Status: I'll be updating slow, but please feel free to voice your opinons! :D

My Worst Nightmare

Chapter 5

“Wake up sleeping beauty!” someone screamed as I awoke with a startled jump. I groaned covering my head with the blanket that was grasped in my hand. Why did he do this to me every morning on the weekend? Next thing I knew he was jumping up and down on my bed.

“Austin! Knock it off! I’m up! I’m up!” I yelled throwing the covers off, sitting up, and shoving him off my bed.

“Hey, take it easy there no need to be cranky.” he smiled with a laugh. I looked over at my nightstand to see the time. It was eight in the morning. I was going to kill that bastard. I turned my head to glare at Austin saying all in the one look I was giving him, why did you get me up at eight? What’s so important that you had wake me up this early on a weekend you asshole! And so much more that I could just keep going and going and eventually he got the message.

“Your dead!” I yelled jumping out of the bed as Austin took off out of my room and down the hallway. I chased him down the stairs and when I almost had him someone stopped me. I tried to get the arms that were around me away.

“Cool it sista!” Caleb laughed. I looked up at him and sighed.

“Why did you let him wake me up so early?!” I whined.
“We wanted to go somewhere and wanted you to tag along!” Caleb smiled.
“Yeah, so don’t kill me or I’ll haunt you when I rise from the grave!” Austin said dramatically.
“Ok, cuz that can so happen Austin.” I laughed, “So can you at least let go of me so I can go get dressed?”

“You aren’t going to attack Austin are you?” Caleb asked and I shook my head no, “Then I can!”

He let me go and that was a mistake. I ran to Austin and shoved him and then ran back upstairs yelling, “HAH!”

To be honest when they said they were planning on going somewhere I was pretty happy even if they did have to wake me up this early. I usually had nothing to do on a Saturday other then when the guys popped by to save me. I never complained because usually whatever they wanted to do was always fun.

When I finished putting a grey shirt with a vest on and shorts I slipped on flip flops. Then I looked at myself in the mirror, grabbed a brush and combed my hair again since it got messed up from putting my shirt on.

“We don’t have all day Haylee!” Austin called from downstairs. I just sighed and left my room and bent over the railing to look downstairs.

“Hold your horses! I’m still trying to process that I’m up thank you very much!” I shouted sticking my tongue out. I ran back into my room and put some mascara on and eye liner. Ever since Thursday night’s concert I actually liked what I looked like. Usually it was such a hassle, but not so much anymore. Not to mention Caleb liked it, but that didn’t really matter anymore did it?

When I was completely done I went downstairs with a big smile on my face. I said, “Now I’m ready to go!”

“Yeah? Well I don’t really feel like going anymore.” Austin sighed stretching his arms up and yawning.

“Don’t bullshit with me.” I laughed, but he just looked way to serious to think it was a joke. However all of a sudden he broke out laughing and I knew instantly he really was messing around with me.

“So we going to go or are you both just going to keep standing around here all day?” Caleb asked crossing his arms across his chest.

“Of course. I was just waiting for you Caleb.” I smiled looking at him.

“Well sorry for the hold up,” he laughed, “by the way you look nice today.”

“Oh, well,” I laughed, “thanks I guess.”

He just smiled back and we were out the door. To where? I have no clue. Also I couldn’t help but wonder if we were going to walk to our destination or drive. With who’s car? I also have no answer for that one. My crappy car was still broken down and Caleb still didn’t have his car back. That left Austin, but he didn’t have a car and I’m sure his parents used both of their cars to drive to work. (Yes they had to work even on a Saturday, but not Monday oddly.)

Outside I saw a car I did not recognize though.

“Like the new ride?” Austin shouted happily.
“New ride?” I looked at him, “This is your car? This is a nice car Austin!”

“Why thank you my parents said they would help me pay for this baby for a little bit until I had enough to pay for this and collage and what not.” he explained.

“Damn, I wish my parents did something like that for me. I hate my car.” I sighed. I looked at his new Lincoln Zypher. I was very envious. It was quiet for just a moment and then all of a sudden I yelled out at the same time as Caleb, “SHOT GUN!”

