.

"Ok. I'll do it." He said.

"Thank you." I sighed.

"One question though. Why didn't you ask Caden?"

"He's going out with Ellie."

"Hmm. He finally asked her out."


"Nothing. Let's go." He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked back to Cameron.

"Who's this?" Cameron asked eying Asher.

"Cam, this is my boyfriend Asher. Asher this is my friend Cameron." I said emphasizing friend so he would get the point.

"You have a boyfriend?" Cam asked.

"Yea. We started going out about a week ago. I hope it's ok that I invited him." I said.

"Why wouldn't it? You invited everyone else." He mumbled the last sentence but I heard him but I pretended to not hear him. I saw Caden Ellie and Marisol coming towards us.

"Hey are you guys... What's he doing here?" Caden asked glaring Asher.

"And why does he have his arm around you?" Ellie asked keeping a firm grip on Caden's hand so he wouldn't attack Asher.

"We're going out." I said. I clearly hadn't thought this plan through.

"Going out? But he's the enemy!" Caden said.

"He's your enemy. But I like him." I lied. I hated lying to Caden and Ellie. They were my best friends. Marisol just looked at us all confused.

"I'm lost." Marisol said.

"Oh right. Marisol this is my boyfriend Asher. Asher this is my other friend Marisol."

"I know who he is." Marisol said.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yea. Tiffany and him went out a couple weeks last year." She was slightly glaring at Asher.

"You did?" I asked him wondering how someone like him could have gone out with someone like Tiffany.

"And he cheated on her." Marisol said.

"Wait a second. I didn't cheat on her." Asher said.

"Then why'd you break up with her?"

"Because she cheated on me." Marisol just continued glaring at him.

"Well you better not hurt Allie." She said. Asher smiled and pulled me closer to him. I could smell his axe cologne now.

"I promise you that i will not hurt Allie." Asher said. He winked at me. I held in a gag. I'd have to explain this to Ellie, Marisol, and Caden later.

"I swear if you hurt her-"

"I won't." Asher interrupted Caden. It was silent as everyone glared at Asher. The tension was so thick you couldn't event cut it with a knife.

"So let's watch the movie!" I said breaking the silence. We walked inside the theater showing Remember Me.
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