Status: Planning to rewrite. Inactive until I have time

I Have a Lover in Holy/Unholy Places

Hellish and Heavenly Curruption

My first day of being pure and my first assignment is to help my father create the female human to put on earth. He wants me to make her blond like mother, but I would rather make her different and, after yesterday, I would love to defy my father at the moment. I’m angry and hurt and I just want a little revenge to show it. Instead of making her have long, strait blond hair, I’m going to make her have short, curly black hair and she’s going to have Brendon’s lips. Her name will be Katy, even though Father would rather have her name be Eve. She’s what I’ve always imagined Brendon’s and my child to look like.

“Are you ready, Ainna Fëa?” Spencer asked while sticking his head past the door.

“Yes.” I replied quietly while grabbing the materials I needed to create my human. Making a human is like making a doll.

Today is the day that Andy will place humans on the earth. I’m curious on what they’ll look like. I imagine him to make them like him and his wife, but I know Andy isn’t narcissistic enough to make them clones of him and his love. Either way, he will love these creatures as much as the angels he lives with and I plan to corrupt them so they can be with me.

Looking at the earth through the looking mirror I had found last night while building my Underworld castle, I saw that there was an empty space on a hill. A brilliant plan came into mind.

“Well this will be easy.” I thought to myself while creating a delicious looking apple tree. It will appeal to the human eye more than any of the other fruit trees. “They will disobey God to eat this fruit.”

Walking into the secret room where the looking glass was held, I saw that my father wasn’t here yet, but with Spencer with me I couldn’t use this chance to take a look in the Underworld and see how Brendon is doing. “I miss him so much.”

After placing the apple tree in the empty space, I decided to look in Heaven to see how Ainna Fëa was doing. “I miss her so much.”

Finding her in the secret room, she looked sad and empty. She was holding black hair and grey eyes along with a female doll body.

“She’s going to make a human.” I said to myself smiling, “I will defiantly have to corrupt these new creatures in order to get her doll down in Hell with me. She will be my replacement until I can see her again.”

Hearing the sound of my father enter the room, he sighed looking at my materials. I can tell he wasn’t so fond of my black hair decision, but he apparently hasn’t been so fond of any of my decisions since Brendon was banished. Especially my decision to stay pure until I’m with Brendon again and denying any relationship with Gabriel that is beyond the princess-servant level. No matter what I do he’ll be disappointed and look down upon me because I love our enemy.

“Good morning, Father.” Spencer and I said in unison.

“Good morning children.” He said in a cheerful tone.

“Are you ready to create Eve?” Father asked me while giving me a smile. Of course being God, he’s forgiving and has probably forgiven me for today’s disappointments.

“Yes, but her name is Katy. I don’t really like the name Eve.” I told him in a gentle tone, hiding my bitterness.

“Of course, name her whatever you want.” He said before creating Adam. He was going to have wavy brown hair, a baby face, and beautiful honey brown eyes. He was adorable and looked more like a Ryan to me.

I began to create my doll giving her short, curly black hair with bangs, grey eyes, and pink lips like Brendon’s. She’s beautiful. An idea came to mind as I stared at my female and I looked around to see if my brother and father were watching me closely.

When I saw that they were preoccupied with Ryan, I whispered in Katy’s ear saying, “You’ll sin. Begin to sin with Ryan and enter the Underworld. Give Brendon company. Tell Ryan to be his friend and you do as he wishes.”

“Done?” Spencer asked from behind, almost making me jump.

“Yes.” I said softly while handing him Katy.

“Thank you. You know, you should really be with Gabriel.” He suggested before walking over to Father. I do not understand why he’s now pushing me to be with him since this morning. It’s really irritating, but I know something corrupt is going on.

Watching her create the human girl, she looked a bit happier. Her eyes looked like they had some sense of hope in them, but I didn’t understand why. Ainna Fëa finished her doll, but decided to whisper in her ear.

Finding the volume button, I began to listen in, understanding where the hope in her eyes came from. I understood the fact that she still cares about me and is willing to corrupt them to give me some friends and a woman to give me pleasure. “I love her so much.” I said to myself while hugging the mirror.

Spencer came up behind her, asking if she was done before suggesting that she should date Gabriel. It angered me. He’s supposed to be my best friend, but then he goes backstabbing me by suggesting that she should date Gabriel. Something corrupt is going on, I can feel it.

Spencer handed Father my human and smiled at him before saying something to him. Things looked shifty and I didn’t like it. I have a feeling that my brother and father are hiding something from me.

They both walked out, allowing me to check on Brendon. As I tried to though, the looking glass wouldn’t let me. “Father has put a lock on the looking glass.” I said in a frustrated tone before hearing the sound of the door opening. It was Gabriel.

Rolling my eyes, I stood in silence while watching my Father show Katy and Ryan the Garden of Eden.

When Spencer and Andy left the room, she tried to see me, but she obviously couldn’t. She looked heartbroken and frustrated. It made me want to touch her and hold her close to make everything better.

