Status: Planning to rewrite. Inactive until I have time

I Have a Lover in Holy/Unholy Places

Love will tear us apart

There she stood beautifully in her white and gold dress. Her golden brown hair glowing in the sunlight as she looked down from her balcony at the renewed planet. Her white wings sat drooped to the ground; something was bothering her, I knew it.

Looking down at the renewed planet, I felt sad. This new planet is beautiful enough for all of the angels to live on, but Father forbids this. He’s afraid we will rely on our new Earthly belongings and forget where we come from. Maybe it’s true, but I would love to go down to the beautiful new planet.

I couldn’t help, but notice her distress, so I asked her what’s wrong.

Hearing the sound of my father’s assistant, I simply replied with an honest answer for I am a pure spirit who doesn’t like lying.

She tells me she wants to live on this new planet, but her father forbids this. It is like her to be honest, for she doesn’t like lying. I understand her wishes because I feel the same. I tell her this and she seems so happy to hear this.

When he told me he felt the same way, I felt happy that I wasn’t the only one. I hugged him and began to cry knowing that the only way we could go down to earth is if we were banished from heaven, losing our immortality and my loyalty from my beautiful mother, father, and my dear brother.

She began to cry and I didn’t know why. “What’s wrong Ainna Fëa?”

“Brendon, do you love me more than your immortality?” I asked him, changing the subject. We’ve been in love for so long, since the beginning of time, but I just wanted to make sure all those times he told me he loved me was the truth.

I was shocked by her question, but I knew what she meant. I understand that there is the rule of thumb. You cannot live on a planet if you are an angel unless you are banished from heaven. It’s the punishment for an angel who commits petty acts such as thieving from one another, lying, or not waiting before marriage to do acts of love. “Yes.”

“I love you more than my own immortality too, Brendon.” I told him honestly while going to kiss his lips. Though we are lovers, we’re not married and cannot get married for another millennia when I am of age. This, I suppose, would be enough to get us banished to live on earth.

Her soft lips touched mine and I couldn’t believe she was doing this. I couldn’t let her be banished from heaven away from her family. Her brother, Spencer wouldn’t be happy with himself if he let his sister be banished into a painful life on earth. I pushed myself away.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, afraid that I might have done something wrong. He gave me a look as if he was torn in two. Something was bothering him.

She asked me what was wrong in a horrified tone. Ainna Fëa was afraid she did something wrong, but she didn’t. She did something right. Something I’ve always wanted her to do since she was a little girl. I replied, kissing her lips with my full ones.

Brendon kissed me back with more passion. This was something strongly forbidden, but I couldn’t help but feel more comfortable as we kissed more. Hopefully Father will not know about this, but he is God and he sees all; especially in his kingdom of Heaven.

I knew this was strictly forbidden, but this was something I couldn’t control. It’s as if I have lost all control of my pure being and it’s being replaced by something more corrupt. I couldn’t take just kissing anymore. I wanted everything.

This strange feeling ran through my body. I have lost some control of my pure being, but I must stay pure. Father can sense impurities within the kingdom. I wanted to push away, but at the same time I didn’t. I knew I had to though when Brendon began to lift up the front of my dress.

I could feel her want to push away, but I wouldn’t let her. As I lifted the dress up more and more, I knew I had to. Her father could send some of his men in here to see what is going on. He can sense impurities throughout his kingdom, and especially in his castle, by his looking glass. The door barged open as I pulled away from her.

Looking at my door, I saw my father’s greatest warriors, Gabriel and William, with my big brother. We were caught. My father knew about this and so did my big brother. Brendon and I are screwed basically.

Looking at the door, there stood Andy’s greatest warriors, Gabriel and William, with Spencer. They saw what was happening and I was more worried about what was going to happen to Ainna Fëa. She doesn’t deserve banishment; I do for not stopping it.

My big brother ordered. Spencer isn’t always so angry, but I have a feeling he’s more disappointed than anything.

I walked over to him with my eyes to the floor feeling ashamed of myself. I shouldn’t have engaged it and now they’re going to banish Brendon.

Ainna Fëa walked over to her brother ashamed as I waited for my punishment. Knowing the rules of the kingdom, I will be banished for lying and committing loving-slash-sexual acts, being sent to live on earth without her. This was my last chance and I lost it.

I couldn’t help, but feel guilty. My father is a very forgiving man and will give you as many chances to prove yourself. This was Brendon’s last chance and he blew it because of me. It’s all my fault.

“Brendon, you have lost all of your chances.” Spencer told me while protectively hugging his baby sister. This was the end of us, but I wasn’t going to let it happen.

Spencer hugged me protectively while telling Brendon the news. My dearly beloved looked angry, as if he had all of a sudden changed into some other being. Gabriel and William sensed this change as did Spencer, causing him to take me out of my room. I didn’t want to leave, so I called out to Brendon and begged my brother to let me go.

Her brother began to take her away as the two warriors walked closer to me with caution. She called out my name and begged Spencer to let her go as he took her out of her room. This angered me even more and I couldn’t handle it anymore.

