My Life in Ruins.

School is a Blast.

I could say I’m an average 16 year old girl...but it would be a lie. Average is a simple line drawn between Perfectionism and down right Pathetic; or as the People who think they belong in perfectionism, Loser. I would like to say I’m average, but I could be a loser. But I’m not afraid to admit it.

This isn't a normal story. It's me. Yet Annoyingly Good. So Sophmore. That's me. High school Life is droning on at this point. Algebra couldn’t get anymore boring. Spanish is well, Foreign. Chemistry is slightly less confusing. English is basically illiterate, Health is boringly healthy, and Government has changed to economics. But hey, I’m just a sophomore in high school, and I don't really have a choice.

I didn't plan to do good in school...I just am. And its great...sometimes. I sometimes think that my life is good. and it is! don't get me wrong, but it sinks down...lower....everyday. I wake up (5:30am), get dressed, grab a bannana, head out and wait. and wait. and wait. Hey, there's the bus. walk down the drive, climb aboard and ride to school. Get to school, and go to class.

All fun right? I wish.
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