He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

Turning the tables.

"All of this because you didn't want to date Cameron?" Ellie asked sitting on my bed. I had just finished telling her and Marisol my plan.

"I just didn't want Cameron to ask me. I didn't want anything to be weird between us when I said no. Then I saw Asher and I just... walked over there without thinking." I shrugged.

"Does Asher know it's fake?" Marisol asked. Her and Ellie started smirking at me.

"Of course he does."

"Really? Because the way he was looking at you, didn't seem very fake." Ellie said.

"Well it is. He knows it's fake. He's just a good actor." I shrugged.

"Just promise us one thing." Marisol said seriously.


"Promise that no matter what happens, you won't fall in love with him."

"WHAT?! I could NEVER fall in love with him!" I yelled.

"Just promise us." Ellie said.

"Fine. I promise I won't fall in love with Asher. Happy?" I asked.

"Yup." They said.

"Good now all I have to do is tell Caden." I said. I picked up my phone and dialed Caden's number.

"Hello?" He answered. he sounded annoyed.

"Caden? Are you ok?" I asked.

"No I'm not Allie. How would you feel if one of your friends betrayed you and started going out with your enemy?"

"Caden, I didn't betray you." I said.

"Right. What you're just pretending to go out with him?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes! That's exactly it!" I yelled. Marisol and Ellie gave me wierd looks. I just waved them off.

"Oh really? Why are you pretending to go out with him?" Caden asked.

"Because Cameron was going to ask me out and I didn't want to tell him no and ruin our friendship."

"WHy didn't you ask me?"

"Because you happen to be going out with my best friend." I rolled my eyes at his stupidness.

"Oh. Yea. That's right. Sorry for flipping out." He apologized.

"It's ok. Just don't tell anyone. Especially Cameron."

"Ok. I won't tell." He promised.

"Thank you." I said.

"Hey I have to go. Tell Ellie I'll see her tomorrow." He said.

"Will do. Bye."

"Did he freak out?" Ellie asked.

"Yup." I said leaving out that he asked me why he couldn't pretend to be my boyfriend. She would take it the wrong way and hate me.


(Next day)

After getting dressed, I ran downstairs.

"Breakfast?" My dad asked. I grabbed a nutri-gran bar and ran out the door.

"Hey Allie." Cameron said.

"Hey Cam." I smiled at him.

"Need a ride?" He asked. I shook my head no. It would be a very akward ride.

"Actually Asher was picking me up." I lied without thinking.

"Oh. I'll see you at school then." he said trying to hide the hurt on his face but I saw it as clear as day. I hated hurting him but if he would have asked me to go out with him it would have hurt him even more to hear me say no.

"Yea. See ya." I smiled. I watched him get in his car and drive away. As soon as he was out of sight I sighed. What am I going to do? If I walk or drive my mom's car, Cam will kow I was lying. Well I guess I'll have to face the music. I sighed and started walking to school. Maybe I could think of another lie for walking.

I was about a block from school when I noticed a car was following me. I started walking faster and the car sped up.

"Stop following me!" I yelled turning around. I stopped walking and glared at the person behind the wheel. The car drove up beside me. Asher was still laughing his head off.

"Ha ha." I glared at him.

"What did you think I was? Some rapist?" He asked still laughing.

"Shut up." I said.

"Why are you walking?" He asked suddenly.

"Cameron offered me a ride to school but I said no, that you were going to pick me up being my fake boyfriend and all, because I knew the ride would be akward. But I forgot that you don't even know where I live and I don't have your number." I said.

"I know where you live." He said.

"What are you, a stalker?" I asked weirded out.

"No. Your the new sheriff deputy's daughter. I get in trouble constantly with the police so I have to know where they live to avoid doing anything in their neighbor hood. Or sometimes I like to egg the houses." He smirked.

"Egging houses? Isn't that a little childish?" I asked.

"Sure is." He smiled proudly.

"You're weird." I shook my head.

"And you need a ride to school. Hop in." He said opening the door. I looked at him suspiciously.

"How do I know you won't kidnap me or something?" I asked.

"Hmmm. Not sure. Guess you'll just have to trust me." he said.