I ran for the car door, but both of us grabbed the car door handle at the same time. We looked at each other and both opened the car together. We tried to squeeze in together, but that didn’t end well what so ever. Caleb was able to plant his ass in the seat and me sprawled across his lap and over to the drivers side. I signed, “Damnit!”

“I always get what I want,” Caleb laughed. I looked at him and he winked at me as I stuck out my tongue at him.

“Well I need help getting out,” I whined, “Austin!”

Austin laughed, grabbed onto my legs, and pulled me out of the car. I screamed because I wasn’t expecting him to just yank me out like that. I hit my side and landed on the ground with a thump. Ouch. I looked at my knee and of course there was some sort of scrape.

“Austin you hurt me! Look what you did! You big fat meanie!” I shouted at him playfully. Austin came over and grabbed my knee, inspecting it.

“It’s not that bad a wuss!” he exclaimed with a laugh.
“Your still a big fat meanie,” I mumbled.
“I am not fat!” Austin gasped holding his stomach.
“Ok, fine your not a big fat meanie, but you are a meanie still!”

“Do you think we could leave now you two?” Caleb suddenly chimed in.
“Can I get a band-aid first Mr. Impatient?” I asked as he signed.
“How about I get it? I’m faster then you are anyway.”
“You know where the Band-Aids are?”
“You know it. Remember when I cut my finger with a knife last week?” I nodded. “Yeah well I still remember where you pulled them out of the vanity in the guest bathroom.”
“Fine. Stop talking and go get them!”

So he got up quickly out of the car and ran to the house. I laughed and then took his seat in the car. What a dummy. Austin looked at me and said, “That was pretty tricky of you.”

When Caleb came back out after turning the lock and closing the door he saw me in the passenger seat. I saw him sigh and with that I laughed and waved at him. He held up the big band-aid that he found and some Neosporin as well.

“I see you took my seat pretty quick,” Caleb sighed.

“Well, I always get what I want,” I replied wittily.

“Yeah, yeah whatever,” he said rolling his eyes. He then out of no where squirted some Neosporin on his hand, grabbed my knee, and put the stuff on that made my knee sting.

“Holy crap!” I shouted, “Could you give a girl a little warning before you put a huge ass glob of Neosporin on their knee?!”

“Sorry, but no. That’s not how I roll,” he laughed taking the wrapping off the Band-Aid. Then he carefully placed it on my knee and put his hand on it to press it to my knee so it would stick.

“Why thank you! There was no need for you to do that since I could have easy done that myself, but either way, thank you!” I smiled. Caleb held out his arms for a hug which I very gladly gave him, but next thing I knew he was pulling me out of the passengers seat. And again next thing I knew his bum was in the seat and not mine.

“No problem good way to repay that was to let me have this seat after all. Thanks.” he laughed.

OK LETS GO!” Austin shouted patting the roof of his car, “I am ready to get out of here! You guys are wasting time!”

“Ok, ok!” I said as I climbed into the back of the car and buckled my seat belt. Austin started the car and zoomed right out of the parking lot and sped off down the road. Boy was I glad I had a seat belt on and when I noticed Caleb suddenly grab his and put it on I couldn’t help but laugh.

To be honest the car ride was pretty long. Hitting the back on Caleb’s head board was only entertaining for a short amount of time. I also tried looking out the window and at the sky, but that got pretty boring. Also I moved onto trying to get the guys to tell me where we were headed, but they just wouldn’t cave. However, after about 45 minutes of driving we eventually pulled into a parking spot and parked.

I looked out the window as I unbuckled my seat belt and saw a big sign that read Grand Opening. Then I looked past it and saw people playing mini golf. Mini golf? Really? They got me up at 8 in the morning for this? I laid down in the back seat as Austin and Caleb opened their doors. When they looked back at me laying there they laughed.

“You got me up to play mini golf?” I whined.
“Yes! We wanted to be the first few to play damnit!” Caleb shouted getting out of his seat and closing the door. He opened my door and stated, “Don’t make me get Austin to pull you out again!”

