My Life in Ruins.


"You Shouldn't pick favorites"

"I can't help it,Jayden is so...annoying. Dayton isn't."

"Well, stop."

Thats what my mom told me. Family. The beginning of life. Where I go. Who I am.
But I have problems, just like you.


Or My birthday. I asked for a laptop, only over $100. All I asked for.
that morning.

what i got?
A car.
That's my moms.
Which I can drive when I get my license.
In October.

Yeah, thanks.
My sister asked for the same laptop. And got one. Only because she could pay for half.

"You can't use it out here. You won't be able to use the internet." True.

"That's not why i want it, mom. I hate writing at the desk because I feel like your watching me.
I want it to use in my room." Also true.

"Oh, well then I would have bought it for you." Really?


That's life I guess. You have to wait till AFTER to get what you only ask for.
I got a party, but would have rather not had one and wanted the only thing I asked for.

The best part: my aunts which I see ALL the time forgot my birthday...but its great my aunt I barely see remembered.
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tell me what you think. honestly. i see people reading, but thoughts about this?