Status: Active :)

Home Is Where the Heart Is


*Caleb's POV*

Once we made it to the club I realized that our entire band was basically underage except for Jonathon and there was no way we were getting in. I was about to point it out when Kyle handed me a fake id that actually looked kinda real. I looked around noticing how nice the club seemed for being in such a random town in Indiana.

Once we made it to the door I gave the bouncer my id, he compared my face to it before approving and letting me into the club along with the rest of the guys.

"Come on Caleb, let's go get a drink" Kyle said as he pulled me towards the bar. All the other guys went to find an empty table.

"Sounds good, bro" I agreed as I followed Kyle to the bar and ordered a beer.


A couple hours had passed and I was long past sober. I was sitting at the table drinking another beer when I noticed that Kent was making out with a girl right next to me. I was about to say something but decided against it, Kent never really gets attention from a lot of females so I decided to not be a cockblock. I was about to take another sip of my beer when I noticed the hottest thing I had seen in awhile, two girls were making out at the bar. Call me a pervert for watching but seriously, any boy would. They looked like they were getting really into it, apparently I was too because I didn't even realize the girl currently sitting on Kent lean over and try to get my attention. She finally broke my concentration when she roughly hit my shoulder.

"Huh?" I asked looking over at her.

"Stop staring at my friend, ya creep!" She joked.

"Which ones your friend?" I asked, interested if she really was talking about one of the girls.

"The one with brown hair making out with that other girl at the bar!" She yelled over the music.

"Ohh, well sorry but your friend is hot! Even if she is a lesbian!" I yelled back with a smile.

"She's not a lesbian! She's bi, duh!" She giggled. "I'm Jimmie by the way and my friend over there is Bri." She introduced before going back to making out with Kent.

I went to take another sip of my beer when I realized that it was empty. I got up and made my way to the bar, ordering another one. I was about to go sit back down when the back of my shirt was pulled by one of the girls.

"Hey you, come here" she beckoned with a smile on her face.

"Hi?" I questioned slightly nervous.

"I'm Skylar and this is Bri, have a drink with us" she purred as she pulled me down in the seat next to her.

Well, this is not how I expected my night to turn out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well Caleb sure is getting himself into trouble...
Thank you soo much for reading!
Comments? :) <3333