“Ok!” I stated getting out and out of the car as Caleb closed it behind me, “I just warning you that I’m going to kick your asses.”

“I’ll take note in that, but it is me who will be doing the ass kicking.” Austin smiled as he hugged me, “Thanks for coming!”

“Well of course anything you guys do is pretty damn fun.” I laughed. We walked into this small building that was filled with all different sizes of golf clubs and at the far end of the place was a cash register to pay for a game. We headed over there and waited in a short line. I put my hand in my pocket for money when I realized I had forgotten to take money with me. I mean, after all, they didn’t tell me where we were going and hadn’t told me to bring money.

“Hey, guys?” I started as they turned to look at me, “You didn’t tell me to bring money so I don’t have any with me.”

Then before Austin or Caleb reply with an answer someone else’s voice chimed in.

“I wouldn’t mind paying for you as long as you play against me.” they said. I turned to be face to face with Jonathan. Why was I always running into this guy? I hope he wasn’t stalking me or something. I laughed at myself in my head. I was so dumb.

“Do you have a tracker on me or something? You always seem to know where I am!” I laughed as I hugged Jonathan hello since he hand opened his arms asking.

“Yeah I slipped one in your phone at the coffee shop,” he joked, “But I’m serious I’ll pay for you. No problem. You just owe me one.”

“Thanks so much Jonathan,” I smiled.

“No problem, but going to play a game with me now?”
“Uh, actually I was going to play a game with Caleb and Austin.” I motioned toward them.
“Well how about you three against my three?” he suggested motioning to his own friends, “it’s the least you can do.”

“What do you guys think?” I asked Caleb and Austin.

“I’m game I wanna see if these guys are as good on the green as they are on the stage!” Austin accepted with a smile.

“Why not?” Caleb shrugged.

“Awesome,” Jonathan smiled, “This is Kyle and Marc.”

Kyle was the guy that had nodded to me the night of the concert. I remembered him from his bleach blonde hair and he still had his highlighter yellow hat on. Marc had a lot of curly hair going on, but seemed like a pretty friendly person considering he was waving at me. So I waved back at him with a smile.

I chatted with Jonathan for a little bit while Caleb and Austin seemed to have a conversation with Kyle and Marc. However, we were then next in line and everyone paid for their own self, though Jonathan paid for me as well. I asked for a lime green golf ball and then went to pick out the right club. When everyone had gotten what they needed we hit the green!

The game got really fun and Kyle and Marc were such comedians that it was ridiculous. I could tell that Austin liked those guys a hell of a lot because he was joking around with them as well. Caleb seemed to be having a good time, but he didn’t really speak much when Jonathan was talking I noted. I found it odd since Caleb was such a social person and could make friends with just about anyone.

“Come on Hail just hit the ball already” Caleb laughed as I took my club and swung it back and forth lightly trying to concentrate.

“I will if you shut up! I’m aiming for the perfect hole in one!” I replied with a giggle.

“If you don’t hit it I’m going to tackle you and give you six points Haylee!” Kyle warned with his own soft laugh.

With that being said I hit that ball when I saw Kyle advancing closer to me. I watched as it speedily made its way toward the hole. It slowed and slowed and then plop! I was right. I got the perfect hole in one!

“Yes!” I yelled jumping up and down.

“Woo!” everyone shouted and I was engulfed into a hug with by everyone. I laughed as they let go noticing that Jonathan had been the first to give me a hug since he was the last to let go. I looked at him and smiled. My stomach swam, but I ignored it. What I felt couldn’t be what I thought it was. I only had that feeling with Caleb when he complimented me, had his arm around me, or we just had a moment together. So then why did it feel like my stomach flopped when I looked in Jonathan’s eyes as well?
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Wow I went to write and realized I had a lot written and that I so could have posted this. I'm sorry! xD Gosh I feel dumb for doing that. Like it?

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes..... I didn't go over it....

-Jagked (Sam)
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