Seeing Gabriel enter the room, I wanted to strangle him. If he was trying to get Ainna Fëa to be with him, he has another thing coming.

“Hello Ainna Fëa, how are you?” he asked while putting his arm comfortably around her.

She looked uncomfortable and irritated as he stood closer to her. I wanted to rein his neck with my tail for touching her.

When Gabriel put his arm around me, I wanted to move away. His touch revolted me and I could tell he really didn’t care how I felt. Deciding to make him hurt as much as I do, I replied completely honest since he wouldn’t really care.

“I’m doing horribly. I miss Brendon so much and I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t touch me right now.” I told him while taking his arm off of me and looking at Ryan and Katy who were with Father next to an unfamiliar apple tree. It was radiating a red and black glow.

“Brendon.” I whispered happily while smiling.

I smiled when I heard her answer and when she took his arm off of her. His reaction was priceless with his once laughing eyes turned angry and forming a fist with his hand away from her. She wasn’t going to let him into her heart.

“Good girl, baby. We’ll be together one day.” I said while caressing her cheek with my red finger.

She whispered my name and smiled doing so. Gabriel heard it and his face turned red with anger. His jealousy is my gain and it gave me great pleasure. Knowing that from then on she’s going to torture Gabriel with her undying love for me, I decided to check on the new humans and see if Andy was still with them.

“I’ll be back tonight.” I told her before changing my view of heaven to the view of earth. There Andy was still guiding his creations through the Garden of Eden.

“Why do you love him so much?” Gabriel asked with a hint of anger in his tone, “I mean, he’s evil now. He’s our enemy, and yet you still love him so much?”

“Silly Gabe, I love our enemy because he’s still the same man. Sure he’s in the Underworld and has become a damned angel, but we still connect in all dimensions. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically we’re connected and understand each other.” I replied while feeling his hand hit against mine. He was hinting that he wants to hold my hand, but I simply don’t want him to touch me. I just want him to go away and have Brendon take his place.

“You know, if you let me in we could probably connect the same way.” He said while grabbing my hand and lacing my fingers with his. I didn’t want his proposition, I don’t want to get to know him, and I didn’t want his fingers entwined with mine like how Brendon would hold my hand.

“Let me go!” I ordered in a cold tone. It was dark and I liked the sound of it, but despite this order he didn’t let go.

Hearing the door open, we looked to see my father and Gabriel only held my hand tighter. I was struggling to set myself free, but both my father and brother failed to see that.

“Oh well it looks like my dear daughter has changed her mind.” Father said with a smile as if it was one of the best things that could ever happen.

“No, Father, I haven’t. Gabriel is just holding my hand without my consent and forced his hand on mine.” I stated coldly while pulling my hand out of Gabriel’s. I was hoping that my father would do something worse than what he did to Brendon, but instead he doesn’t do anything, let alone scold him for basically forcing himself on me. In Heaven, thou shalt not force themselves in anyway. His smile just fades away and it made me angry.

I stormed away from Gabriel towards the door where my father and brother were standing beside.

“Ainna Fëa, what’s wrong?” Father asked as I stormed passed him. I didn’t reply, too angry to even speak. Instead I ran to my room and locked myself in there so I can cry in peace.
Heaven was being unfair. How can it be so wrong that when Brendon acts loving towards me with my consent he is banished to the Underworld, but when Gabriel holds my hand without my consent nothing happens to him? It’s ludicrous!

Seeing that Andy has finally left, the light sky turned into night before the sun was up again many minutes later. It seems that the nights are shorter because it’s the night the gates are open. Sadly, I am too far away to escape to the gates so I cannot corrupt these humans myself.

Looking at the couple, they were laying together covered in leaves under a cherry tree. The male human had wavy brown hair with honey brown eyes and a handsome body structure. He looked like what I’d always imagine our son to look like. The female woke up and began to shake the male. She reminds me of me despite her grey eyes.

“They’re our children.” I said while looking to see that the brother and sister were kissing. It was quite disgusting, but I suppose they aren’t technically brother and sister since they don’t have any biological relation. “Sin my children.”

The female stood up, helping the male and they began to play a chasing game. It was like when Ainna Fëa was younger and we’d always chase each other in the cloud fields. I smiled at their game and at the fact that they were closer to my forbidden tree.
They rested after running through the garden against my tree and talked a little bit, possibly deciding wither or not to eat from the tree, but I know that they will. Humans and earthly creatures like to disobey God.

The male grabbed two apples, one for him and one for his sister. Both taking a bite, the sky began to turn dark and lightning began to crack in the sky as a thunderstorm came upon them. They have gone against God and doomed the human race. “Perfect”
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Sorry that I updated a day late and this chapter is just a filler so that's the reason why it's so short. Thanks for reading and subscribing and keep on commenting. I like to know how everyone likes it...or doesn't like it. I don't mind the criticism.