He's the Bad Boy. He's the Police Chief's Son. And They Both Like Me.

I won't tell if you won't

(Two weeks later)

Everyday Tiffany would glare at me. I was walking to my locker on Friday after the last period of the day. Just as I was about there, Tiffany came from the other hallway and shoulder shoved me.

"Excuse you!" I yelled glaring at her.

"You're not excused." She said glaring right back.

"A ha. Trying to be a smart ass? Well it's not working. You actually have to be smart to be a smart ass."

"You are such a bitch."

"A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark is part of trees, trees are part of nature, and nature is beautiful, so thanks." I smirked.

"Fuck you." She said before walking away.

"No thanks! I don't do that with sluts!" I yelled after her. She flipped me off. I smirked and continued walking to my locker. I got my stuff out of my locker and closed my locker. I started walking outside when I heard someone call my name.

"Allie!" I turned around and saw Cameron.

"Hey Cam." I smiled. The awkwardness between us was long gone and I think he was starting to like Marisol.

"Hey, Marisol and I are going to get pizza. Want to come?" He asked. I thought I saw his eyes lit up when he said Marisol's name.

"Actually, I have to be home. I have something to do." I lied. Maybe today would be the day Marisol and Cameron will get start going out.

"Ok. I'll see you later then." He smiled. I smiled back before walking away. Marisol and Cameron were getting pizza. Ellie, Caden, and Asher were all in detention. And I had gotten a ride from Asher this morning so I had no car, which meant I had to walk home. Great.

I started walking away from the school. It was about a five mile walk to my house. I cut through a couple yards and down some allies taking as many short cuts as possible. I was walking down a hallway when I heard footsteps behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around thinking it was Asher trying to scare me again.

"Ha ha Asher very-" I stopped when I realized that it wasn't Asher at all, but three guys. I turned back around and started walking faster. I may be strong and everything but I wasn't about to try and take on three guys.

"Hey wait up sweetie!" I heard one of them call. I heard them start running so I ran too, trying to get away. I was almost out of the allie when one of them grabbed my hand.

"Let me go." I glared as he turned me around to face them.

"Fiecy." One of them said.

"Yea but she's hot. Hotter than the picture Tiffany showed us." The other guy said.

"Shut it guys." The one holding my wrist said. I figured he was the leader.

"You're Allie." He asked after the other two stopped talking.

"Fuck you." I spat glaring at him. They all just smirked at me.

"You shouldn't cuss. It doesn't sound right coming from such a pretty mouth. I'm James. This is Anthony. And this is Seth." He said pointing to the taller guy then the shorter guy.

"I don't care. Let me go." I glared harder.

"See, I can't do that. My little sister, Tiffany, likes your boyfriend, Asher. And when she wants something, she gets it."

"Well too fucking bad. This is one guy that she's not going to get." I smirked.

"Tiffany thought you'd say that. Which is why she gave us permission to do whatever it takes. Now do you really want us to do whatever it takes?" He asked. I swung my knee up to knee him in the balls, but he caught my leg.

"So you want to do this the hard way." He glared at me. He slammed me agains the wall and held my arms above my head. I admit I was a little scared now. But there was no way I was going to let these dumb belss know it.

"Fuck you." I said again. He smirked before forcing his lips on mine. He pressed against my legs holding them down. I started to struggle trying to get out of his grasp. I bit down on his lip hard. He pulled away quickly glaring at me.

"YOu little bitch." He said. He shoved himself against me again only this time the other guys held my arms while James kissed me leaving James' hands free to travel up my shirt.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled breaking away from the kiss. A second later I heard footsteps.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I had never been soo happy to hear him. James pulled away and looked at Asher who was glaring at all three boys.

"Asher. Long time no see." James said.

"Let her go." Asher said.

"I can't do that." James said. Asher punched his face. James brought his hands up to his face covering his bloody nose. Without James pressed against me, my legs were free. I quickly kicked both guys away and dropped to the ground.

"Get the girl!" James yelled. Anthony and Seth started coming after me. I pulled back both my fists and punched their faces. They were knocked out as soon as they hit the ground.

"Let's go." Asher said pulling my arm and leading me back down the allie to where he had parked his car. We quickly got in and he drove away.

"I'm going to kill that bitch. Sending her fucking brothers after me. Who the hell does she think she is?!" I yelled outraged.

"All that and you still aren't afraid of her?" Asher asked amused.

"Afraid of what?! A slutty bitch who has to have her brother fight her battles?! I don't think so!" I yelled.

"This was only a small part of what Tiffany can do." He warned.

"I don't give a fuck! Nobody sends their brothers to rape me! If she thinks I'm going to give you up just like that, she is strongly mistaken!" I yelled. It was quiet for a while as I cooled down. We got to my house but I didn't get out.

"How'd you know where I was?" I asked.

"I was going to detention when I overheard Tiffany talking about what she told her brothers to do." He said.

"So you skipped detention?" I asked.

"Yea. But it was a once in a lifetime thing. Don't expect it all the time." He said getting defensive. It got quiet again as we just sat in his car.

"Thanks Asher. Truthfully I was a little scared back there." I said.

"I won't tell if you won't." He said.

"Yea." I smiled nodding my head. It was akward as we sat there quietly again.

"Well I should go. My parents are probably freaked out about where I am." I said.

"Right. Right. Ummm just to be on the safe side, I think I should take you to and from school from now on."

"What if you have detention?"

"I'll be a little late." He shrugged.

"Thanks Asher." I said again. He smiled at me before I got out of the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I said. He nodded his head and I walked up the stairs to the front door. I noticed that Asher didn't leave until I was inside.

"What happened to you?" My mom asked as I walked inside.

"Nothing." I shrugged walking up to my room.
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