Status: just starting up with lots of ideas

Friends or Family?


Running out of the way of the crowded streets. It was clearly daytime.Running out of the way of the crowded streets. It was clearly daytime. I was happy it wasn't night. It would be a big trouble to hide from Ace and Yale. Many people gave me dirty looks as I pushed them out of my way. I didn't know where I was heading. I was going as far as possible as that motel.

A few blocks down and my jog/run slowed to a fast pace walk. I was really taking no chances to let them get me. I spotted a small store nearby and decided to find out something about this place.

The bell ringed when I entered the small door. I walked up to a teenager at the front desk. She looked only a few years older then me. She had bleached blonde hair that was obviously unnatural. I could see her brown eyebrows. She was wearing a white Holister shirt and jean short short that were most likely from the same place. One word went through my mind. tramp

"Excus me, where am I?" I asked as sweetly as possible. I was trying to seem like a young lost person. Not someone escaping from two crazy people. I don't think it worked very well. Considering I was breathing hard and most likely red-faced.

"On 9Th street." She answered suspiciously.

"I mean what city." I explained like she was some dumb Blondie.

"Just on the outskirts of Huntington....."I looked at her to say something else."California." How dumb did she think I was?

"Oh, thanks." I said in a quick rush.

I went to walk out of the store when a certain someone called me over.

"Hey! Wait." Blondie called over to me. Now, no one else was in the store.

"Yes?" I answered uneasily. Was she one of those freaks that could read minds? Shit! I shouldn't of thought that!

"Um, I was just wondering why you needed to know where you were."

"Well, I'm just in a tight situation right now." Why didn't I just walk right out of the damn store?

"Why? You need money, a job? You in debt or something?"


"I can totally hook you up! Listen, not many people need to know where the hell they are. I've seen that card before. Before you know it, your ass it robbed! So don't worry we're cool."


"Yea, I need a job."

"Good. Because a little make up. A tiny. naw you don't even need to diet. If you take a shower and some fresh clothes, your all set." She seemed to be talking to herself.

"What do you mean?" Well I remember this card. You listen to what the person says and you get stuck in some cage match.

"At night I work at a club a few streets over. Me and a few other girls are in charge of finding new hot workers. You got the body; just need a little touch up."


"Sorry I'm not twenty-one." I acted sad. I turned away and walked out the door. She called my name but I ignored it. I've lost too much time.

I ran out of the store and kept going until I got to the more run down part of town. Just in my view was the sight of a motel. I really didn't want to worry about being out in the streets at night.

It was a plain white motel. There was nothing too fancy or too trashed about it. I made my way inside and to the front desk. A formal looking woman dressed in all black stood behind it.

"How much is it to rent a room for the night?" This time I tried to make it seem like I was older.

"What size room?"

"Just a one room, one bed type of thing."

"That will be fifty dollars."

"OK. "I figured that was good for a hotel.


"Morgan White." Like I was really going to give her my real name? Morgan white. I had to keep a tab on that. If I forgot it I was screwed.

"The money please?"

I handed her the $50 dollars plus tax. She gave me the room key and I was on my way.
Could I really make it alone? Could I hide under the name 'Morgan White?
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Please I do not take offense to blonde's! I'm sorry if your offended let me know if you are!
Thanks ______ and _______ for the comments! I can't remember who you are and I'm too lazy to check, sorry!