All natural control left me as I began to run over to Spencer to make him let go of her, but I was caught by Gabriel and William who tried to hold me back. I could see her trying to get away from Spencer, but he then set her over her shoulder and walked away. The doors shut and I knew I couldn’t do anything about it.

Brendon ran towards me, but William and Gabriel stopped him by grabbing him by the arm. I wanted to pull away from my brother, but he’s far bigger than I am. He picked me up and placed me over his shoulder as I watched him struggle to get free. We weren’t going to ever be allowed to see each other, I know it.

As Spencer walked out of my room, my doors shut. This was the end of us, I know it. We began to walk upstairs to his room, probably to keep me out of the way of whatever my father is going to do to Brendon. I couldn’t help, but cry.

Once Spencer and Ainna Fëa were gone, William and Gabriel took me to the door and place shackles on my wrists and wings, in case I may get away. It was very smart of them because I would have tried to escape and then get my beautiful angel.
I could hear the sound of Ainna Fëa crying from upstairs. It was heartbreaking and I could feel a tear roll down my cheek.

I cried into Spencer’s chest as he sat me down on his bed.

“I’m sorry.” I sobbed out.

“Shh, it’s not your fault. He knows this was his last chance. This isn’t something to cry about, though I’m sure you’re hurt.” He told me in a comforting tone as he rubbed my shoulder, but it didn’t make me feel any better. It’s not like he knows what love is, so I kept crying.

We walked downstairs, but the sound of her crying could still be heard. I feel horrible that she’s sad, but it got me thinking, “I wouldn’t need seven chances if we were allowed to get married now. It’s been a few millions of years, why can’t we get married now?” It was no longer my fault, but Andy’s stupid rules.

Entering the throne room, Andy was sitting and speaking with his beautiful wife, Hayley. She is a beautiful woman and I could easily see where Ainna Fëa got her beauty and her height, though Andy is not so tall himself. In all honesty, I wonder where Spencer got the height from.

Hayley looked at me, giving me a very disappointed look before leaving the throne room and leaving me to face God. He had a look of disappointment and anger, but I didn’t understand what he was so angry about. Sure I lied to him by saying that I wouldn’t try to make any advances towards his daughter, but I’m the one who should be angry at him because I’m getting banished by his stupid rule.

Tears silently fell from my face as Spencer and I sat in silence. We both had completely different things on our minds. Mine was about the fate of Brendon and his was about something else. Possibly the fact that he is lonely and doesn’t experience the same love Brendon and I have for each other.

We were torn out of our thoughts when my blond haired mother came into the room. I got a mix of her and my father in me, but Spencer has claimed his dark hair and blue eyes from my father. Her grayish-green eyes looked sad as she joined us on her son’s bed.

I looked at her curiously, wondering what Brendon’s fate is as she held my hand. With her heavenly mother instincts, she knew what was on my mind and told me in a soft tone, “Brendon is going to be banished to the Underworld.” I was in shock and horror. The Underworld was the most unpleasant place in the whole entire galaxy. It’s the prison for fallen and damned angels, though none have ever been banished there before.

I began to cry, imagining the pain that Brendon is going to go through.

Andy stood up and walked over to me. It’s judgment day for me and I’ve thought about what my last plea will be.

“Brendon, you had seven chances and you were my most worthy assistant, but now you’ve lost them all. You lied to me which is the most painful of all. Why have you done this?” Andy told me in an angry tone. I understood why Ainna Fëa never liked lying…because it’s obviously painful.

“Because I love your daughter too much to wait, Andy. In all due respect, I do not understand why you make two lovers wait. We’re in love, I know you see that. I know everyone sees that.” I told him honestly.

“You are too young to understand what real love is. All you know about is lust. You do no love my daughter, you lust her. You are still too young to know what true love is.” He told me.
This enraged me and I knew it was complete bull shit.

“I’m over three billion years old! I think I understand love!” I argued angrily.

“Don’t raise your tone at me.” He said in a stern voice.

“I think I will! Your rules are stupid and completely unnecessary!” I told him straight forward.

“If you feel this way then you don’t have to obey them anymore. I am banishing you from both heaven and earth for lying, committing sexual acts before marriage, and disobeying all laws! William, Gabriel, take him to the Underworld!” Andy ordered angrily before returning to his throne.

“You think you can make your daughter forget me, but you can’t Andy! We are madly in love and you still don’t understand that we know what it is! You can’t stop us from loving each other!” I yelled as I struggled against William’s and Gabriel’s grasp.

Hearing the sound of Brendon yelling at my father, I stood up and ran out of the room with my brother and mother calling me back, but I refused to listen. I needed to see Brendon one last time. It doesn’t matter to me that he disobeyed my father because I still love him no matter what and my family doesn’t understand that.

When I reached the bottom, I heard the sound of Spencer run down behind me. I took a quick glance at my father, seeing that he had his head on his finger tips and shaking his head in disappointment. I ran towards the atrium of our castle, where I saw Brendon fighting, trying to get away from Gabriel and William.

“Brendon!” I yelled as I ran towards them. He stopped and successfully pulled himself away from the two warriors before running towards me.

Hearing my name being yelled by the pure voice of my love, I stopped and pulled away from Gabriel and William. I ran towards her as she held her arms open to hug me one last time.

