‹ Prequel: Nature's Law
Sequel: Life in the Shadows
Status: feedback? :)

Nature's Law

Chapter Three; Punctures

That night Alice and I were sat on the floor in my room, doing out SHAS homework. SHAS stood for Student Help Award Scheme. It was a course that was mandatory for all Alpha and Bravo students to do. We were assigned partners and we had to come up with a series of lessons and activities to teach the year 7’s.
Alice hadn’t stopped talking about her partner, Lane Bentley, since we had arrived at my house; over 4 hours ago.
“He’s so incredibly awesome,” she sighed wistfully, her hand slipping off of her cheek and as she stumbled to regain her balance she fell into our big bowl of toffee popcorn. Random curls stuck to her as she sat back up.
I began to laugh as I saw her expression. It was a mix between fury and amusement. I laughed some more but quickly silenced myself as I heard my Mum shout up the stairs, her voice sounding strained and tired from all of the extra shifts she had taken on at the small, dingy cafe that she worked at in order to help pay for Jeanne and my education at HPA.
“Amalia! Alice-Louise has to leave now!” My Mum always seemed to call people by their full names, no-one knew why; she just had something against nicknames. “That is what they were christened so that is what I shall call them." She had told me numerous times when I questioned her. She was also big on correct grammar, and shunned Jeanne and I whenever we didn’t use our grammar correctly.
“’Kay,” We called down to her before we slowly packed away our stuff and made our way down the beige carpeted steps next to her, and there was no surprise when I saw that she was dressed in her black trousers and tea stained red and white pinstripe work uniform, the name badge that now read Sara instead of Sarah in faded black text was pinned just above the pocket on the right of the zip.
“Do you want me to call you a taxi?” I asked Alice as she made her way to open the front door.
“Nah, I’ll be fine.” she smiled back at me before pulling the door open and preceding into the pitch black night, lit by only a couple dozen stars and the pink-yellow streetlight at the end of my road.
I turned round, closing the creaky door behind me and sighed, slumping against it.

The green blades of grass that I was lying on whistled softly in the cool September breeze. Autumn was arriving, that was definite. As I pushed myself to my feet I was more than surprised to realise that I was wearing a dress. It was white, floaty and knee length, the wind rippling the folds of satiny material around my knees.
I looked around me, expecting someone could be the longest wait that you could face. But, eventually, the person that I was expecting arrived.
His dusty hair was swept across his forehead, where ever he had come from evidently had more wind than this meadow.
The black and red tuxedo that he was dressed in didn’t have a crease anywhere on it, not even behind the knees, which I noted when he looked agitatedly behind him. Checking for something...or someone.
“Hello,” Scott smiled, his deep brown eyes lit up, maybe it was the Sun but for some reason I didn’t think so.
“Hi,” I greeted.
As we began walking with each other, further into the depths of the meadow, the wind suddenly picked up and grey erased the cloudless blue of the sky. I could hear something howling behind me, instinct told me that it wasn't a wolf or a dog. No, it was something much more sinister.
Scott turned to face me, the happy light in his eyes had been distinguished, only to be replaced by madness, insanity even. His eyes snarled at me whilst he made an echoing sound. His snarl echoed in the vastness of the meadow, bouncing back from the trees and the distant black mountains that no one dared to go to, for tales of evil creatures that lurked there, killing all that came to them.

