Status: just starting up with lots of ideas

Friends or Family?

Cat and mouse

Shock slowly turned into an ocean of rage. How could they lie to me like that? They told me they adopted me. I was positive that I saw the adoptive papers. All well then.
I turned to Ace,

"So what do I do now?" I asked.

"What else can you do besides stay here and fight?" The way he said it made it seem like it was the easiest, most obvious thing to do in the world.

"Why does it have to be this way?" Why can't there be other options?

"That's life." He muttered and walked inside.

I was left with a confused and clouded mind. My body didn't feel like going back inside the house and I had no clue how to get back in town so I just climbed up the tree Ace had climbed earlier and sat there. All I did was think.

"Hey, Molly," Ace yelled out.

"Yea." I mumbled/yelled back.

"Well, ummm, were getting food but you can pick where we get it from cause it's your money!"

My money.

Damn, was he trying to piss me off?

In stead of replying I just shifting on the tree so My back was towards him. I heard him sigh and shut the door.

I never said I was going to be nice.

I really wished to get out of here but damn, if only I knew where I was. I considered just walking off but then again I would probably get hurt physically or even mentally.

I got really bored, really quick. There was nothing for me to do but stare at the sky or ground. Take your pick How fun is that? Well I wish I wasn't in this whole mess. I could be rotting away in a orphanage right now. I am just a big magnet for trouble, aren't I?
How much time was I sitting there? I really don't know. I remember Ace trying to give me food. I seem to remember the sunset falling into the earth. The moon rose and all I did was stay here. Time passed me faster then I wanted it to.

"You can't stay in that tree forever," Ace yelled from the door.

"No one said I can't try," I screamed back.

I never thought of staying here forever. maybe it is worth a try, I wonder.

"Come on down," Ace tried to convince me. Fail!

"Make me," I challenged like a three year old not getting their way. That was the worst thing I could say in my current situation.

Ace stalked over to the tree and looked up to me.

"I'll give you one more chance. Get out of the tree," He warned. His voice dropped an octave.

"Nope," I stated, popping the "P" in nope.I smirked down at him as if I knew I already won the game. Perhaps I won the battle in my head but not the war.

"Fine, I will come and get you," he let me know.

This time he smirked back but an evil 'your so going to get it' kind of smirk. The cockiness I felt ran away with the spoon. Ace grabbed onto the lowest branch and easily started to pull himself up. Panicked, I started to pull myself farther up the tree. I should have just jumped down. Not only is he faster at climbing and stronger then me, I will have no where to go when I reach the top.

I really didn't think it through.I think this made it into the top ten 'stupidest things I've ever done'. Still I climbed up farther and farther. The bark of the tree dug into my sensitive skin and the branches grew farther apart until I was practically stretching me whole entire body to get to the next branch. Here's another thing Ace has against me, he's taller; damn him! Not to mention my head still hurts like hell and when ever I stretch the wrong way a bruise on my body begins to scream. Obviously my feeble attempt to get away failed.
I reached the top of the tree and I was almost going to start climbing down the other half to buy me time before he could reach me, when Ace grabbed onto my ankle I screamed in surprise.

"God dammit! Just get back down here!" Ace commanded.


I gave in, what can I say? I was tired, hungry and my body was numb.
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Sorry it's so short =( Sorry it's been so long =( I plan to update 10x more once summer start but all the teachers throw all these last minute projects at us!