I held him tight in my arms as his hands tried to find a way to put me into a hug, but the heavy shackles made it difficult. “You know I love you and I always will for all eternity.” I told him while holding him close.

Her arms held me tightly, but my shackles were making it difficult for me to hug her back.

When she told me this, I smiled and snuggled my face into her smooth light brown hair, “I know and I love you too. We’ll be together again one day, even if it takes us till the end of time to be together.” I looked into his big brown eyes to see that he was heartbroken.

She placed a cold metal in my hand before telling me to keep it safe. She kissed my cheek before looking at me with her grayish blue eyes. They were shallow and filled with sorrow. I went down to kiss her lips, but Gabriel and William took me away before I could kiss her by Spencer’s command.

He went down to kiss me, but William and Gabriel took him away before I could feel his lips on mine. Of course it was by my brother’s command and I tried to hold onto his hand as they took him away, but my brother came behind me and kept me still while they struggled to take him away.

Spencer and I stood there as they shuffled out of the castle. “Bye Brendon.” I whispered as the golden doors shut.

She tried to keep her grip on my hand, but her brother held her down to make sure she’d stay in place. William and Gabriel walked and I struggled to keep my grip on Ainna Fëa’s hand. Despite their tall and slender figures, they’re extremely strong which is the reason why they are heaven’s greatest warriors.

We exited the large castle and the golden doors closed. I swearing I’m going to get her back if it’s the last thing I do.

“Come on, little sister. Let’s go inside.” Spencer told me while guiding me towards the throne room. I willingly followed him, knowing that there’s nothing I could do now.

Walking towards the golden gates, I knew that this was going to be the last time I would set my foot in heaven, but it will not be the last time I see Ainna Fëa.

We walked in front of my father who had a look of pure disappointment on his face. I knew he was disappointed in me and Brendon, but it didn’t bother me like usual. My father’s disappointment in me doesn’t affect me anymore with my emotion of sorrow filling my body. It’s like I have become completely numb.

“Ainna Fëa, do you understand what love is?” my father asked me.

Looking down, I had an idea of love. To me love is a strong emotion that brings two people together and they connect on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, understanding each other on all level. That’s how I replied to his question.

“Well maybe you understand what love is, but Brendon did not and I forbid you from seeing him ever again.” He told me. I practically felt broken in two. How could I be forbidden from seeing him again when there is no real way we can see each other besides from my father’s looking glass.

“If I am forbidden from seeing Brendon again, then I am forbidden to fall in love. I refuse to love anyone else, but him.” I told my father in a stern tone.

“Do as you please, daughter. If you have made this decision, then you shall become pure because you will never have a chance to experience love.” He sternly said.

“Fine.” I replied before walking away, seeing the bewildered look on Spencer’s face. I do not understand why he is so shocked by my decision, but maybe it was just the determination I have for not loving anyone other than Brendon. I don’t care if I’m in love with the devil, I will always love him no matter what.

We walked towards the gates of Heaven where the hole to the Underworld waited. The circling flames that would occasionally spit out fire as we got closer and closer; but once we got to the mouth, it stopped completely. Looking down, I saw an endless pit into pure darkness.

“Sorry, Brendon, but you have to go down there.” William told me while motioning towards the hole. This was the gate to the prison for damned and fallen angels and sadly I’m the first one.

“Don’t be sorry, William. But don’t get too sympathetic. This will not be the last you’ll see of me and I can promise that.” I told him, allowing the venom to show in every word. “I’ll be with Ainna Fëa again.”

“She won’t love you anymore once you’re out of the picture.” Gabriel said while pushing me down the hole. I’ve always known Gabriel has had a feeling of affection towards her, but she doesn’t love him back and I know that she won’t love anyone else, but me. If he thinks he’ll have her while I’m gone, he’s dead wrong.

“She’ll always love me!” I yelled as I fell down the flaming hole before it closed.

The flames began to burn the feathers off of my wings and my robe. I quickly took it off, leaving my naked body to be burned, turning red. My wings began to turn leather and black. This is going to be a new beginning and I hate it.

“Are you sure you want to do this, sister?” Spencer asked me, as if I was making the biggest mistake of my life as he followed me up to my room.

“Yes, I’m positive. I know you’re my older brother and you know so much more than I do, but I love Brendon and I’m committed to him by my own personal will.” I told him before walking into my room.

“He doesn’t love you though. He just lusts for you, why don’t you see that?” Spencer asked me, causing me to stop. I turned around and looked into his eyes to see if he really believed that Brendon just lusted for me. I could see that he didn’t even believe what he was saying, which leads me to believe that the only reason why he’s saying it is because someone told him to.

“You don’t believe that, so don’t say that he does.” I told him angrily before shutting the door in his face and locking it. Crying, this was going to be a new beginning and I hate it.
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This book is definitely not one of those books where you can judge it by it's cover, but I hope you liked it. This story is dedicated to my best friend until we die, Ainna. Ainna(I-na) Fëa (Fae) means Holy Spirit in Elivish by the way...just in case anyone wanted to know. Anyways, I hope you've all enjoyed it and comment if you'd like.