"Fine. But I'll have you know that I took boxing for almost five years and if you try anything, I'll kick your ass." I warned.

"Yea yea. Whatever. Just get in." He rolled his eyes. I hesistantly got in. It was silent as we drove me to school. We listened to the radio but didn't talk to each other. The silence was killing. I swear I can't go three minutes without talking.

"Won't you'll be late for your school?" I asked.

"Nope." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because I go to the same school as you."

"No you don't. I've been there for a month and haven't seen you one time."

"That's because I got suspended."

"So you mean I have to see you every day?" I complained.

"Aww it's not so bad." He chuckled wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Both hands on the wheel." I said removing his arm from me. Five minutes later, we were at the school.

"Oh no." I said just now realizing something.

"What?" Asher asked.

"I just realized something. Cameron goes to the same school." I said. He looked at me confused. I waved my hand between us.

"Oh." He said realizing what I was talking about.

"This has gone way out of hand. I just have to tell him the truth." I shook my head.

"Thanks anyway Asher." I said putting my hand on the door to open it. But just as I was about to open it, Asher stopped me, putting his hand on mine.

"I don't mind." He said.

"What?" It was my turn to be confused.

"I don't mind pretending to be your boyfriend still." He said.

"But Asher i have to tell Cam. I can't keep lying to him." I said.

"You said that if I helped you, you would do anything right?" He asked.

"Well yea but..."

"Then do this for me?" He asked.


"Ever since Tiffany and I broke up, she's been trying to get back with me. I don't like her but she doesn't understand the word no. I need someone to scare her off and you're the only one I know that can scare her off." He said.

"Ok." I said.

"Ok?" He asked surprised.

"Yea. I did tell you that I owe you one." I shrugged.

"Oh. Well alright then." He said taking his hand off mine. Asher and I got out of the car and started walking towards the school. Ellie, Marisol, and Caden were sitting on the steps. Just as we were about to get there, Tiffany stepped in front of us.

"Ashy! OMG! I haven't seen you in forever!" Tiffany yelled wrapping her arms around Asher. Ashy? That had to be the most stupid nickname ever. Asher gave me a 'help me' look.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. Tiffany obviously didn't hear me.

"Excuse me! Get your hands off my boyfriend!" I yelled. I was surprised at how easily it came out, like I was really mad she was holding Asher. Tiffany pulled away from Asher and looked at me.

"You're going out with Asher? Ha. In your dreams." She rolled her eyes. Asher wrapped an arm around me.

"Well I guess I'm dreaming then." I glared at her.

"Ashy? What are you doing? Get your arm off her." Tiffany pouted.

"She's my girlfriend Tiffany." Asher said not taking his arm off me.

"But we're going out! You love me!" She stomped her foot.

"One: I never loved you. Two: We stopped going out a long time ago when you cheated on me. And three: I'm going out with Allie." He said.

"You are going to regret this. I'm going make your life miserable until you have no choice but to dump him." Tiffany glared at me. I stepped out of Asher's arm and moved closer to Tiffany.

"Don't ever threaten me again. Next time you threaten me again, I will not hesistate to punch your nose again." I glared at her. I could see the fear in her eyes but I have to give her credit for not backing away.

"It's not a threat. It's a promise." She said.

"Good. Mine was a promise too." I said. I grabbed Asher's arm and walked away.

"You're hot when you're mad." Asher whispered in my ear.

"Well I hate being threaten." I shrugged.

"Sure you weren't mad she was hugging me? I thought I saw a hint of jealousy back there." He smirked.

"Don't flatter yourself." I said as we got to the steps.

"Hi Allie." They said.

"What no 'hi Asher'?" Asher asked. They just glared at him.

"You guys can stop holding hands now. We know you're faking and Cameron isn't around." Caden said.

"No we can't. I'm helping Asher by being his girlfriend to scare off Tiffany." I said.

"Come on. Let's get to class." Marisol said as the bell rang.
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I am sooooooooooooo happy!!!! I saw a preview of Eclipse the other day! I can't wait until it comes out (June 30) :) :) :) :) :)!!!!!!!!! So anyways enjoy the story. Comment/subscribe <3VampirePrincess15<3