Status: I'm Going to start prewriting chapters and set up a schedule.

My Little Angel

My Baby Girl

The guys and I were late getting on the jet. The girls kept on asking questions- especially Val. We were finally able to get on the jet around 4:30. By the time we got to Carson City we weren't even able to go by the hotel because it was almost 6:50, so we got in the rental car and went straight to the station. I asked the guys to wait in the car while I went in. I saw an Officer sitting at a desk checking his watch. His name plate said O.Creanga. He looked up.

"Hi Officer Creanga, I'm Matt Sanders" I introduced myself. He stood up and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Sanders. Would you like to meet your daughter?" He asked. I gulped nervously.

"Yes. But can I know her name?" I asked. He smiled and started walking down a hall.

"Her name is Faith Hope Sanders" he said. I felt a tug at my chest. Such a beautiful name.

We stopped in front of a door with a window. Inside was a girl about 3 years old. I gasped when she looked up at the window and smiled. She had my eyes, my hair, my complexion, even my dimples. i couldn't really find much of Abby, but that didn't matter. She looked just like me. Creanga walked into the room and crouched in front of Faith.

"Hi Faith"

"Hi Mr. singa" she said in a small voice. But she sounded like an angel. Mr Creanga chuckled at the error.

"Hi sweetie. You remember when I said I was going to find your daddy?" she nodded "Well I did. Say hello to your daddy Faith" Mr. Creanga said, then he moved aside so I was in her view.

I crouched down to her level and smiled softly at her. A big smile lit her face and she bounded from the chair she was sitting on and into my arms. I hugged her tight to my chest.

"Hi daddy" she whispered

"Hi baby girl"

I pulled away and looked at her face. She dropped her gaze down to my arm, tracing my tattoo's. She seemed fascinated with them.

"Daddy, why are they're drawings on your arms?" she asked

"Well baby girl, I think they're nice" She just nodded her head

"What happens now daddy?" she asked quietly. I looked at the officer and he smiled and nodded his head.

"Well, now you come live with daddy" I said smiling.

"Really?" She asked bouncing up and down

"Really" I picked her up and stood up facing Creanga, who was holding a little suitcase.

"Let's go fill out the paper work, shall we?" he asked I nodded my head and grabbed Faith's suitcase following him to his desk. I signed everything that needed to be signed and shook Mr. Creanga's hand.

"Thank you" I said sincerely

"You're certainly welcome Mr.Sanders. Bye Faith have fun living with daddy" He said.

"Bye, bye Mr.Singa tank you"

"Your welcome. Bye, bye" He said and gave her a hug.

I walked out of the police station with my daughter hugging my neck tightly and a smile on my face.
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this chapter was rushed because i wrote it then me being the stupid person i am stepped on the power cord. so the next chapters will have all the write corrections...and please if i make a writing mistake while Faith is talking remember that she's only 3.
