Status: just starting up with lots of ideas

Friends or Family?


*Saturday morning*
The stupid sun decided to shine it's....shininess in my face.

I got up and changed into the odd outfit that Maria and Ace told me to put it. They pretty much said I have to have long jeans, short sleeves and a plain black sweatshirt. They stressed me to have no makeup or anything valuable on. No jewelry included rings. I wasn't allowed to bring my phone or Ipod.

Thee strangest thing was I wasn't allowed to even eat breakfast.

I changed into plain black skinny jeans, to play it safe. My shirt was also black with a bloody rose.

I shrugged the oddness off and walked down stairs. I looked over and saw it was 8:25AM. I didn't need to meet up with them until 10. I decided to just go downstairs and play some piano. It seemed to be forever since I last played so I got a little carried away. By the time I looked at the clock it was five minutes past ten.

"Shit." I muttered to myself.

I ran up the stairs and put on some black converse. Oh yeah, I couldn't wear any kind of sandal or heel. What was this?

I ran out the door and down the street. I made my way to the ice cream shop, it tends to be our meeting spot. I didn't see Maria's pink head in the shop. I looked back and fourth but I was pulled from behind from my arm. I looked and saw Ace. I know ace but I don't know him. He's quiet most of the time. A man of few words.

I opened my mouth to speak but he spoke before me.

"Maria is sick, but I'm here. Now put this on." He handed me another black sweatshirt but it had a weird symbol on the back. Before I could ask what it meant he was dragging me along to someone.

"Note to self, never be late again." He stated.
I didn't dare to answer back.

He brought me to a part of town I wasn't familiar with.

"Don't speak unless spoken to. Make sure not to speak to anyone of unimportance. Oh, and never challenge anyone. You won't know what happens until it happens."

"Got it."

We crossed though a few dark Allys and I had no clue how to get home. We were in the lower part of town. We've been walking for some time. I really don't know exactly. While on our way to where ever we were going, we passed more people wearing the same sweatshirt. Most of them gave us a small nod of encouragement but Ace's eyes stayed cold. He seemed to have power in this place.

"Home sweet home." He stated.

I looked around. We were in a run down neighborhood. The house had boarded up windows and ripped up furniture. It was only one floor. There were holes in the walls and drugs on the floor. A chill ran through me when I saw what looked like dried blood on the hallway floor. He took me to a room a few feet away. The sight made me gasp.
Maria lied in a broken down bed. She was pale as can be.

"Maria?" I whispered.

"Molly." She choked out. Her voice was scratchy.

"Don't harm yourself." Ace stressed.

Ace walked behind Maria and propped her up on a pillow.

"We need a favor." Ace explained.

"No. Don't tell her now. Tell her when there's no turning back." Maria commanded. For being so sick, she was strong.

"OK. Is there anything you need?" Ace asked.

"No. Now go early. Get in the tops and put Molly in the slugs." Maria stated. He voice got a little bit softer.

"What's a sl-" Before I could finish my question, Ace grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

Why was he so pushy today?

He so kindly dragged me to a near by park. In the distance I pretty much saw a mini Ace.

"hey, I'm Yale. Ace's little brother." He let me know.

Well, at least I know he's polite.

"I'm Molly." I informed him.

"I know." Scary much?

We all walked away in a pact. I felt pretty secure in the presence of two hot, Strong guys. Don't we all?

" Ace ran all the rules be you right?" Yale asked.

" Yes, I did." Ace responded for me.

My feet ached from all the walking. I couldn't get the picture of Maria out of my head. We walked deeper into the unknown part of town. I t was more deserted and gloomy. The thought crossed my mind of them raping me but I realized that was crazy. They led me to a dark ally (like, darker then all the others dark). Ace knocked on a rusty door, I hadn't noticed it was there until it was cracked open. Ace and Yale walked right in but a tattooed hand stopped me from going in.

"Newbie." Ace practically growled.

The mysterious hand withdrew and allowed me to enter. A think fog of smoke covered the place. I looked around and all I saw was people smoking and drinking, but this was no regular bar. Some random drunk tried to put their arm around my waist and I shunned closer to Ace. Reluctantly he wrapped his arm around my waist as if to say 'mine, not yours.' I would have freaked out if he didn't have a girlfriend already do I just let it be.

We walked up to a table where a heavy, bald, tattooed man sat with sheets of paper and a microphone.

"Ace! How ya doing buddy? What can I do for you, your usual?"

"Yea, same for Yale. This here is a newbie. Sign her up for slugs. I want to see what she
got." Ace let him know.

"All righty. Name?"

"Morgan." Yale butted in before I could talk.

Fake name? It they want to play it that way.

"OK, She's on in ten. Bring her to ring five." The table guy said.

"Opponent?" Ace asked.

"You'll see." The guy said.

Opponent? Ring? What the hell is this place? My questions would soon be answered.
Ace led me over to somewhere in the left. I heard the sound of yelling a banging so I slowed me steps some. Yale so kindly poked me in the sides to let me know to speed up. We got closer to the sounds. I turned quickly to see what it was but suddenly Ace pulled my sweatshirt Hood over my head. I couldn't see a thing. The banging was louder then ever, I tried to tug free but Ace had a firm grip.

"You ready?" Yale whispered into my hair.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

Suddenly I was pushed forward onto hard ground. I heard something close and took my Hood off. I was astounded at what I saw.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, if you don't like the layout, go to the default layout.
Sorry it took so long. I'll update sooner next time