“You have to stay away from me,” he whimpered, collapsing to the floor suddenly. I didn’t know what to do, I was just stood there, looking down at his little broken body, eyes full of pleading and sorrow, the temporary evil that had been lurking in them seemed to have vanished for the time being.
“W-what? Why?” I asked him, sitting down next to him, the dress that I was wearing was sure to be ruined due to the muddy grass that I found beneath me.
“I’m bad for you.” he stated in the same broken tone as before.
“But, you can’t harm me,” I said, assuring me as well as him. To see that evil in his eyes, and now to see him broken on the floor telling me to stay away; that he was bad for me, didn’t exactly scream ‘I’m a good guy!’
“I can do so much more than harm you,” he said in a dishevelled monotone voice “I can kill you, Lia.
Kill you.”
“Anyone can kill me.” I told him, even though I shuffled ever so slightly away from him. “Anyone in the world can kill me. Murderers, they can kill me. Drivers, they can kill me. Hell, even animals can kill me.” I chuckled slightly “You, I don’t believe that you can kill me, Scott”
“Oh, but I can Lia. You have no idea...” he trailed off
I stood up slowly, as did Scott. His eyes never left mine; it was like it was a trance, something that I couldn’t escape from. It wasn't something that I
wanted to escape from.
He smiled weakly at me; his once icy and powerfully strong teeth looked brittle and dead. I smiled back at him encouragingly; a smile was progress from depression, right?
However, as soon as I stopped smiling back something inside of Scott seemed to just...snap. All of a sudden he was snarling at me.
“Scott?” I asked, instinct told me to back away from him. Slowly, mind. “Scott what’s wrong?”
A growl rippled from inside of him, a growl full of hate and hunger. All of the previous vulnerable Scott had disappeared into thin air.
For every rapid step that I was taking away from him, he was replacing by stepping forward...twice. “Scott! Stop it! Please?” I asked when I was back at the tree line.
“Stop what?” he asked jokingly as I began to retreat into the forest.
And then he was gone, and vanished before my eyes. I looked around rapidly to see where exactly he had gotten to, and then something icy cold tapped twice on my shoulder.
I gulped. Then I turned around to face the snarling Scott, whose teeth I was sure to see blood on, and as I saw him I noticed that he was closer than I originally thought and I stumbled backwards, tripping over a tree root I toppled to the ground, where Scott quickly pulled me back away from.
“Naughty naughty,” he told me, as he flicked my hair away from my neck.

I screamed as my eyes shot open. I was sat facing the beige stairs. Two people hurried out of a room to my left and crouched in front of me, well one of them crouched, the other just laughed; blonde hair bouncing with every slight movement of her head.
Rapidly, I felt my neck, inspecting for puncture marks. I found none.
“Amalia, dear. What’s wrong?” Mum asked me, helping me to my feet as she shooed Jeanne back into the living room.
“D-dream. Death. Me. Scott.” I choked out, shaking as did so, even though I was bundled up in thick jumper and my feet were adorned with dark pink fluffy socks.
“Amalia, who is Scott?” Mum asked sweetly, escorting me upstairs.
“This guy I met at school today,” I replied, tightening my grip on the banister, scared that I might slip and fall to my death.
“Oh, okay then. And this nightmare you had? Well, I presume that it was a nightmare, what was that about?”
“I-I don’t really know” I said, for it was the truth. I didn’t know what that nightmare actually meant. Did it mean that Scott really was dangerous? Or was it simply my imagination?
Betting on the second one, I closed my eyes again as my shut my door behind her and her heavy footfalls trod down the stairs. When I was sure that she wasn’t going to come back I sat up straight and texted Mollie.‘Bring that book ‘Vamp Myths’ with you tomorrow, I wanna read it :)'.
Okay, so it now meant that I would be plagued with Mollie and her endless speeches but at least now I had a reason to listen to her.
Even if I was going with the second option, it never hurt to investigate some myths. That weren’t real. That was the key thing to remember, Vampires were not real, and nor would they ever be real.
They were just a figment of someone’s imagination, that was all. A well publicised figment of many people’s imagination...

And, if I was honest with myself I didn't even think that 'vampire' could be a plausible explanation, even if the second option was wrong, and Scott really was dangerous. They weren't real, and anyway, I had vampires on the mind due to a film that I had watched at Alice's house a few nights ago; I'm sure that was it. My brain was just placing me into the movie...Just like my time at Hogwarts. But, if that was the case, why did the prospect of seeing Scott again make my blood run cold, and my skin erupt in goosebumps; like my body was trying to warn me to stay away...Just like 3 years ago; and I ignored it. Ha,look at how that turned out I thought, absently mindedly running my hand across the scar on my collarbone.

I shook my head. There was no point in worrying about Scott; he was harmless. There was a perfectly rational explanation to the nightmare, I decided, the movie was on my mind, and he was on my mind also; and that is why we were in the dream together; the nightmare , which looking back, had absolutely nothing to do with the movie we had watched...
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my days; uploading that was stressful. Every time I went to put in the italics
my computer decided it'd be nice to delete the word afterwards -__- (or is that how mibba has decided it is going to be 'better', because if it is I want to object)

<3 to xxxchicaxxx; you are insane and i love yous :L Thanks for constantly commenting, messaging and supporting me about this story <3

Yay for subscribers also ^^

Song of the Chapter: Coffeeshop Soundtrack > All Time Low. It doesn't have anything to do with the chapter; the video just makes me laugh <3

Note: Does anyone know how I can make the crying eye image move down a little bit? I've tried the number thing in layout design but I can't seem to figure it out :S Comment/Message me if you know, I will love you forever :L