Status: Complete

You Set Me Free

Chapter 1

“Evy!” Dean called angrily entering the motel bedroom looking pissed off.

I took one of my earphones out with a questioning look.

“What?” I asked.

“Where’s my baby?” Dean asked raising a threatening finger towards me.

“Who?” I asked raising my eyebrow and standing up.

“The Impala.” Dean glared.

“You lost the car? Awesome!” I said sarcastically walking by him and standing near the window.

“You know where it is, tell me. Now.” Dean said seriously actually looking scary.

“I don’t know. Damn you Dean Winchester.” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“Damn you Eve!” Dean yelled.

“Damn you Dean!” I yelled back as we battled with glares.

“Guys?” Sam asked entering the room with some food in a bag and the keys swinging in his other hand, the car and the room keys.

“See?!” I spat pointing at Sam.

“He took the car and I knew where it was? Why do you always blame me?” I sighed looking furiously at Dean and then running out of the motel to have a walk.

I shoved my hands into my pockets signing loudly How did I fall in love with that guy? I asked myself. Once again Dean had made me mad which had been happening for a while now and it wasn’t normal since we practically grew up as family but I loved him more than a brother, it was more like the boyfriend type of love.

When I was 4 John adopted me and taught everything there was to know about hunting supernatural beings but with two older brothers I never got to do much since both Dean and Sam protected me and would practically carry me in each trip, that actually made John happy because he was always afraid I would get hurt and that way he knew I wouldn’t.

I can’t wait for you to be home Johnny… I thought feeling my lip tremble slightly, John had became my only father figure and we were here to try to find him because once again he was hunting alone and things were ugly. Deep down we were all worried about Johnny specially Dean because his dad was his idol and he was capable of anything to save him.

Suddenly I found myself in a dark alley and I started walking back when a figure stopped in front of me blocking my way.

“Let me pass.” I demanded trying to figure out his face but prepared to get my hand on my knife because you never know what can cross your path.

“You’re so big sweetheart.” The voice was familiar and I had to suck in a deep breath in order not to faint in the spot.

“Daddy?” I asked not controlling my emotions as my eyes filled with tears and I covered my mouth with on hand walking back ending up under a lighter

“Hi sweetie.” John approached ending right in front of me and he looked the same.

“Dad!” I yelled wrapping my arms around him hugging him tightly, crying while I did it.

“Come on sweets, what did I teach you?” He asked.

“To never show my feelings I’m sorry. But I can’t.” I said pulling him even closer to him with a tight grip on his shoulders.

“Why are you alone?” John asked after pulling away now looking serious.

“For nothing special, I just needed some fresh air.” I said.

If dad knew that Dean and I still fought like we did in the old days he’d go crazy. He made us promise that if he ever was gone we’d be together no matter what, without fights, in a perfect team work but that didn’t happen. Dean and I were born to fight each other.

“I’m going to pretend I believe you.” He replied pinching my noise playfully.

We walked back to the motel room and since I didn’t have a key I had to knock.

“Guys, open up!” I said being unable to hide my excitement, I was happy and the guys would be too.

“Where were you?” Dean asked as soon as he opened the door, pulling me inside not even giving me a chance to talk.

But before he could start on lecture me about the dangers of going out on my own he faced dad.

“Dad?” He asked his whole body starting to shake.

“Hello son.” John said hugging Dean.

I closed the door and in the mean time Sam showed up from the bathroom and started getting emotional like me hugging dad after Dean let him go. We all started talking basically catching up until dad asked me to go and bring some food, I agreed immediately.

John P.O.V

“Listen boys, I have something I want you to do. But Evy has to be left out of this one.” I said making sure Evy was really walking to the dinner.

“Why dad?” Dean asked.

“Because this is as do to with her. Her parents were killed by a demon after we adopted her and the thing’s back and it wants her. Haven’t you seen the signs? Thunderstorms almost every day? Young girls getting killed for apparently no reason?” I said shaking my head.

“We knew dad, but we weren’t sure and we didn’t want to scare her out.” Sammy explained.

“Fine just leave her with Bobby alright?” I said starting to walk towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Dean spat.

“Search for it, call me when she’s safe.” I ordered leaving the room, making sure Evy didn’t see me leave.

I wouldn’t stand seeing her suffer for seeing me leave.

Evy’s P.O.V

“Dad I brought beer too!” I said happily bursting into the room with a smile that faded immediately.

Sam and Dean were packing everything and dad was gone.

“What happened?” I asked placing everything in the small table near the kind of kitchen.

“We gotta go.” Dean said passing by me, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out.

“Hey!” I said pushing my arm out of his grip.

“Where’s dad?” I asked.

Dean looked at the ground looking hurt but then looked me right in the eye.

“He had to leave, now get into the car.” He said throwing me my duffel bag and opening the back door for me to enter.
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My second Dean Winchester one-shot.